Pottersville Digest: Expanded edition

It couldn't have happened to a nicer traitor.
It was never about states' rights. That was a myth. States' rights was a euphemism for the right to own slaves.
Shorter Ron Johnson: "My chief of staff contacted Pence's people about taking
the body of that dead hooker and they wouldn't take it. It's a nothing
This is the result of speaking out against guns and right wing corruption.
Who the fuck in their right mind names their kid "Hatchet"?
More right wing thuggery from the Nazis.
Sure he was, Bobo. Then four years later, we realized our mistake and prayed him back out.
Assault? For a tap on the back? Fuck that snowflake bullshit.
Will, whose mind is decaying with hatred and envy before our very
eyes." Oh, the projection of this man is on anabolic steroids.
I guess ole JD is going to blame "liberal and worldly influences" for his alcoholism and horrible lifestyle choices.
Like I keep saying: We are the stupidest fucking nation on the planet.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer asshole.
Just think: This asshole has a podcast called Common Sense.
Why do we keep suffering these glassy-eyed lunatics and why aren't we throwing them in prison?
One more time- I'll believe it when I see it.
Boy, yesterday was a real red letter day for the Fourth Reich, eh? And finally...
Yeah, the DOJ may want to revisit that decision not to charge Mark Meadows with contempt of Congress.
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