Hate Mail Call

This is a transcript of an actual and aptly-timed email exchange between me and an obscure Teabagging blogger who began taking me to task for enabling comment moderation. In point of fact, I've been getting bombed by spam comments that are a pain in the ass to reject and delete even with comment moderation, which is why I added the word verification to weed out the spambots (Sorry, I'll turn it off again once they get the message and are discouraged from trying.) I'm only linking to this pitiful clown in the interest of entertainment. I'd had just written him that I had every intention of keeping irritants like him moderated through comment management and this is how it continued:
--- On Thu, 4/1/10, Serr 8d wrote:
Glad to see you comply.
Question: how, exactly, do you find time to even brush your teeth when you spend all day with Obama's cock in your mouth ?
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 17:23:18 -0700
From: crawman2@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: [Welcome Back to Pottersville] New comment on Google Renames Itself "Topeka.".
How do you find the time to stalk me on my blog all day long and type venomous little screeds with your hand up the GOP's fat, pasty ass?
Can I freshen up your tea for you?
Fucking asshat...
'Stalk' you? Why should I double your readership except once a fortnight ?
If you want to sulk in private, there's an option to do so: 'Make this unreadable POS Private', then invite your umpteen half-brothers and your mom as readers.
Otherwise, quit crying, and get back to your regularly-scheduled O! knob-polishing, you Organizing for Mooching off America dirty socialist, you.
The Cutting Edge
"Fortnight"? Do people still use that word? I thought most people used the phrase "two weeks." So, do you refer to five year periods as "lustrums"?
You doubling my readership is far beyond your capabilities unless you're more obsessed with me than I thought. Yesterday alone, I got over 1200 hits and well over 1100 two days before that. Maybe not A list numbers but there are certain advantages to not being an A lister.
It's telling that you would choose to obsess over my so-called "mooching" as if I was the only guy in the blogosphere with a Paypal button (which I was asked time and again to put up) while completely ignoring my raking the Obama administration over the coals time and again, up to the point of saying that he's already permanently lost my vote in 2012 (Note the post linked on the sidebar, entitled Top Ten Reasons Why Obama Should be a One Term President.).
First off, I have good readers. Very kind and generous readers and I don't apologize for accepting their kindness in tough times. When I'm a little flush, I kick in to several blogs and support Buzzflash and Truthout (especially as Mark Karlin of Buzzflash supports and exposes my work). It's called "Paying it forward", an altruistic concept that is obviously lost on Randian cretins such as my former family and teabagging miscreants like you.
Secondly: I'm not a Socialist. The capitalistic system, in theory, is what used to pass for the American dream, the idea that every man or woman could make something of themselves, that the sky's the limit. What we're seeing, instead, is a rampantly greedy, reckless scorch-the-earth dark side of it that's destroying the planet socially, environmentally, financially, ethically, morally and politically.
And screaming meat heads like you line up in Washington, DC and elsewhere shouldering your misspelled signs so you can defend a free market system that you do not understand while screaming about a corporate bailout that you also do not understand, a corporatocracy that is bound and determined to suck you dry in as little time as possible.
But, of course, that irony is lost on fucking miserable little pinheads like you. You fancy yourselves "patriots" and either threaten or support the intimidation of elected officials because they voted on something for your own good, something else you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand.
You keep insisting this isn't a democracy but a Republic without truly understanding what each means (Hint: There are many examples of successful Democratic Republics, such as Germany before it gave in to right wingers, naming as its leader a maniac who railed against it, sort of like Republicans who profess to hate our own government). Just because our democracy guides a Republic doesn't mean that Republicans should be in charge all the time.
No, I am not a Socialist but when I look at the economic wasteland right wing zealots have made of our Democratic Republic and see what's going on in other Socialist countries such as in Latin America, I start to think, "Gee, maybe it's time to put Capitalism out to pasture and give Socialism a chance."
Under Socialism, everyone has the same level of health care and this includes countries such as France and Canada, which aren't Socialist but are also led by right wingers, in which the health care systems aren't actually Socialized.
But all this is lost on an ankle-biting maniac who thinks he can legitimize his misinformed notions on all subjects under the sun by beating up on a C list blogger in a private email exchange on April Fool's Day, of all days. You keep calling Obama a Socialist and a liberal as if those were imprecations instead of political labels.
Oh, if only Obama was a Socialist in the mold of Vermont's Bernie Sanders! This is a man who is covering for your war heroes in the Bush administration and continuing its torture policies, has just opened up expensive offshore drilling up and down the east coast, continued the largely unconditional round of corporate bailouts started under Bush, has ramped up the war in Afghanistan, still isn't close to getting us out of Iraq, made one secret sweetheart deal after another during the negotiations leading up to the abominable health care bill and still has not ended DADT or DOMA.
He is against gay marriage, pals around with homophobic right wing lunatics like Rick Warren, is keeping Gitmo open, after all, and is a glorified meat puppet of the Bilderberg Group. Think of the "liberalism" of the Obama administration as vermouth: Just as a tiny hint of vermouth gives a martini its martini flavor, we have just enough watered-down progressive reform in this administration to pass for something Democratic.
He has broken one campaign promise after another in order to appease the right wing in his Quixotic quest for bipartisanship, had recently treated teabagging lunatics like you with kid gloves and keeps coming back for more and is one more appeasement away from real liberals calling him President Rochester.
This man is the most Republican Democratic president we've had since Bill fucking Clinton and still you call him a Socialist and a "liberal." The difference between the two men is all but obvious and that one difference changes the, dare I say it, complexion of the debate.
It frightens me to think that people like you have the right to vote and your moniker, Serr 8d, only makes me realize that you are simply not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But the first amendment, the right to vote and the abstract concept of freedom, as with capitalism, has its downside.
Now go crawl back into the verbal primordial ooze that you call a blog and leave the heavy lifting to the grownups, OK, Sonny?
I like ser 8d edge but every time i get on it slows my computer down. Probably time for a new system anyway. I like your blog also but usually disagree with most of your opinions. Such is life. Keep up the interesting work.
It's really depressing that these people are so easily duped. Hopefully he does go back to his pit and leaves you alone.
Hey, we're all supposed to agree to disagree. I just ask that you come armed with some facts, if not a modicum of civility.
"President Rochester"
Haw! I wonder how many readers will even get that reference? I seriously doubt that person you wrote it to knows who Rochester is without looking it up.
"Yassa, I starts drilling right now, Mr. Benny!"
I can still hear Benny in my head, "Rochester..?"
Actually, President Rochester gives O'Same too much credit. Rochester always got over on Mr. Benny. Mr Benny usually did Rochester's housework to pay off some gambling debt.
I'm not sure how word verification is supposed to weed out Spambots. Can't they just type in the word like I just did?
No, they can't. Spambots are just malware programs. They have no cognitive functions, no eyes, no fingers. Word verification works perfectly and weeds them out from the humans. Eventually, like other mindless entities such as right wing trolls, they get discouraged and move on to other, more vulnerable sites.
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