
Saturday, March 30, 2024

Pottersville Digest

     Hey, ambulance chaser, it's hilarious that you think a cheap, cynical PR stunt by a guy who cheered on your cop-beating clients will get off on a technicality. And aren't you MAGATs always the ones letting loose with the water works when you don't get your way? Asking for 81,000,000 Biden voters.

     Regardless of all his bankruptcies, civil judgments for fraud & settlements with fraud victims, Trump never runs out of idiots who trust him. That's his superpower, his genius, to always find victims eager to sacrifice money, pride & reputations.

     Republicans really are democracy-loathing ratfuckers, aren't they? Take Kentucky, for instance...

     I can tell you exactly when the stock will go belly up: Now that Trump knows he has billions waiting for him, he'll pressure the board to change the rules for him so he can cash out now instead of waiting for six months. The board will knuckle under, give him what he demands and he'll cash out as soon as he can while the stock price is still high. The other investors will see this, and they'll sell their shares in an orgy of panic selling. The stock price will inevitably bottom out and the lower tier investors will be left with worthless stock. That's how this company will end.

     I wouldn't be so quick to pronounce this as "excitement for Biden" as it is fear of Trump. In that respect, the dynamic hasn't changed a bit since 2020 and that in itself is dispiriting. There's that and the fact that, in 2020, despite four years of the most nightmarishly dysfunctional years that anyone ever had in the WH, 6,000,000 more people voted for that umber buffoon than in 2016. That fact alone gives me cold sweats.

     Just when you think Trump can't sink to a new low, he starts working on the barrel's bottom with a diamond-tipped drill.

     Meme intermission.

     You know, I've never had the slightest use for Ken Buck, or any Republican. But this dick move that he pulled in abruptly leaving Congress had all the dickishness of a disgruntled tenant nailing shrimp shells behind a kickboard right before moving out just to get back at his slumlord. And that gets my grudging admiration.

     Don't forget, female voters make up 51% of the electorate.

    Of course, not a word from the Sociopath in Chief about McDaniels' sacrifice of her career spreading his own Never NeverLand lies about the 2020 election.

    And yet, one of the most absurd stats to come out of the last general election was that in 2020, Trump's support among Black voters was 8% whereas in 2016, it was 4%. Yes, it actually doubled.

     As Rahm Emanuel once famously said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."

     OK, if it's so cut and dry, then what are they waiting for? Break out the stainless steel jewelry.

   Oh, that's rich. The Republican assclown who wrote letters to himself was screaming for transparency.

     When is someone going to finally put this piece of shit behind bars?! Do you think any of us would get treatment this deferential? No, that deference is given to the asshole with a standing army of lunatics at his back.

     I'm surprised Trump doesn't have a fake gold tooth to put in his maw when he hawks his Bibles.

     Someone should literally ask this jackal, "When did you stop beating your wife?" And finally...

    Who gives a rat fuck what these lunatics think? This is hardly news because MAGATs are always outraged over something.

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