Monday, February 28, 2022

"I Don't Need a Ride. I Need More Ammunition."

(By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.) 
The lead image, courtesy of yours truly, tells a big story. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is literally taking up arms against an allegedly superior Russian invading force while Donald Trump, after seeing a handful of protesters outside the White House, fled to a bunker, no doubt with the same look of panic as when, in an eerie moment of prescient symbolism, that eagle flapped its wings at him. Then he, typically, lied about it, claiming he was only inspecting the bunker.
   What Zelenskyy is doing is a little too dangerous to pass for political or PR theater. He's doing something calculated, alright, but not in the way that all other politicians calculate. He's doing something that one only reads about in history books going back to the Middle Ages: A head of state suiting up to literally do battle with an invading force. The business suit had been replaced with an ordinary GI uniform. The climate-controlled offices have been supplanted with the frigid front lines of Kiev.
    Most importantly, what Volodymyr Zelenskyy has done is give himself a job for life, if he wants it. His very real desire to risk his life to defend his homeland, within the capital, has made him an international hero. In the tiny fraternity of heads of state, he's a rock star, William the Conqueror and Mother Teresa all rolled into one.
   Of course, President Zelenskyy is none of those things. But what he is is a head of state who passionately loves his homeland and, much more importantly, the people within it, and is willing to put his very life and legacy at great hazard to that end. One doesn't need to be a cultural icon, historical hero or quasi-sainted figure. What Zelenskyy's doing is more than good enough. 
    And the human population outside of Belarus and CPAC 2022 can easily see what a hero Zelenskyy is. Boots on the ground are the same everywhere. And when they see their leader wearing their uniform, with no rank insignia or medals, eating beside them, literally rubbing elbows with them and taking up arms with them... Well, that buys a lot of loyalty.
     With his leadership and that of his generals on the ground, they've thus far, after five brutal days, successfully repelled a force superior in numbers and weaponry, although you wouldn't know it from Russia's disastrous invasion. Russian bodies are lying on the streets and bridges of Kiev and elsewhere, twisted, smoking metal all that's left of convoys after getting hammered by Ukrainian soldiers firing Javelins at them.
     Napoleon had his Waterloo and, before that, his disastrous invasion of Russia. Now it's Putin's turn.

However, President Zelenskyy isn't the only world leader to show strong leadership on the world stage. An old foreign policy wonk from way back, President Joe Biden is almost single-handedly stitching NATO back up after the Trump years and building an international coalition of the willing that makes George W. Bush's seem anemic by comparison (which isn't saying much).
   What cruel madness Vladimir Putin is inflicting on Ukraine and, by extension, Russia, isn't unprecedented, even in this generation. But this time, nuclear weapons are theoretically in play here and even Biden isn't willing to go down that road. As well as putting his nuclear system on high alert, he's already begun staging his warheads in Belarus, one of the very few shithole ex-Soviet states left who support him, along Ukraine's northwestern border. 
     However, what Putin had done is to not only elevate Zelenskyy to a national, and world, hero, he's also revived Biden's sagging presidency. At the time I write this, President Biden is saddled with approval ratings hovering at 37%, which matches Trump at the nadir of his popularity. These abysmal numbers are not altogether for good or legitimate reasons. Republicans seem to actually be winning the war on the White House by calling Biden weak in his response to Putin's aggression while cheering on the Russian dictator in his illegal and extremely unpopular invasion.
     As President Biden prepares to make his first State of the Union Address before Congress this Tuesday, he's doing so as a beleaguered and embattled president. His domestic agenda has failed entirely because of Republican and Blue Dog obstruction (Yes, Manchin and Sinema, I'm looking right at you). Passing the John Lewis voting rights and Build Back Better bills this year are little more than a pipe dream at this point because of right wing legislative IEDs. He desperately needs at least a foreign policy victory to take with him to the SOTU.
    Putin just gave it to him. And those low poll numbers? That was conducted just before Putin's invasion began in earnest five days ago.
    And what the Russian dictator is doing, while it may not be unprecedented, is nonetheless producing historically unprecedented things, none of them good for his cause. Here's one example: After decades of almost militantly refusing to join up, Finland and Sweden are now seriously considering joining NATO while blowing off Putin's warnings about doing so. Here's another: The famously neutral nation of Switzerland is freezing Russian assets. If that doesn't point to the seriousness of Putin's actions, after remaining neutral during Hitler's invasion of Europe, nothing will.
     Biden's no cop but he is a helluva recruiter.

The Яepublican Caucus
Trump's meeting with Putin was the most disastrous meeting between a Russian leader and US president since Kennedy met with Khrushchev in East Germany in 1961. When the two emerged to meet the press in Helsinki after a super secret two hour meeting, Trump's umber-faced demeanor and slouch next to Putin's loosey-goosey grin and body English only required a spiked dog collar around Trump's neck to complete the humiliating tableau. That was the job performance evaluation summit in which Trump, obviously under orders, sided with Putin over his own intelligence community regarding Putin's interference in the 2016 election.
   As shocking as that was then, that attitude is now mainstream in the Republican Party. How mainstream?
    Matt Schlapp's usual hate and bile-fest, aka CPAC, concluded last night, only this year it was different. This time around, it was a Groundhog's Day version of Victory Day, the Soviet-era holiday celebrating the end of the Great Patriotic War. Indeed, add a few hundred more square feet to the hotel's ballroom and one would've had a serviceable substitute for Red Square on May 9th.
    The day after calling Putin a "genius" for declaring independence he never had a right to grant on two Ukrainian regions (Donetsk and Luhansk), Trump slouched toward CPAC to reiterate his effusive praise for his lord and master by calling him "smart" while pivoting in his usual incoherent manner by also saying that Putin's failed invasion that made him so smart was something that was still bad and was all Biden's fault.
    Obviously, Putin's orange cockholster wasn't the only one to sing his praises at CPAC. But Trump, still widely seen as the frontrunner for the 2024 GOP nomination, still had the most noteworthy comments because he essentially promised more of the same pro-Soviet cocksuckery that we had to endure from 2017-2021. And the Soviet imagery isn't liberal agitprop on my part, either.
    Putin unambiguously has said that he wants to bring back the old USSR, the regime that made him. Right around the time the invasion started, he praised Lenin and Stalin and gave them credit for "creating" Ukraine. Earlier, he said the fall of the USSR was the greatest tragedy in the 20th century. That was behind his failed attempt to "annex" Ukraine in 2014 and settling for Crimea. It was a stunt that got him kicked out of the G8 and invited crippling sanctions.
    And, as stated in a previous post, Putin simply thinks of Ukraine as his personal back yard, that Ukrainian notions of sovereignty and identity are quaint and charming at best, treasonous at worst. So, essentially, Putin's trying to reassemble the Soviet Union and the smart money says he won't stop at Ukraine. And the party that was stridently anti-Soviet from the end of the second World War until Trump is now cheering him on.
   We need to remember who was on whose side at this moment in history and to not let these Republicans who are currently singing Putin paeans recalibrate or let their plaudits fall into the memory hole. We need to remember what character and leadership looks like. And they look like the Ukrainian president in ordinary fatigues and the American president midwifing a rock-solid international alliance standing up to a bully with nuclear weapons.
    And when Trump starts stumping for legal immunity next year, we also need remember that he's cheering on a tyrant for invading a capital city, something he can only fantasize about in his Adderall fever dreams.

Pottersville Digest: Expanded edition

    Matt Gaetz (R-Mann Act): "The Judiciary Committee should stop the DOJ from targeting political opponents whether they are parents, whether they are falsely labeled as extremists, or whether they are lawmakers engaged in the oversight of the DOJ."
     Something a completely innocent guy would say.

     Coming up after the break: Capitol Hillbilly Elegy.
     Man, this bloated asshole's really the Pirandello of Projection, isn't he?
     Keep telling yourself that, cheesebreath.
    "After Barr offered his resignation instead, the former AG claims the former president flew off the handle, started pounding the desk while yelling at him, 'Accepted! Leave and don’t go back to your office. You are done right now. Go home!'"
     Typical mob boss boiler room operation.

     Cotton's theme song should be, "Torn Between Two Tyrants".
     The very fact that they went apeshit over Adam Kinzinger and especially Liz Cheney (repeatedly) for enforcing the Constitution while pointedly remaining silent about MTG's countless lunacies tells you all you need to know about the latter-day GOP.
     Over "aggressive statements"?! Sounds as if someone's permanently gone 'round the bend.
     I hate to agree with my ex-governor on anything but I have to agree with Romney that MTG is simply a moron.
   "They were invited to Youngkin's election night watch party in November, and when he won, the mothers said, they danced, cried and received a 'giant bear hug' from the new governor-elect."
    Did Youngkin have bear sex with them after the bear hug?

    Has anyone else noted that, for once, Trump didn't close out the CPAC circus?
    Liberated from what? Affordable, accessible health care? Labatt beer? William Shatner?
    So, over a half a million people are waiting to get in while they're creating sock puppet accounts. This will end well...
     Meme intermission.

    "Crack's not really my thing." (Crickets and tumbleweeds from the crowd at the end.) Yeah, sure, Fredo, save it for your sponsor.
    "Today (January 24), people who are earning $1 million in 2022 stop contributing to Social Security. Those who are earning $2 million stopped contributing in January. Those earning $500,000 will stop contributing this spring."
     This is Social Security's dirty little secret. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

    For the first time ever, guns have become the leading cause of death in the US. (A second tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)
     This is one of the very few hilarious moments that have come out of the illegal Ukraine invasion. Putin's spy chief says the quiet part out loud and announces the propaganda campaign about making Donetsk and Lunhansk Russian states before Putin was ready to officially catapult the propaganda. He literally tells his spy chief to shut up and sit down. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Stan the Man Banos.)

    Marjorie Taylor-Greene denouncing "treasonous fellow Georgians" in 3... 2... 1...
    So, Nicolle Wallace invaded a sovereign nation and murdered its citizens, Sloppy Steve? Wow, I didn't know the old gal had it in her.
    Judith Miller? That's one name I could gone the rest of my life without hearing again. Why are we giving that disgraced propagandist air time, even on Fox?
    "Oh, look! The silverback's jerking off and flinging his shit again!" (Cell phones appear.)
    Wasn't this the Aryan asshole who wanted to start up an Anglo Saxon Caucus? Why, yes. Yes, she is.
    Rahm Emanuel once famously said, "Never let a crisis go to waste." Of course, one needs an actual crisis to exploit.
     Before Republicans turn on Putin, and they will eventually, we should remember how they praised him.
    Well, I believe they will recklessly escalate. The press is already reporting that Putin's staging his nukes in Belarus on Ukraine's northwest border. If you're a citizen of that country, that's a little too close for comfort to be firing nukes, even if they're low-yield ones.
     I am so proud of these Ukrainians right now.
    This is an excellent op-ed by Philly's Dick Polman.
    Something snapped in the little guy's brain and this will end very badly for someone. And I just hope it's only him. And finally...
    I was actually wondering this morning when Chris Christie was going to weigh in on this and what he'd say. And he reacted exactly the way I predicted he would- with scorn.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Pottersville Digest

(Is Kismet, Comrade.)
    "Over time, exerting this kind of power can lead an autocrat to believe his own propaganda and act on his worst impulses, leading not just to the destruction of his foreign enemies, but to destabilizing situations at home that can jeopardize his rule."
     Ben-Ghiat could be speaking about Trump here.

    Oh, this will end well. 🙄

   Please, dear man, keep talking, since your last involvement in GA politics worked out so spectacularly well.

     It's not looking good in Ukraine, but it's the Russian Army getting hammered.

     Wow, there's a fucking shock.

    As expected, Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Also as expected, white southern Republicans are reaching for the rope.

     I'd be amazed that so many right wingers fall for the "free speech zone" comeon if it wasn't for the fact they're dumber than a bag of dildos. Seriously, Parler said the same thing, Gettr said the same thing, Telegram said the same thing as part of their siren song then people started getting banned and censored immediately. You'll be amazed how quickly the rules change in this right wing bait-and-switch scheme when corporate shareholders are involved.

     Spoken like a true white nationalist.

     "I proudly objected on January 6th! I would object again today because I know for a fact there was so much wrong in that election and I believe it was stolen. Do I know how? No, I don’t know how."
     'Cuz facts are for lib'rul nerds and other book learnin' types.

     "I am prepared to stare down the barrel of tyranny to receive the bullet of freedom."
     I'm a man of little faith. Prove it.

     Anonymous, are you listening? (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

     It's not going well for Ukraine but the going is at least as bad for Russia.

    The protests against Russia are global. Except for a small handful of ex Soviet shithole dictatorships like Belarus, Putin is completely isolated.

    Not a good look for MTG. But then again, nothing is.

    This bellowing peckerhead is no better than an extra in Idiocracy.

     Got to keep those shareholders from getting pissed off.

    I get what Lucian Truscott IV is saying here and we should take him up on some of his initiatives. Yet I don't think he's completely thought out the geopolitical and economic fallout that would result from some of his suggestions. And finally...

    Right wingers really do live in an alternate dimension.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Pottersville Digest

     Who says there isn't shit on TV? Seriously, if this is all the Democrats have, we are doomed. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

     Hey, Elise, your boy Trump set the stage for this.

     It's difficult to feel any sympathy for a kid who murdered four of his classmates. Lots of adolescents are emotionally roiled. Very few of them shoot up their schools. The parents on the other hand? No sympathy whatsoever. Throw the whole law library at them.

    And what'll we do about it? Absolutely nothing. Because we're a nation of laws... but only for the little people (and not rioters).

     Why don't they just pay him in roubles?

    I'd pay anything to be able to turn on those mobile crematoriums as long as Putin and Trump were alive inside them.

    One more dead Nazi. Hey, it's a start. (Another tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

     Oh, I like this girl. If I had a daughter, this is exactly how I'd raise her. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, Stan the Man Banos)

     A little primer on Ukrainian and Russian history.

     Even the crimson red Texas Senate refused to pass anti trans bill 1646. So Greg Abbott did an end run around the will of the people and signed an executive order mirroring the bill.

    Russian lunatic threatens to drop the ISS on the US despite the fact there are currently half a dozen people on it.

     Rachel Maddow came back from her six week-long hiatus to weigh in on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Here's a sample:
     "(O)utside of the fairy tale books, he also just cannot let any country near him work. Work in a way that may indicate to the Russian people that they too ought to expect their country and their government to work for them. He needs his neighboring countries to be dependent on him, to be corrupt, and to be fundamentally disappointing to their people."

    The good news is that Inhofe is finally retiring. The bad news is that it's an open Senate seat we have no chance of winning.

     It's difficult to make a case for war when your spokesman's daughter is decrying that war on social media.
    There's only one reason why Trump would do this- To deny the Biden administration access to them. He was trying to cripple the administration just to be a total asshole.
    This asshole should've gotten a lot more than two and a half months in prison. He tried to sell Pelosi's podium on eBay for over $100,000.
    "Biden is completely fucking up this Ukraine situation!"
    "What would you do differently?"

    As usual, if you put enough right wingers together in a tight environment, they will start eating each other like the self-eating snake of the Set cult. Witness this exchange at the CPAC Nazi hate rally in Orlando. And finally....
    Typical right wing aversion to accountability. You know who this clown voted for in the last two elections.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Incest in the Name of Jebus

 (By Cyril Blubberpuss, Conservative-American)
Dear Apostle Jim (
I have heard in the liberal media your recent travails regarding your niece tattling on you and your under-apostles and the equally Socialist liberal Athens mob who seem to have a problem with your good ministry.
    It is truly a sorry state of affairs in this increasingly de-enlightned age when a young woman shows ingratitude toward kith and kin and eschews the fraternal love freely bestowed upon her by her own brothers.
     Granted, in the spirit of honesty, I must admit that my brother Cecil, my daughter Bertha and I are not as religious as we could be (We have made, however, something of a God in the Almighty Dollar, if that passes muster with you).
     Lord knows, it has been tough being a single parent to Bertha since my ex-wife Gladys ran off screaming into the streets of Manhattan during one particular role-playing night with yours truly. The last I heard, she'd fallen in with some hippie commune in Bisbee, Arizona selling tiny figurines made of ear wax and belly button lint on one of the roads out of town.
     It has also been tough being a big brother to my baby brother, Cecil since our father Ambrose's death some 30 years ago. Both have certain... eccentricities in their characters that others outside the family do not take the time to learn to cherish. Bertha, for instance, seems to terrorize our maid Rosita by blasting kd lang and Melissa Etheridge music and staring down at her from the top of the stairs while curling 80 pound dumbbells.
     As for Cecil, well, he's had his share of run-ins with the law, especially 31 years ago when he ran, the first live sex chat room in internet history. Since getting out of Rikers Island 13 years ago, the poor boy hasn't had the heart to follow the family business in the financial sector, preferring to spend his time watching every video Youtube has to offer of the Vienna Boy's choir and middle school wrestling meets.
     Still, the boy's getting a healthy dose of religion by watching those Vienna Boy's Choir videos. Myself, I am sufficiently lacking as the closest I've had to spiritual guidance were the fine bean-counters at Mazars who, as with my buddy Donald Trump, another man of God, dropped me as a client over some alleged claim of money laundering using male bordellos in Mexico and Slovenia (a brilliant idea of Cecil's, I must admit).
     At any rate, Apostle Jim, I tell you all this to let you know that, while I may be spiritually deficient, I am very rich in terms of money and I vow to help you with your legal fund in any way that I can, provided we can come to some agreement whereby I get to write it off as a tax deduction. Yet, as piously pecunious though I may be, I want to hold up my own family as an example that my baby girl and kid brother have never shown the ingratitude that your niece had. Neither Cecil nor Bertha have had any desire to leave my opulent home on 5th Avenue (although we did have a close call in 2009 when I had to body tackle Bertha to keep her from fleeing to the Klondike after watching AMC's one season of Lady Ice Road Truckers of Alaska).
     There is nothing more important than family and, more importantly, keeping it in the family whether you're talking about money or brotherly semen. It was also a shame to see your sheriff friend go down for trying to ensure your church's discretion in the wake of your niece's treachery.
     Anyway, Apostle Jim, let me know if you require further assistance besides the legal fund I am prepared to disburse your way. Matt Gaetz emailed me tonight to suggest my asking you if you accept Venmo and if there are any young ladies about "16sh" left in your parish who require a Sugar Daddy, as he playfully refers to himself.

Cyril Blubberpuss, Conservative-American

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Kiev Chickens

(By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari)
"I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful. I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. ... We could use that on our southern border." -Donald Trump, 2/23/22
The Republican Party is split into two factions regarding Russia: One sect is screaming about Putin invading Ukraine today. The other is loudly cheering on Putin and totally forgetting that Ukraine is an ally. The only thing they can seem to agree on is, come whatever may, it's all Joe Biden's fault.
    One hardly needs a scorecard to see who's on whose side. All one needs is access to Russian state TV, starting with RT. The ones who are firmly on Putin's side and waving red, white and blue foam rubber fingers over the invasion consist of Tucker Carlson, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and, of course, Donald Trump.
    The slightly less batshit Republicans, the establishment ones, are harrumphing and waggling their fingers in lieu of actual sabres, are against the invasion but, of course, it's Joe Biden's fault. Biden, meanwhile, is stammering about sanctions (that President Zelensky rightly said won't do Ukraine a fucking bit of good once the invasion starts) and promising the G7 will follow suit. Of course, economic sanctions that will take months or even years to make their effect felt will not do a bit of good to the dead Ukrainians who have already died and will die.
    But, really, the last three administrations, including the current one, are all to blame for the clusterfuck going on in the Donbass and beyond. Obama gave aid to Ukraine the last time they were invaded in 2014 (when Ukraine lost the Crimean peninsula) but it was humanitarian aid only. Trump, of course, did nothing to oppose Putin lest he miss out on the Kremlin's Employee of the Month. In fact, he got impeached for trying to withhold over $300,000,000 in military aid as a bargaining chip in exchange for Zelenski announcing on CNN an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden.
     Then there's the Biden administration and its mealy-mouthed threats of economic sanctions that Putin now no longer cares so much about as much as he and his stooges had during the Trump years. Instead, in keeping with Russian dictators going back nearly a century to Stalin, Putin is obsessed with taking back Ukraine, Europe's largest nation, and beating the Ukrainian people like the red-headed stepchildren of Eastern Europe.
     Putin, like a lot of other hardliners in Russia, feel the Ukraine rightfully belongs to Russia and that Ukrainians have no legitimate claim to a national identity despite the fact they're officially a sovereign nation and speak their own language. But post-Soviet holdovers like Putin, a former KGB agent, hold such quaint notions with undisguised contempt.

Comrade Carlson
"Very shrewd, very capable. I have enormous respect for him .. he is very savvy." -Mike Pompeo
Meanwhile, during these rapidly unfolding developments in Ukraine, we've seen and heard things from our own that are like something out of a dark Paddy Chayefsky political comedy. And it would be darkly comic if real people weren't losing their lives even as I write this. If anything, the Republicans have been spectacularly incoherent since before the invasion and even CNN is contributing to the lunacy.
    Last night on Laura Ingraham's show, we heard Trump babbling about an American amphibious landing in Ukraine and lambasting the current administration about letting out that top secret tidbit. Ingraham had to correct him and say it was the Russians who were rumored to have carried out the amphibious invasion before he began mumbling, again, about the southern border. Then this morning we were treated to a screengrab from Russian State TV showing a Tucker Carlson monologue about Putin broadcast in its entirety and subtitled in Russian.
     To add an extra fillip of insanity to the mix, some genius at CNN thought it would be a great idea to place an ad from Applebee's during a somber moment showing air raid sirens going off across Kiev, a moment that will live, or should live, in infamy as the most stereotypically, tragically and hideously American moment in US television history. Yes, some shit-headed technical director who'd somehow cadged a degree in television communications thought it would be a corker of an idea to supplant the site of Kiev under siege with a commercial literally nine times the size of the inset of the live feed and to even mute the air raid sirens with the audio loudly telling us about the five chicken wings for a dollar with the purchase of a burger, complete with a redneck's wiggling ass, in triplicate.
     Unfortunately, these weren't the only chickens in connection with Kiev.
     So you have Tucker verbally fellating Putin long distance and claiming it's unAmerican to hate him since he's really such a nice guy who never poisons, imprisons or defenestrates his enemies while calling Justin Trudeau a "tyrant". We have Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy blaming Biden for his appeasement of Putin, not altogether without just cause.
    And, as usual for the past year or so, almost the only Republican on Capitol Hill who makes sense and sees the situation in Ukraine the way it is and knows precisely where to squarely lay the blame is Liz Cheney, of all people.
    But outside of Cheney and a handful of other establishment Republicans, the Usual Suspects, let's call them, have been bloviating about hoew righteous Putin's invasion is, perhaps knowing that doing so on American TV will eventually land on Russian State TV and further expose them to an international viewership. The only thing they can seem to decide on is that it's the Democrat's fault. But in reality, the parroting of Russian propaganda by feckless, chickenhawk Republicans is what helped set this bloody invasion of Ukraine in motion by giving the Russian people, and the Ukrainians, the false sheen of global consensus.

Pottersville Digest

     Wow, this is low, even for Mango Mussolini.
     "Law enforcement for Zeldin." I agree wholeheartedly.
     Another example of the Animal Kingdom outsmarting scientists.
     I hope they give her nothing but food loaded with gluten at the lockup.
     Oh, you know this crook's a Republican. Most cops are but we've seen time and again, when you put right wingers within grasp of large amounts of money, this will happen, every single time.
    Oh, impeach this motherfucker. He's been in office for seven weeks and he's already throwing in the towel? He's got the backing and resources of the New York State AG behind him and he's giving up because the case is too hard to make? Impeach him, now, for dereliction of duty.
     Professional bleacher bum MTG says Georgia ended racism (and without Jewish space lasers).
    An amateur pornographer, a crook and a rotting corpse. Just another election cycle in Texas.
    Time to dust off those T words: Terrorists, traitors and Trump supporters.
    I'm amazed that he didn't try to claim that he actually said, "Chew them down." You know that that crossed his mind.
     Meme intermission.

     Trump in 1935: "Adolph, he's a guy I can make a deal with. Much better deal than that Chamberlain deal. The Poles, they better get with the program, I dunno..."
     Moe, Larry, cheese!
     As in, "Hell hath no fury like..."
     Trump in 1935: "Adolph, he's a guy I can make a deal with. Much better deal than that Chamberlain deal. The Poles, they better get with the program, I dunno..."
      We may finally be turning the corner on COVID... MAYBE.
     Jesus Christ, who made this moron Commander in Chief for four years?
     Bottom line: The housekeeping staff at Mar a Lago had more access to top secret documents than the National Archives. Let that sink in for a moment.

     Republicans are as much to blame for this illegal invasion as anyone else. Russian state media put out Trump's, Cruz's, Carlson's and Hawley's idiotic statements of support for Putin, and they're as equally complicit as the state propagandists. And finally...

     Applebee's: Come for the wings, stay for the destroyed nuclear waste sites!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Pottersville Digest: Super Expanded edition

     "I mean, c'mon, y'all, who hasn't tried to finger paint the Last Supper with their own fecal matter?"

     Hanna Arendt once famously called Adolph Eichmann a "desk murderer." Now we have to add "paper terrorism" to the crime glossary.

     This election of this fool in Michigan is all we need to officially become the set of IDIOCRACY.

     "Taub admitted to raising $1.6 million in donations and using more than $1 million of the money on cigars, meals, clothes, airfare, strip clubs and escorts, among other personal uses." Oh, the Matt Gaetz sex scandals that could've been!

    Yet, these right wing morons (pardon the tautology) lap up his endorsements thinking they're as good as money. And, yeah, he's made over 100 endorsements because, as the old saying goes, talk is cheap.

    Hey, Tucker the Sucker, word of advice: Tell Vlad you'll make it extra sloppy on the backstroke. It worked for Trump.

    Your Brad o' the day.

   Ginni and Clarence "Uncle" Thomas have finally been unmasked as the treasonous, right wing Fifth Columnists they've always been. They've been proven to be directly involved in the Big Lie and even the January 6th riot.

     Is there anyone out there who's convinced Rick Scott doesn't have alien DNA in him?

    How did Einstein define insanity? Oh, yeah. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    Liz Harridan's Twitter feed is going to get a workout today.

    So explain to me again why Rick Scott is still running loose through the halls of the US Senate?

    I don't know what's more disturbing: That the police thought they were justified in railroading this poor kid, that they were that lazy or that they thought they could bribe him for the cost of a Happy Meal.

    Anyone who'd ever read It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis would see a lot of similarities between Buzz Windrip and Josh Hawley.

     From the Kremlin's three time Employee of the Month.

     Hm, jailing officials who are deemed insufficiently loyal and compliant, determined to bring about one party rule... Oh no, doesn't sound like 1930s Nazi Germany at all.

     Luntz is an idiot if he thinks his fellow Republican idiots can win both the House and Senate. After gerrymandering their districts in NY, the legislature in Albany could theoretically triple the number of the Democratic delegation in the House from 8 to 24. The GOP doesn't need Trump to ruin the midterms for them. They're perfectly capable of doing that on their own.

     Cartoon intermission.

     In order to join the "revolution" in the streets, first you have to get off the shitter.
Why don't these Republican fucks just do away with the farce and officially rename themselves the National Socialist Party? Seriously, all it needs is a rebranding.
Jesse Wattles and Pete Hogsbreath: Not two neurons to rub together.
     "A Shady App Is Tricking Trump Supporters Into Thinking They’ve Joined the True Truth Social."
Hope Greitens brought his kneepads with him. Those marble floors at Mar a Lago can be tough on the ole knees.
Amanda Marcotte knocks it out of the park with her latest.
Lock him up. Then throw away the cell.
Your Brad o' the day.
It's nice to see the news isn't all bad. Look what the PA Supreme Court just decided.
"Popular Information has uncovered evidence strongly suggesting that Conservative Brief is paying a network of large Facebook pages, including several controlled by prominent conservative political personalities, to post its content. This conduct, if it is indeed occurring, is in direct violation of Facebook's rules."
     Meanwhile, Fuckbook is busy terminating my accounts for putting up Antifa memes.

Except for blindly emulating Trump's deference to Putin, the GOP's position on this is incomprehensible.
This is exactly why a state's power infrastructure should never be in the hands of crooks like Abbot. Remember what Rahm Emanuel once famously said- "Never let a crisis go to waste." And only a greedy right wing psychopath like Abbot would pull something this despicable during a crisis.
This is the perfect synecdoche of the entire white supremacist right wing movement.
Fredo's been served. I expect he'll get sent out on that fishing boat any day now.
Let's see: It required taking time off work, making travel plans, making the trip... That seems to fall out of the sphere of "getting caught up in the moment."
Gee, a 24 year-old punk who visited the Eagle's Nest seemed like such a great fit for Congress. I can understand the appeal. And finally...
Can you spell "death cult", boys and girls?

KindleindaWind, my writing blog.

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