Saturday, April 30, 2022

Pottersville Digest

     Don't flatter yourself, you Dollar Store DeClerk.
    If you're a scumbag mob boss like Trump is, the last person in the world you'll want to piss off is your former fixer.
     And this racist asshole thought this stunt would curry favor with other white racists... how?
   These weekend seditionists have as much backbone as a microwaved Gummi worm.
     "Cordel. Why don't you throw him in? You can always say I did it." "Cordel? Cordel!?"
     Too bad. So sad. Not.
     This woman is a joke and a shameful avatar of what's already a shameful profession. So, please. Let her talk some more.
     "Run for Congress," that same voice said. "I'll give you lots of important committee assignments and you'll one day be universally beloved and become Speaker of the House." I'm guessing most of her cardio work comes from dodging the nice lady with the little paper cup.
     Cartoon intermission.

    We should all tell our daughters- Do not ever get physically close to Republicans. The risk simply isn't worth it. I hope this young lady recovers from this vilest of violations.
    Maybe he should've drawn on a weather map with a Sharpie to show the storms weren't going to hit Nebraska.
    So, this is the stable genius who shot to the top of the polls, huh? Ohio, check your drinking water.
    White privilege reigns supreme again.
     Just another rich, entitled, white old asshole. No wonder Trump endorsed him.
    This is great news but there are so many Ukrainian villages, towns and cities to take back. And finally...

    Who the hell do these right wing fascists think they are? That criminal is lucky he's not rotting away in prison himself right now.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Pottersville Digest

     "Why is Perdue 27 points down on Kemp?!" Two words- DP Ameritrade.
    "By the way, we're calling Cinco De Mayo the Fifth of May for white people who don't speak Mexican."
      I love the way this woman thinks. Turn the tables on the bastards and see how they like it.
     "Their confrontation grew so heated that at least one onlooker feared the Greene-Boebert back-and-forth might escalate beyond the verbal cage match had another board member not stepped in to de-escalate."
     They're Nazis. It's in their nature to eat each other.

     So, Biden is more pissed at Warren and Sanders for threatening what he's got instead of right wing obstructionists like Manchin and Sinema. Goes to show you where his priorities are at.
     "It really is a pretty vocal minority that is hyper-focused on parental rights and decisions around curriculum." In other words, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
     Tim Miller may be a right winger, but I love how he writes.
     "Cooper told Trump he was worried about the delegates who would celebrate Trump’s renomination, many of whom were older, almost all of whom would travel from other parts of the country to come together.
     'Aren’t you worried about them, particularly?' Cooper asked Trump.
     'No, no, I’m not,' Trump replied."
     Spoken like a true sociopath.

     Racism in police departments is now officially institutionalized.
     So I guess the Philly Police are only good for looking for murder victims and not those who killed them.
     Tried of winning yet, Donnie Dumbo?
     How are these overgrown infants getting elected to public office?
     The fat, hairy dominoes are falling one by one. One down, nine to go.
     Male staff member plays with male's stiff member. XXX film at 11.
     Why would anyone give that fat, sweaty, screaming fuck a million bucks in cryptocurrency five days after he filed for bankruptcy?
    It's nice to know Kansas isn't completely insane.
    Oh, I'm sorry. Are you triggered, too?

     And finally...

     “You can’t make this shit up,” That's why we have people like Trump.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Pottersville Digest

     Musk buying Twitter is such horrible news, even its executives are crying about it. Musk will tank Twitter and I hope he succeeds.
     Investigating her for what? Doing her job as a reporter?
     Well, if you see Bragg tooling around Manhattan in a Bentley, you'll know why.
     "Go fuck yourself." That's the classy Trump way.
     The Art of the Deal.
    So, the woman who's paranoid about being thrown in prison is calling for people to be thrown in prison?
     Just think about the money the Wisconsin GOP is spending on breath mints and mouth wash.
     I don't give a shit how old she is. Lock. Her. Up. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)
     There is absolutely no excuse for this racist indifference. None.
     When the tomatoes start flying, Trump dispatches his Gazpacho Police?
    So, in short, the conspiracy theorists are trying to prove the electoral system was breached by breaching the electoral system?
     Andrew's polling in low single digits. Just another white is black, up is down, water is dry day in MAGAville.
     God help them but they're not very smart, are they?
     "Inferiority complex"? Your niece Mary would call that "projection".
     Jim Acosta's a liar?! This is projection on anabolic steroids.

    This lunatic is past Dr. Strangelove territory.
    Who carries caustic drain cleaner in an aluminum container? Someone prepared to use it, that's who. And finally...

    Is there any way we can force MTG to submit to a CT scan of what passes for her brain?

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Pottersville Digest

     God, how much more Gothic can you get?
     "At the risk of verbally sinking to their crude level, DeSantis seems to be 'grooming' Florida’s kids ... to be stupid." -Will Bunch.
     Oh, yeah. Perfectly natural for a 60 year-guy to drive three hours out of his way to buy candy for an 11 year-old girl so he could massage her. You know this guy's a Republican.
     The inmates haven't just taken over the asylum. They're also the administrators, board of governors and the shareholders.
     If you've ever wondered what text messages between Nazi Party leaders would've been like once the Red Army breached Berlin, wonder no more.
     Looks as if I left Twitter at just the right time.
     Texas needs to stop acting as if it's a sovereign banana republic.
     "No, I'm not going back to her. I'm so over her. I've moved on. By the way, is she dating anyone else, do you know?"
     This is some serious end of empire shit.
     And yet, he gave him fake credibility by voting to exonerate him after the impeachment trial. Real profile in courage, that Moscow Mitch.
     Crooks, cowards and liars, every fucking one of them.
     So, burglary and home invasion are now capital offenses? And people wonder why I say the south will never rise again.
     Maybe Maddie should've hidden his gun in his lingerie.
     You sure sound awfully fired up for someone who doesn't care what Rove has to say.
     Will someone please tell this fucking moron that Ukraine's been a sovereign nation for thirty years?
     First Amendment? What is this First Amendment of which you speak, stranger?
     The Boston Police's IA division sustained the pedophilia allegations yet this creep was allowed to stay on the force and then ascend to the head of one of Boston's three police unions. This takes "backing the blue" to a whole 'nuther level. I sincerely hope they put Patrick Rose in general population. And finally...

     A sports bar?! Man, this is seriously some IDIOCRACY shit.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Interview with Sarah Bourne

A suicidal woman steps in front of a commuter train, changing the lives of its passengers forever, in this psychological novel by the author of Ella’s War.

     When the day starts with tragedy . . . where will it lead?
     Eight strangers start their day unaware of the events about to unfold, but they find themselves having to reassess who they are and what they want from life after a woman steps in front of their train.
” –synopsis for The Train.

     This month, we profile British turned Aussie author Sarah Bourne, who’s virtually unique in that she exclusively writes standalone thrillers and character studies.

15) Sarah, it has to be said that your throughline for The Train is somewhat reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 2017 movie, Aftermath, in which a grieving husband and father struggles to cope with the deaths of his wife, daughter and unborn grandchild. What inspired the idea for The Train?

Interesting… I’ve never seen that movie. I might have to watch it now! The idea for The Train came because having been a counsellor for many years, I’m always struck by how people can experience the same event but have totally different responses to it. I wanted to make the single event a dramatic one that had the power to shake people out of their usual ways of thinking and reacting, hence the suicide. And then I had to make the characters representative of commuters on a train to London, which also gave me the chance to write about other issues, as each character has their own sup-plot and story arc. So, Iris, an older woman, is facing issues of aging and loneliness, Claire, a middle-aged woman is struggling with caring for elderly parents and putting her own life on hold, and so on (don’t want to give too much away!) I love creating all the characters and trying to weave some of them together in a way that didn’t feel contrived. I’ve had people messaging me to tell me which was their favourite character and ask more about them! I love hearing from readers.

14) As I’d said in the introduction, you’re virtually unique in my dozens of previous subjects in that you write standalones and not series. Why is that?

Great question! Even though my books are quite character driven, I trend to write around themes and as much as I like some of the people I create and would like to spend more time with them, I feel like they’ve done their job within the one book. Having said that, the first thing I ever wrote (a still unpublished YA paranormal romance trilogy) made me fall in love with my characters. I couldn’t stop thinking about them, but I knew their story was finished. In the end I had to write them a letter and thank them for coming into my life, but now it was time to leave! I know it sounds mad, but it worked, and I could move on to writing something else.

13) Are there any plans to turn one of your standalones into a series or one with new characters?

Several people have suggested I write more about the characters in The Train – maybe give them each a book of their own, but I haven’t got it in me! Other readers have wanted to hear more of what happened to Laila after the end of InVisible. I love that they are so invested in the character and the story that they want more, but I also like to let the reader imagine for themselves where her lie might have taken her after the book has ended. I love books that leave me wondering about the characters – they’re the ones that stay with me more than books where everything is neatly wrapped up.

12) You once wrote that you got into writing fiction “almost accidentally”. How did that come about, exactly?

It was a total accident! When my kids were in their early teens I had more time to do what I wanted. I work part time, and love to swim and do yoga, but I needed something creative in my life. I wanted to do a photography course, but couldn’t find one locally, so picked up a pen and a notebook. I thought maybe I’d write a short story, but it turned into the aforementioned YA trilogy! 320,000 words in all. And that was how I got the writing bug. Now I can’t stop, even though every time I finish a book, I worry I’ll never have an idea for another one. Once I let go of that anxiety, I get another idea, sometimes several, and then I have to choose which one to go with. Sometimes I get into the research and realise it’s not going to work, or start writing and it doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere so I abandon it and start something else.

11) Describe your typical writing day, if there is such a thing. Do you draft exclusively in notebooks or journals or laptops or is it a combination of both? Do you set a word goal for yourself and, if so, what is it?

I don’t have a typical writing day. I work odd hours – early morning, late afternoon/evening, so have time during the day. I’m very good at letting other things get in the way of writing, and always think I should be more disciplined, but I can’t force it. I am in awe of people who sit down and write a certain number of words a day, but I don’t work that way. When I’m in the flow, I can sit at my computer for hours, other days, my writing feels constipated and I have to leave it! If that happens for two or three days in a row, I leave the computer and go to my notebook. I love the physical act of writing with a nice pen, and often find that it frees my thinking up again and I find the way forward in the story. Once that’s happened, I tend to go back to the keyboard again.

10) Plotter, pantser or plantser?

Panster. I’ve tried to plot out books but the characters always seem to hijack the story and take it off in directions I hadn’t even thought of. Although it can be challenging starting a book with little idea of where it’s going, I also love the process of discovery as I write. Sometimes I have to pull the story back a bit and take charge, but usually the characters seem to know better than my conscious mind where they need to go and how to get there.

9) You’d also written on your blog a couple of years ago at the start of the pandemic that it had made writing more difficult. Has that been mitigated in the years since?

Looking back, I think I was in a state of anxiety at the beginning of the pandemic; it felt like the world have become a threatening place, nowhere was safe. Also, both my daughters were working in the UK and couldn’t get home as Australia closed its borders very early on and even Australian citizens couldn’t get back easily. So I was anxious for me and worried about them, and trying to get used to seeing friends on Zoom rather than in real life. The house suddenly felt small (it’s not!) and I didn’t have any space in my head for anything other than dealing with the day-to-day activities of my life. Fortunately, after the first few months, the anxiety subsided as we all settled into this strange new way of life, and I actually ended up being quite the writing machine!

8) Let’s talk about Ella’s War, an almost typical Sarah Bourne book with a seductive storyline: A WWII nurse wakes up in a hospital bed in 1947 with no memory of how she got there. Now, you’re a counsellor. Was your profession able to inform you as to the experience of an amnesiac or did that require special research?

I haven’t worked with anyone with amnesia, so I had to do a lot of research for the book. I actually had an idea that it was going to be a comedy – woman wakes up with no memory but she’s a well-known wealthy socialite, so all these men come and claim to be her husband to get their hands on her money. It quickly fizzled, but as I was wondering what to do with it, I read a short article about nursing in the war – specifically that WW2 was the first time nurses were at the front rather than way behind the lines. I thought that was interesting, so read all I could about it, and Ella was reborn as a nurse who was grappling with the trauma of all she’d seen and had to do in her time in France and Germany.

7) Who were some of the authors you’d read while growing up in England and had any of them gone on to influence your own work?

I wasn’t a great reader as a youngster, but had to read the classics at school – Hardy, Austen, Shakespeare, Dickens, the Brontes and so on. It wasn’t until after college that I discovered the joy of reading for its own sake, and then I felt I had to make up for lost time! I read widely, although I can’t read horror and I’m not a great fan of sci-fi. I think everything I’ve ever read has influenced my writing in some subliminal way, but I particularly love the writing of John Boyne, Niall Williams, Anne Enright (is there something in the fact that they’re all Irish, I wonder?), Kamila Shamsie, Mohsin Hamid, Rohinton Mistry, Kate Atkinson, Chris Cleeve, William Nicholson. The list goes on, but they all write fantastic characters in interesting plots, which is what I aspire to do.

6) I know you wouldn’t practice yoga if it hindered your writing. But does it really center you and facilitate the writing process?

My yoga practice is very important to me. I feel like it grounds me in a way nothing else can, except maybe a long walk in the countryside or by the ocean. But I can practice yoga anywhere, anytime, and it always leave me with a sense of clarity. When I’m feeling blocked in my writing, or know I have to write a difficult scene, I get onto my yoga mat and focus on the breath, the movement, the alignment of my body, and let everything else fade into the background. By the time I’ve finished my practice, I can usually move forward with the writing. It feels like a gift.

5) Exile, your latest release, is perhaps your most Gothic novel, a character study between a mother and daughter in the Shetland Islands. What inspired this and why was it necessary to set this story in the remote island of Yell?

When I was a teenager my mother had a friend who was in her fifties and obsessed with a man she worked with. He was all she could talk about. They weren’t in a relationship but thoughts of him filled her every waking moment. Years later, working in Mental Health, I came across a woman who had been diagnosed with Erotomania, or De Clerambault’s syndrome, and the symptoms were exactly the same as my mother’s friend had. Move forward again, and I decided it would be a really interesting theme for a book, so I did a lot of research and found that there are degrees of this issue, from the lovely ‘falling in love’ feeling called limerence, to full blown Erotomania. Add to that the fact that I like writing about dysfunctional relationships, and Kirstie and her mother were born! Kirstie has burned a lot of bridges in London, so decides to remove herself and her ‘illness’ to a remote island where she hopes her Obsessive Love Disorder won’t be triggered and she can get her life back on track. But, of course, other issues arise, not least her mother coming to visit and the cracks in their relationship coming to the fore.

4) InVisible has at its backdrop the 2005 terrorist attacks in the London Tube. How were you able to get into the mind of your main character, Laila, and was research into Islamic terrorism difficult to do?

The idea for the book actually came from hearing a radio interview with Lisa Guenther, an American philosopher, talking about the phenomenological effects of solitary confinement. I bought her book and found it fascinating, so read a few more books about solitary confinement, and then started thinking about a character. I wanted to write about a woman, and I didn’t want her to be in prison for a specific crime, so I decided that she was wrongfully held, and the only reason I could think of that someone would be in solitary was under suspicion of terrorism.

I was quite worried when writing this book that I’d end up on some sort of watch list because I did so much research into terror groups, training camps, terrorists, etc! I also had help from a couple of people I met who had been in Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan quite recently (not as terrorists, I might add!) and their comments were invaluable in terms of creating the sense of place.

As to getting into Laila’s head, I did what I do with all my protagonists and major characters – I wrote a detailed profile of her physical, mental and emotional traits and felt my way into her as a person. Then I asked myself a lot of questions about her situation, how she might respond to what was happening, and so on.

3) Are there any plans to write a straight up police procedural or a good, rattling murder mystery?

Funny you should ask that! During lock down last year I started writing a murder mystery series, featuring DI Luna Bright. It’s a new venture for me, not only switching genres, but creating a series. It’s very different to writing stand-alone novels, because I have to think about character development over a much longer time-frame as well as come up with inventive ways for people to be killed! It’s great fun, though.

2) You’ve been living in Australia for about a quarter century now, yet none of your novels are set there. Any plans to do so?

I’ve tried to set books in Australia, I really have, but they always end up somewhere else. In one that hasn’t yet been published, the protagonist started in my own part of Sydney, but quickly went to India and stayed there! I’m not sure what it is that gets in the way of setting a book in Australia – I think I worry that I need a different vocabulary to describe the very different place. England is small and cosy, Australia is vast and the outback can be quite a hostile environment. Maybe there’s also a sense of nostalgia in writing about the England I remember, even though I love living in Australia. I suppose England is in my blood!

1) What’s next for Sarah Bourne?

I have an earlier book of mine being re-published later this year. Two Lives tells the parallel stories of two women involved in a car accident and how their lives eventually merge again with interesting consequences!

I’m also looking for a publisher for the Di Luna Bright murder mysteries, as well as another stand-alone novel about a family dealing with grief (seems to be a recurring theme for me!)

As always, I have a number of writing projects on the go, so I’m keeping busy.

Thank you so much, Robert, for these great questions. I loved answering them.

If you’re interested in learning more about Ms. Bourne’s work, please follow the handy links below.

Exile, published 23rd March 2022

InVisible published September 2021

Ella’s War published June 2021

The Train published April 2021

Twitter: @sarahbourne007

FB Sarah Bourne Author

Instagram: SarahBourne007

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Pottersville Digest

     This is what you get when you vote Republican, people- Fear, loathing, rack and ruin.
     And people wonder where all those right wing, 67 year-old lawyer comedians come from.
    There's hope for this nation's future, yet.
     I guess the Utah Democratic Party's balls went the way of Joseph Smith's golden Bible, which is to say they never existed.
     "But unlike the others, JD learned how to make it EXTRA SLOPPY on the backstroke. Nobody can backstroke it like ole JD, not even Melania..."
     Prosecutor, woman, trial, cameras, arrest.

     "(T)he question in front of us is a legal one — and we cannot defend the rule of law by abandoning the rule of law."
     No, the question is whether or not you ever read the 14th amendment, section three.

     Yeah, this asshole's a Democrat like Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. Puh-leeze.
     I'm not going to miss this ugly fuck when he's gone.
     Meh. I won't miss him. And I know I'm not the only one.
    The master race, ladies and gentlemen.
    By this summer, he won't be able to fill a Ramada Inn conference room.

    I don't give him a snowball's chance in Hell of succeeding but I'll give him an A for effort.
    Nothing says Earth Day like forcibly removing two homeless encampments before the president's visit.
    Watching Sarah Palin run for Don Young's seat is like seeing a Three Dog Night reunion tour- It's cringe-worthy and you immediately wonder, "What's the point?" And finally...

    DeSantis is just the rotten, crumbling tip of the iceberg.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Republicans Have Lost the Plot and Their Fucking Minds

 (By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari)
At this point, especially after Thursday, people could rightly wonder why Brooks Brothers doesn't make suit pants out of asbestos or some other flame-retardant material. And why don't more Republicans have third degree burns on their lower extremities considering their never-ending fire hose of bullshit?
      Let's start with Trump and Ohio.

The Hillbilly's Elegy
At first blush, it would seem as if the newly-minted bromance of Donald Trump and JD Vance is a match made in heaven, or as close as Republicans can ever get to the Pearly Gates. Both are one hit wonders who seem to be in a match to see how can out Hitler whom. That is, until you look beneath the headlines.
    Back in 2016, Vance was rightly critical of Donald Trump and had even compared him to the aforementioned Hitler. Since then the rabid Wookie had been furiously scrubbing his Twitter account with the industry of Lady Macbeth ("Out, damned tweet, out!"). All the same, Trump, who infamously never forgets a slight, endorsed him. And this is where Trump's usually tenuous grasp of reality floats off into the stratosphere.
     Vance did criticize him, he was far behind in the polls behind rival creepozoid Josh Mandel, as well as out-fundraised. It doesn't fit the usual profile of a Trump endorsement, which is getting behind a sure winner or revenge against a perceived enemy. In fact, Trump's endorsement of Vance seems to be predicated more on being creeped out by Josh Mandel than Vance's self-aggrandizing loyalty or (Ha ha) his fitness to serve in the US Senate.
     So, as Trump plays the carnival barker tonight in yet another sleepy burg on a Saturday night in which his traveling shit show is the only game in town, we'll just have to see if his inexplicable endorsement gives Vance a permanent boost or a short-term sugar rush that won't even survive this summer's GOP primary.

It's a Small Mind, After All
Not that any corporation should be considered a sacred cow, but you'd have to have about a hundred pounds of brain damage to go full tilt after a corporation whose mascot is a cartoon character beloved by tens if not hundreds of millions. You'd especially have to be hind leg-chewing insane if that corporation brings billions of dollars of tax and tourism revenue into the state of which you're the governor.
     Yet, that's precisely what Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature did last week when they essentially dissolved a special tax district created in 1967 for Disney when they expanded their operations to Florida. It essentially gave the Disney Corporation autonomy to run themselves and, for 55 years, it seemed to work fine. 
    Then Disney had the temerity to tepidly criticize DeSantis' "Don't Say Gay" bill. DeSantis went ballistic and responded in a manner that was disproportionate even by Nazi Germany's standards. Well, even before the dissolution of the Reedy Creek district, that resulted in an instant warning from Fitch Ratings that "place(d) a 'rating watch negative' on about $1 billion in outstanding district debt."
     What this essentially translates to is an additional tax burden on Florida residents that's estimated to be over $2200 a household. But who cares about higher taxes, as long as it isn't shouldered by the 1%.

Stop Me Before I Talk Again!
It's a miracle Kevin McCarthy isn't struck mute when he isn't sitting on Trump's lap with his tiny hand stuck up his ass.
     In a tweet that is hilariously still up on Twitter, Charlie McCarthy's step brother Kevin vigorously denied saying that he would ask Trump for his resignation. Here's the thing: The New York Times reporters who'd written a book, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, put the lie to McCarthy's risible denial he'd ever said any such thing just hours after McCarthy's tweet. Namely, they had the audiotapes recorded during a January 10 phone call between McCarthy and a few GOP leaders. Rachel Maddow made merry over it that night and a good time was had by all.
     Not only was it lying, it was artless lying on a neolithic scale of incompetence that's literally breath-taking. In fact, Martin and Burns were so sure of their sourcing, which was McCarthy himself, that their book's title, This Will Not Pass, is even a paraphrase of something McCarthy said during the call. Seriously, what McCarthy lacks in brains, balls or a spine he more than makes up for in chutzpah.

We Are Not a Cult That Will Go Quietly Into the Night
Lawyer: You think Pelosi is a traitor to the country? Greene: I’m not answering that. Lawyer: You’ve said that haven’t you? Greene: No I haven’t said that… Lawyer, snapping fingers like Warner Wolfe: Roll the tape. Greene: Oh no wait...
   That's kind of the way it went all day yesterday for the Queen of the Lead Paint chips Marjorie Taylor-Greene, who thought using the Ronnie Reagan/Iran Contra Hearings tactic would work for her. In fact, to hear MTG speak, she could barely remember her own name. The hilarious thing is that Greene was on the stand in Georgia yesterday to prove her fitness to be on the ballot in GA-14. Wouldn't it be ironic if the judge rules she isn't fit to be in Congress on account of her inability to recall anything?
     One thing she did recall: a line from the movie, Independence Day, a line that she shamelessly stole.

Pottersville Digest

     The still-reasonable Republicans will be furious to hear about McCarthy's fecklessness. The Qanon wing of the GOP will be furious at him for saying those things about Trump. Even if, God forbid, the GOP takes over in January, this book should effectively implode McCarthy's chances of ever being Speaker.
    This is what happens when you don't watch IDIOCRACY
     Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class, Maddie?
   Well, the stupid bastards went ahead and did it. This is what you idiots get when you vote Republican.
     "I mean, you sound like you have as many conspiracy theories as QAnon at this point."
     "Oh, the projection is strong with this one..."

     Weak, feckless morons. This is the future of the GOP, created by the GOP.
     In case you were harboring any doubts that our criminal justice system is a joke...
     Jesus Christ, what the hell do you have to do to get knocked off a ballot?
     Your Brad o' the day. I think the most amazing thing about this that this 5'7", 270 pound fat fuck was able to run at all.
     This is what happens when you don't watch IDIOCRACY.
     Meme intermission.

     I'm glad to see another one go down but he won't get anywhere near eight years.
     Howard Schultz called pro-union employees "so-called workers" in a leaked video call. This is what executive scum like Schultz really think of the labor force.
    All together now, peeps: Fifth Column. There, that wasn't hard, now was it? And finally...

    And I guess old Honey Fitz is still hobbling around somewhere in South Boston.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Pottersville Digest

     Now look for Donnie Dumbo to fight this in appeal courts.
     You know how right wingers always love to say, "Israel has the right to defend itself"? How come now Ukraine doesn't have the right to defend itself? Especially under a Jewish president.
     If you're trying to get rid of a gay man, perhaps ripping half your clothes off and running after them isn't the way to go about it.
     Is anyone else getting a nauseous sense of déjà vu?

     Stopped clocks and all that...
     I predict in the days to come the US is going to suffer its first cocaine shortage.
    I voted for Bernie in 2016 and 2020. I'd vote for him again in 2024 whether or not Biden was running.
    The muzak and graphics hiding the sitting black lawmakers at the very end was a typical Florida touch.
     Your Brad o' the day.
     Does anyone else think "Club For Growth" sounds like a company for men with pattern baldness?
     "Your honor, I was never a part of that mob because I was, uh, an astral projection."
     There's a word for what Gableman is doing. It's called "spoliation", which is a crime.
    Just think- If Florida hadn't lost its collective mind and had elected Andrew Gillum, this shit wouldn't be happening. None of it.
    What it all comes down to is, all corporations are alike and they are all hostile to unionization efforts. Corporate executives have not changed since Triangle Shirtwaist and even in the 19th century. The robber baron mindset never came close to leaving this country. Do not be fooled by corporately-generated images with pretensions to inclusion and progressive ideals. It's just corporate boilerplate. The real test of those corporate ideals is the very real threat of unionization. And corporations will fail that test every. Single. Time.
    You mean the snazzy motorboat Kolfage bought himself was fraudulently obtained?! And finally...

    Barry Goldwater walked into the Oval office in August 1974 to say exactly these things to Nixon. Nixon resigned two days later. So McConnell and McCarthy only fantasized, briefly, about being Barry Goldwater before chickening out. Don't forget, this January 10th phone call was three days after Twitter suspended Trump, so they didn't even have that to worry about, any more.

KindleindaWind, my writing blog.

All Time Classics

  • Our Worse Half: The 25 Most Embarrassing States.
  • The Missing Security Tapes From the World Trade Center.
  • It's a Blunderful Life.
  • The Civil War II
  • Sweet Jesus, I Hate America
  • Top Ten Conservative Books
  • I Am Mr. Ed
  • Glenn Beck: Racist, Hate Monger, Comedian
  • The Ten Worst Music Videos of all Time
  • Assclowns of the Week

  • Links to the first 33 Assclowns of the Week.
  • Links to Assclowns of the Week 38-63.
  • #106: The Turkey Has Landed edition
  • #105: Blame it on Paris or Putin edition
  • #104: Make Racism Great Again Also Labor Day edition
  • #103: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Toilet edition
  • #102: Orange is the New Fat edition
  • #101: Electoral College Dropouts edition
  • #100: Centennial of Silliness edition
  • #99: Dr. Strangehate edition
  • #98: Get Bentghazi edition
  • #97: SNAPping Your Fingers at the Poor edition
  • #96: Treat or Treat, Kiss My Ass edition
  • #95: Monumental Stupidity double-sized edition
  • #94: House of 'Tards edition
  • #93: You Da Bomb! edition.
  • #92: Akin to a Fool edition.
  • #91: Aurora Moronealis edition.
  • #90: Keep Your Gubmint Hands Off My High Pre'mums and Deductibles! edition.
  • #89: Occupy the Catbird Seat/Thanksgiving edition.
  • #88: Heil Hitler edition.
  • #87: Let Sleeping Elephants Lie edition.
  • #86: the Maniacs edition.
  • #85: The Top 50 Assclowns of 2010 edition.
  • #(19)84: Midterm Madness edition.
  • #83: Spill, Baby, Spill! edition.
  • #82: Leave Corporations Alone, They’re People! edition.
  • #81: Hatin' on Haiti edition.
  • #80: Don't Get Your Panties in a Twist edition.
  • #79: Top 50 Assclowns of 2009 edition.
  • #78: Nattering Nabobs of Negativism edition.
  • #77: ...And Justice For Once edition.
  • #76: Reading Tea Leaves/Labor Day edition.
  • #75: Diamond Jubilee/Inaugural Edition
  • #74: Dropping the Crystal Ball Edition
  • #73: The Twelve Assclowns of Christmas Edition
  • #72: Trick or Treat Election Day Edition
  • #71: Grand Theft Autocrats Edition
  • #70: Soulless Corporations and the Politicians Who Love Them Edition
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