Monday, August 26, 2024

He is Your Retribution

     Who else agrees that if it wasn't for all their ill-gotten wealth, the Trumps would be setting fire to the homeless in the Bowery?
      Seriously, how can anyone look at the raving, whining psychopaths in Donald Trump's nuclear family and not see a pack of upholstered jackals with such an industrial-grade pollution of their gene pool? Trump had to pay $25,000,000 to the victims of his fraudulent Trump University scam with which he had no involvement other than raking in the moolah from the licensing deal that used his name and likeness.
     This is the same guy who supposedly ran a children's cancer charity then, with his greaseball son Eric, siphoned $2.000.000 from it into his own bank account. As a result, Trump nor any of his kids are allowed to run a charity in New York state ever again.
     He stole $2,000,000 from kids dying of cancer.
     And that doesn't even include the $450,000,000+ judgment when he was found guilty in civil court of manipulating property appraisals to get favorable loan agreements and artificially lower his tax bills.
     This is a guy who was found guilty of raping a woman in a department store dressing room then ordered to pay her over $90,000,000 for defaming her. This is a guy who was credibly accused of raping a 13 year-old girl in Jeffrey Epstein's townhouse.
     And this is a guy who was given $413,000,000 by his father yet still had to declare bankruptcy six times. (Don't forget the $400,000,000 he got from NBC for playing the successful real estate tycoon he wasn't on The Apprentice.)
     Donald Trump is the Fuhrer of Failure, plain and simple. And this was the best the GOP could do not just in this election cycle but in the last three?!
      This is a guy who has privately expressed disdain for his own supporters, someone who thanked the pandemic for giving him an excuse for not shaking their hands because they were "disgusting". And not so long ago, he told a crowd, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote!"
      And yet the inbred, the willfully ignorant and the walking brain-dead still flock to Mar a Lago as if he's Jerry Garcia.
      I cannot think of anyone else in human history who has so brilliantly shined a light exposing the stupidest people across an entire nation. Nothing this man does and nothing he says, not even when he says he doesn't care about them and only wants their votes (arguably the only honest thing he's ever said at a rally) can penetrate the thick wall of denial that his cult has built, the only one he's successfully built.
      His policy positions are thinner than gruel at a Siberian gulag. He promised to get rid of Obamacare then doesn't tell you with what he'll replace it. He says he'll make all of us prosperous without adding he'll start and stop at just the 1%.
      And he's too scared to debate his opponent, a former prosecutor who's used to putting away crooks and sexual deviants like Trump.
      The appeal is too elusive for the rest of us to see. Maybe the appeal of Donald Trump is not what they think he'll do for them but in whom he hurts. I recall years ago someone asking a Trump supporter what she thought of him. The momentarily aggrieved woman said, "He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting."
      That's always stuck in my mind because that's all they see in him and want out of him. Because, as he said not too long ago, "I am your retribution."


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