
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Pottersville Digest

     If you're into UFOs like I am, this is the place to go for UFO-related news.

     The ironic thing here is that the shooter identifies as nonbinary.

     Once a cheat and a fraud, always a cheat and a fraud. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

     I believe in Casual Fridays as much as the next guy but this is ridiculous...

     Remind me who the REAL groomers are, again?

    Keep in mind, this is the son of a man who raped a 13 year-old girl tied up in Jeffrey Epstein's townhouse.

    But I'm sure their hearts are in the right places.

   DeSantis cares about your "individual liberties", alright, as long as you agree with him and his neofascist mindset and agenda. (A 2nd tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

  They may not have had Thanksgiving 70,000 years ago but Neanderthals had surprisingly sophisticated cooks.

     Notice the ISD never once even attempted to make an apology.
     They found a fucking human skull in a backpack. How can it NOT be a crime?!

     "I like this guy. He gets me."

     This doesn't surprise me one bit.

     Moms Demand Action and other such groups exist because of lunatics like Smithson. I mean, he bought an AR10 because the AR15 wasn't destructive enough?

     Then again, Biggs is also the lunatic who challenged McCarthy and went down in flames, so who cares what he thinks?

     Trump is obsessed with the media. It's fallacious to claim he never heard of Fuentes.

     Musk has made a lot of unforced errors in the few weeks he's owned Twitter. But two of them were 1) Twitter is a brand and ought to be treated as such and 2) you can't get away with charging people for services that have been free for close to 15 years. Charging people for promoting their content may work in the short run but people are eventually going to wake up and realize they're paying for something that should be a given on social media. And it doesn't make any sense to charge people for visibility if they're only getting access to a hostile demographic. And Twitter at this point is just turning into a bloated version of Parler. And finally...

     Looks as if Cancun Cruz will have to start brushing up on his Spanish.

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