March Ain't So Hot Either, T.S.

By now, nearly three years after I put up my Paypal button, you've all had your fill of my bellyaching about my inability to find a job and begging for donations. As Obama says to shut us up, I get it. And I'm not gonna piss and moan about how scummy temp agencies are and how they're metastasized across what's left of the manufacturing landscape that hasn't been moved overseas. Every time I do so, I think that line from Gavin Rossdale and Bush in "Come Down": "When you beg, you just complain."
This is about survival. On top of getting hit almost all at once with annual excise taxes, a large gas bill and registration renewal, what was once a (pun unintended) pipe dream of making the rent in March is now an impossibility, especially with another exhaust job on the horizon (intermediary pipe, the most expensive part of the exhaust system) and after Mrs. JP's return to Florida to see family last month.
These are just some of the economic challenges facing us in the coming weeks. I've been forced into a situation in which I had to choose between a legal car and a roof over our heads. No one should have to make that choice (for the 5 1/2 years I was at my last job, I had to make a choice between food for my family & mandated health care and food won every week). But that's the reality of this right wing serfdom into which the United States has descended.
Many of us are in this position and many are even worse off than us. Momentarily, we have a roof over our heads, the gas is still on and, thank goodness, Mrs. JP and I suffer few physical ailments despite a complete lack of health coverage. Many of us are struggling against much greater adversity.
But as I've stated before, when the chips are down, eventually our concerns turn parochial. If I alone won that huge Powerball jackpot, you can rest assured many people would be happy and none of my loved ones would live in want or worry or fear of an uncertain future. But until that day comes, I'm obliged to at least try to get some much-needed money in the coffers for the day when Mrs. JP's unemployment ceases permanently (next April, perhaps).
So whatever you guys could do would be immensely appreciated.
Doesn't the quote finish with "...bringing lilacs out of a dead land."?
JP, I can't promise anything, but I'll see if Wayne and I can do even a little to help in the next week or two. We have some big bills to pay off, too, some going back to several months ago, when we get our tax refund around the end of this month.
I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Drop by TheZoo sometime and say hi to some of your old friends. You'll get a warm welcome!
Jane E. Schneider
I've put out the word JP. Best of luck -
Thanks, Ten.
Came here by way of Tengrain at Mock, Paper, Scissors. Don't know if I can help. Check your email.
But I've been there buddy. Back in the day, drove my car for about 2 years with no insurnace because I simply couldn't afford it.
Sidenote and probably inappropriate: I think it's funny that my captcha word is "balsacks".
As Honore de Balsacks? LOL! Whatever you can do, mate. It's all good.
Donated for the cause. Here by word of mouth through Tengrain. Here's to hoping the year picks up for you and you can get back on your feet.
Just donated. Having been in your situation (and now, fortunately, out of it), I'm glad I can help a bit.
Scamp Dog from Balloon Juice
Just sent. It's tight here too this month due to a bunch of annual expenses, but hey, you never know when we might be in the same boat.
Had a few bucks in my PayPal account from an eBay return just sitting there the past few months. Hope it helps. Best of luck for a brighter future.
just sent some sheckels.......
anything for a fellow brainiac 8-)
glad i could help
Brainiac? That's even kinder than the donation! Thanks, DCap.
Can't afford money, but am willing to help in any money-saving home/possible car repair.
Am 100% disabled,CPP from trashing my b0dy in daily work, but NEVER had to call a ripof,,,a tradesman in 45 yrs of good health, and have saved unknown amounts of too hard-earned cash, which quickly went elsewhere [2 kids].
We survive on my gov pittance ssi and my dear wifes retail paycheck.
Thanks for the offer, John, but a car repair would only work if you lived within a reasonable distance from me in central MA. I also rent, which makes my landlord responsible for home repairs.
Up on Twitter. Good Juck, JP.
Thx, dude.
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