Pottersville in Pictures

Three and a half years after Hurricane Katrina, emergency relief supplies at last arrive in New Orleans.

LA Dodger's left fielder Manny Ramirez suspended for 50 games not for violating MLB's non-steroid policy but for taking a drug commonly given to women.

During Holy Week in Spain, the Virgin Mary was seen weeping maple syrup. It was the first time the Virgin Mary produced any breakfast food instead of vice versa.

In a concession to the depletion of the Republican Party, Red State white supremacists vowed to make their stance a little less conspicuous.

Mark Halperin conducts an interview with former VP Dick Cheney.

Surgeon General links N1H1 virus to right wing pundit.
Of course Manny needs those wimmen-drugs! How else is he going to grow his har long enough for those dreads? (Unless they're extensions...)
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