Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Think of it, MAGAts

     There were good reasons why Trump hung out with Epstein, was on the Lolita Express, on his pedophile island, at his rape mansion in NYC, why he bought the Miss Teen USA pageant. Like every pedophile, he deliberately positioned himself to be near his victims.
      Just think of all the pastors, youth counselors and scout masters who have been arrested and charged with sexual assault against children. Their proximity to children and ensuring they insinuate themselves into activities in which the children will be isolated and far from their parents' protection wasn't just happenstance.
     Predators don't just choose victims. They also choose the times and environments that suit their twisted needs best. And if they're single-minded sociopaths like Donald Trump, they obsess over these things. Trump knew if he went to Epstein's mansion on 71st Street or took the Lolita Express to Little Saint James, Epstein's rape island, he'd be assured of an endless supply of little girls who were also powerless, isolated and unprotected.
     Take "Katie Johnson", for instance. I think the biggest obstacle to appreciating her testimony and the biggest stumbling block toward it assuming the full emotional power it deserves is that we're only reading about it in static words. Even Johnson's video interview in 2016 doesn't convey the full horror of what took place on Epstein's bedroom on 71st Street.
     Can anything, save for a videotape that Epstein may or may not have recorded of Trump raping that little girl? And even if such a tape exists and is shown to the MAGA faithful, they'd immediately sneer and say it was a deep fake because God forbid they should have to admit the guy they've been cheering and supporting all these years made fools of them the whole time.
     Can words adequately describe the nightmare that poor child went through as that fat, monstrous, middle-aged "man" with the hideous eyebrows heaved his bulk on her as he took her virginity, slapping her across the face because she cried, threw money at her to "get a fucking abortion, you bitch!"?
     Or do mere words fall down on the job? Some things shouldn't be described. Some things can't.
     But let me ask you, MAGA faithful, especially those of you with 13 year-old daughters:
     Suppose, just suppose, Johnson was telling the truth? Why would she put her life on the line going as far as she had? She wasn't trying to get money out of him. One has to operate under the assumption that she simply wanted the truth to get out and that she made her last bid to do so in the hopes of keeping Donald Trump out of the White House. Why would she do that to advance a lie?
     And assuming that Johnson could've been telling the truth, would you still feel comfortable leaving your 13 year-old daughter alone with Trump, especially in an environment like Epstein's 71st Avenue townhouse or his isolated island?
     Keep in mind that Johnson's allegations aren't unique. Why listen to an anonymous woman who hasn't been seen or heard from in nearly eight years? Listen, instead, to former four star Marine General John Kelly, Trump's former Chief of Staff when Trump asked him if it was wrong for a man to fantasize about having sex with his own daughter. I think it would be fallacious to dismiss Kelly's account as the loose ramblings of a liberal naysayer.
     But if you don't want to believe John Kelly, how about your own boy? How about when he was caught on a hot mic in 1992 (when his relationship with Epstein was in high swing) during a Christmas segment on CBS's Entertainment Tonight? A little girl walked past him, obviously not a day over 11, and as she was getting on the escalator, he said, "I'll be dating her in ten years, Can you believe it?"
     Now, if you think that it's perfectly appropriate for a 46 year-old man to immediately start thinking of dating a little girl, at any point in the future, moments after meeting her, then obviously you're not the kind of the person who can be reached.
     How about when be bragged to Howard Stern about walking in on naked women during a pageant?
     I think it's long past the point of ridiculous to assume that many of the people with whom Trump chose to surround himself wound up in prison for exploiting minors while he himself remained completely innocent. Epstein was found hung in a jail cell while awaiting trial. Maxwell is now serving 20 years in prison. George Nader is now serving a 10 year stretch for possession of child pornography and transporting a minor into the United States for sex.
     The list, of course, goes on and on.


At July 10, 2024 at 12:16 PM, Anonymous CC said...

So even back in 1992, he was already looking past Marla Maples, who had snatched him away from Ivana.

Maples is in the news today offering to serve as Trump's VP. You can't make this up.


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