
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Pottersville Digest: Super Expanded edition

     "I mean, c'mon, y'all, who hasn't tried to finger paint the Last Supper with their own fecal matter?"

     Hanna Arendt once famously called Adolph Eichmann a "desk murderer." Now we have to add "paper terrorism" to the crime glossary.

     This election of this fool in Michigan is all we need to officially become the set of IDIOCRACY.

     "Taub admitted to raising $1.6 million in donations and using more than $1 million of the money on cigars, meals, clothes, airfare, strip clubs and escorts, among other personal uses." Oh, the Matt Gaetz sex scandals that could've been!

    Yet, these right wing morons (pardon the tautology) lap up his endorsements thinking they're as good as money. And, yeah, he's made over 100 endorsements because, as the old saying goes, talk is cheap.

    Hey, Tucker the Sucker, word of advice: Tell Vlad you'll make it extra sloppy on the backstroke. It worked for Trump.

    Your Brad o' the day.

   Ginni and Clarence "Uncle" Thomas have finally been unmasked as the treasonous, right wing Fifth Columnists they've always been. They've been proven to be directly involved in the Big Lie and even the January 6th riot.

     Is there anyone out there who's convinced Rick Scott doesn't have alien DNA in him?

    How did Einstein define insanity? Oh, yeah. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    Liz Harridan's Twitter feed is going to get a workout today.

    So explain to me again why Rick Scott is still running loose through the halls of the US Senate?

    I don't know what's more disturbing: That the police thought they were justified in railroading this poor kid, that they were that lazy or that they thought they could bribe him for the cost of a Happy Meal.

    Anyone who'd ever read It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis would see a lot of similarities between Buzz Windrip and Josh Hawley.

     From the Kremlin's three time Employee of the Month.

     Hm, jailing officials who are deemed insufficiently loyal and compliant, determined to bring about one party rule... Oh no, doesn't sound like 1930s Nazi Germany at all.

     Luntz is an idiot if he thinks his fellow Republican idiots can win both the House and Senate. After gerrymandering their districts in NY, the legislature in Albany could theoretically triple the number of the Democratic delegation in the House from 8 to 24. The GOP doesn't need Trump to ruin the midterms for them. They're perfectly capable of doing that on their own.

     Cartoon intermission.

     In order to join the "revolution" in the streets, first you have to get off the shitter.
Why don't these Republican fucks just do away with the farce and officially rename themselves the National Socialist Party? Seriously, all it needs is a rebranding.
Jesse Wattles and Pete Hogsbreath: Not two neurons to rub together.
     "A Shady App Is Tricking Trump Supporters Into Thinking They’ve Joined the True Truth Social."
Hope Greitens brought his kneepads with him. Those marble floors at Mar a Lago can be tough on the ole knees.
Amanda Marcotte knocks it out of the park with her latest.
Lock him up. Then throw away the cell.
Your Brad o' the day.
It's nice to see the news isn't all bad. Look what the PA Supreme Court just decided.
"Popular Information has uncovered evidence strongly suggesting that Conservative Brief is paying a network of large Facebook pages, including several controlled by prominent conservative political personalities, to post its content. This conduct, if it is indeed occurring, is in direct violation of Facebook's rules."
     Meanwhile, Fuckbook is busy terminating my accounts for putting up Antifa memes.

Except for blindly emulating Trump's deference to Putin, the GOP's position on this is incomprehensible.
This is exactly why a state's power infrastructure should never be in the hands of crooks like Abbot. Remember what Rahm Emanuel once famously said- "Never let a crisis go to waste." And only a greedy right wing psychopath like Abbot would pull something this despicable during a crisis.
This is the perfect synecdoche of the entire white supremacist right wing movement.
Fredo's been served. I expect he'll get sent out on that fishing boat any day now.
Let's see: It required taking time off work, making travel plans, making the trip... That seems to fall out of the sphere of "getting caught up in the moment."
Gee, a 24 year-old punk who visited the Eagle's Nest seemed like such a great fit for Congress. I can understand the appeal. And finally...
Can you spell "death cult", boys and girls?

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