Annotate This

Annotated Rant could be looked at in two ways: The world's laziest blogger (although the Poor Man still owns that distinction, IMHO).
Or a bitter, bitter man who doesn't rant on a near-daily basis like some people I could name and withholds his thoughts unless he has an orgasm of rage stored up. Witness his latest, Fuck John, for instance.
How this guy could work at a worthwhile job and still have time to do the research to assemble all the hyperlinks that essentially bones John McCain is beyond me. Because there's linkage, baby. A lotta linkage, as in a fuck of a lotta linkage.
So amble on over to and I guarantee that you'll find out some real scary shit about McCain that you never knew. C'mon, you know it's true. There's so much dirt on McCain, so much blood on his hands that not one pair of eyeballs can take in all that horror.
That FuckMcCain site reads like it was written by the Rude Pundit without teh gay.
Nicholas is a great guy, just doesn't write often enough.
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