Friday, December 13, 2019

Gotham City Digest: Impeachment Day/Friday the 13th edition

(Fixed it.)

    Of all our 50 states, the one I hold in the lowest esteem is Mississippi. I lived in that pit for a mercifully brief time 30 years ago. Trust me, nothing much has changed since the Civil War and this story from 1927 in which they used black bodies as sandbags is a case in point.

    Shut up, Newt. You are a writhing pus bag of hypocrisies. The GOP passed articles of impeachment while Clinton was lighting the White House Xmas tree.

      OK, THAT could've gone better. How embarrassing is it to get owned by a fucking moron like Chuck Toddler?

      Your next nature show narrator.

       Still think either party gives a shit about you?

     This is what a decade of letting right wingers having control of the NHS has come to. This shocking story happened in Leeds, England.

       Everything this moron touches turns to dog shit. EVERYTHING.

       There's something rotten in the state of Denmark and it happens to be our ambassador (a former actress).

        The nativity scene at Claremont United Methodist church in Claremont, CA.

        Another dead kid on our watch.

        DAW Books is now accepting sci fi/fantasy mss from unagented writers. Unfortunately, I write neither sci fi or fantasy. Still, it's a good start and hopefully this'll be the start that finally evicts those predatory jackals off the playing field. But I doubt it will.

        I've loathed Republicans since Watergate but even that was nothing compared to how much I hate that party of fifth columnists now.

         Oh, I'll bet they're quivering.

        I'm always confused as to why the Dems had never seemed to draw some firepower from the cache given to them by Mueller. There were certainly clear evidence of obstruction, if nothing else.

         This is all the rabid right wing has- Racist rodeo clowns & conspiracy theories.

         Devin Nunes had a cow over Lee Fang asking him about his calls to Lev Parnas.

         These racist nut bags just can't keep their mouths shut even if it literally kills them.

         The murdered chief's name was "Lucky." Yes, Lucky.

         Looks as if Bing Crosby's not the only one dreaming of a white Christmas.

        Now I'm starting to wonder if we gave this guy Eric Swalwell a fair shake on the presidential campaign trail.

         Come on, Modi, don't go giving Donnie Dumbo any more crazy ideas.

         There are some things in life that are just too horrible to unsee.
         The Bucky Dent homer in 1978.
         Walking in on your parents having sex.
         This is another of those things.

         As Ted Cruz says these days, In for a penny, for a ruble.

        As the Democrats were revealing their two articles of impeachment, Trump was meeting with his HR manager, Russian Minister Sergei Lavrov, without the press allowed to attend, as usual.
         Think about that, folks.

       Meme intermission.

       As expected, Trump's OTHER fixer, Bill Barr, threw his own IG under the bus.

       Someday it'll all come out what Putin had on Trump. And I hope I live long enough to see it.

       Who tried to pay off Rick Gates into not cooperating with the feds? Well, let's see... Who paid off two mistresses into keeping quiet about his affairs? Let's start there.

        "Molecules of US freedom"?!

       These people plainly don't deserve another dog. In fact, these are the people I'd love to see put into cages.

        From one of my Twitter followers. Now, THESE are REAL parents, the ones who will support you no matter what. I've read probably tens of thousands of posts in the nearly 11 years I've been on Twitter and this is one of the greatest ones I've ever seen. I don't favorite tweets, ever, but I did this one.

       See, this is why we can't have nice things, like culture and cultural references, because right wing morons like Brad Parscale don't know how to use them wisely any more than Thanos did the Infinity Stones.

      Trump is ready to define "Judaism" as a fucking nationality to keep students from boycotting Israel in school. Donald Trump is undeniably the stupidest carbon-based life form in the multiverse.

        The sad part is, I can almost see Biden saying this and believing Ed Sullivan was still alive.

        "Your registered domain name and Uniform Resource Locator or your life!" doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it?

         When Trump speaks now, the REAL presidents face palm themselves.

         "So, ya know, Sergei, about that Trump Tower Moscow deal I've been waitin' on for over six years now..."
          "Yes, Donald, but first we'd like you to do us a favor, though..."

      Color me pessimistic but I have to wonder how much of this is genuine alarm at the sledgehammering our Constitution has taken under Trump and how much of it is cynical beard-stroking and an attempt to preserve the conservative brand, such as it is.
          Two facts-
         While the Democrats read their pair of impeachment articles against Trump for selling out ours and Ukraine's national security for his personal gain, he was busy dry-humping Lavrov's leg in the Oval Office (with no press being allowed, natch).
         Then hours later, he flew to Pennsylvania and called the FBI "scum" even though the DOJ's Inspector General just yesterday cleared the Bureau of any political bias or motivation in their Russia probe or FISA warrant.
          You think Russia's thoughts on our FBI would be any kinder or different?

         Horrible laws like the Baker Act in Florida are just begging to be abused from the start. 100 kids a day in FL are abducted from school under this law and sent to asylums w/o parental knowledge or consent. In several cases, underage girls were sexually assaulted because they were put in contact with pedophile male patients. One eight year-old girl in Vero Beach was ejaculated on while she slept.

           "This country is so respected. Four years ago, we were laughed at."
          I guess Donnie Dumbo forgot the time when three heads of state were laughing at him. Or when he was laughed at at the UN General Assembly last year and when he was laughed at in Brussells in 2017 at NATO's new HQ dedication.
           No, no one laughed at us four years ago, you sick, delusional screaming yam, and we are NOT respected now.

           When Putin decides he wants you dead, these are the people and tactics he uses.

          I'd wish that this drives Trump over the edge into irreversible madness but he's plainly there already.

           The more I find out about my senior senator, the less I like her.

           Why cable and network talking heads like Chuck Toddler hate Bernie Sanders.

          I used to like Cenk Uygur. Then he made the mistake of running for Katie Hill's seat. Katie Hill's no longer in Congress because of misogynists like Uyger. I'm glad Bernie withdrew his endorsement but he & his people first should've vetted Uyger better than they had.

           Don't tell me this fascist, child-molesting douchebag isn't a misogynist. Daisy Ridley recently said anyone who's sane has a problem with Trump. The screaming mouth-breathers behind him? They were the ones she'd called out.

            Ivanka was friends with Christopher Steele back in the day? Oh dear...

            It was only a matter of time before someone in this kleptocracy posing as a government would get caught up in Operation Varsity Blues.

            Fredo killed a rare sheep in Mongolia last summer and retroactively got a permit to do so even though the animal's supposedly protected under Mongolian law. And we paid for every penny of it, folks.

      I could've so easily lived the rest of my life without seeing the penis on Ted Cruz's nose.

     This is exactly the reason why we shouldn't ever BY LAW allow billionaires to get involved in politics, especially when they run for public office. This is straight up bribery.

      Another white, male Christian married man o' God, another sexual assault. Read the article and look at his and his shyster's ridiculous excuses as to why he sexually assaulted a woman on live television.

      This is the sawed off little douchebag Trump trusts more than his own 17 intelligence agencies and the FBI.

       "America First! Uh, alright, Second! Alright, Eighth, but eighth ain't bad but that's still good outta 194 countries, right? America Eighth! No, wait. Shit..."

        To anyone who saw JOKER: Remember when Arthur Fleck went home, pulled everything out of his small refrigerator then climbed inside and closed the door?
         I give you Boris fucking Johnson.

         Why insulin should be free. Not cheap, free.

         Blame the victim. That's the Amazon way.

        Why are Republicans screaming all the time? Because like a certain species of primate, they have the smallest balls.

          Medicare Advantage was always a right wing bait and switch scam from the outset. It's the first step in completely privatizing Medicare and I have .a feeling this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg.

      Accused child molester once again fixated on underage girl, film @ 11. #BeBest, #DontbeEpstein

       And as long as we're talking about scumbag pharmaceutical companies...
      "Right now, a miracle drug is being withheld from the American public that can reduce the risk of HIV transmission by more than 99%. The drug is called Truvada and when taken daily as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) can help provide almost absolute protection against the virus."
       Gilead blocked it for six years so they could squeeze billions more out of sufferers by continuing to push on them an inferior drug with harsher side effects. If the gov't gets involved, they'll pay the usual multimillion dollar bribe and that money and this headline will disappear into the memory hole, business will continue as usual, violins, fade to black, the end. And finally...

        Fat bully gets owned by cool kid again.


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