Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Enemy From Within, Indeed

     So there a hunched over Donald Trump sat across from Maria Bartiromo, looking like a melting bowl of orange sherbert, and saying in the slow, raspy, low energy cadence of an aging mafia don, that the National Guard or even the military needs to be deployed against (ho hum) "radical left lunatics" (which is essentially anyone who disagrees with him about anything).
     At best, as any critic of media can expect, this produced little more than a low hum, like the kind a very small percentage of people hear in Taos, New Mexico.
    Naturally, the right wing broke their thick necks to circle the Nazi motorcycles complete with the sidecars to explain Donald Trump didn't say what he was recorded on videotape as saying: That he fully intends to violate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1874 or invoking the Insurrection Act against American citizens that he perceives as enemies. Oh no, that's not what he meant, they assured us. It was, uh, the Russians and Chinese who are, uh, the enemies from within. That would be the Russians and Chinese that Trump never once meaningfully opposed when he was allowed to pose as the president.
     Whose leaders Trump has praised time and again.
     Since then, he's only doubled and tripled down on his worst tendencies, such as at today's "town hall" he had with Harris Faulkner (VP Harris had her own time on Fox today with Bret Baier, who tried to fool Harris and the American people that Trump has indeed walked back his threat to sic the military on us by airing a very selectively-edited clip.).
     It doesn't really profit you or I to say just how horrible and fascistic this is, at Trump threatening to brutalize or kill Americans just for criticizing or disagreeing with him because these things should be self-evident.
     What's even scarier and what we should be talking about is what the Republican Party's real plan is for Trump. I'd already gone into this over a month ago. It's not Project 2025 with which we should be immediately concerned but their Project 25.
     In case you missed that post, it's where I proposed that the GOP's ultimate plan, their long game, is to drag Trump's bloated body across the finish line, then immediately invoke the 25th amendment, then shoehorn Vance into the padded chair behind the Resolute Desk. This makes an abundant amount of sense. Vance is about to turn 40, meaning he still has decades to go. Trump is obviously past his expected life span and is getting more senile by the day.

      Now, two decades of political punditry has shown me too much for anyone to dissuade me from my belief that Republicans are the world's stupidest meatbags on two legs. But one would have to be an utter moron to not see and admit at least privately that Donald Trump is crazier than a shithouse rat on meth. And it's probably on more than one Republican's 2024 Bingo card that Trump will walk out any day wearing a Pennywise costume and painting the Last Supper on a nearby wall with his own fecal matter. Consider what had happened just yesterday in Oak, Pennsylvania.
     There Trump stood at a so-called Town Hall. It was sweltering in the box where they held this event. One person fainted from the heat. Then another.

     The rallygoers yelled at, begged Trump to have someone turn on the air conditioning. He sat there, looking at one or the other, completely as one could expect unconcerned about the safety and well-being of his supporters. Suddenly, Trump decides he's not going to take any more questions and to just play music.
     So, for the next 39 consecutive minutes, Trump stood on stage waving his hands and doing his jerking off two invisible gigantic penises dance while his every gesture was aped by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. Maybe Noem didn't get the memo that JD Vance was named his running mate but during those excruciating 39 minutes, Noem gave the impression that if Trump wanted to throw pieces of a dog at the audience, Noem would've run out to the parking lot, grabbed her gun and killed someone's dog for Trump.
     It was classic sundowning.
     Sundowning is actually a medical term for sufferers of dementia who begin to fade at the end of the day. There weren't just two medical emergencies in that glorified storage container but three. Seriously, Trump decided on the spot to play nearly 40 minutes of music while people were fighting to stay conscious, playing DJ like he was at a wedding.
     Again, this was ostensibly a town hall, a venue in which politicians answer questions from the audience. 
     Now, speaking as someone who's cared for someone with dementia, I can state with absolute authority that, at a certain point in the disease's progression, the derangement progresses exponentially. In other words, skills are lost one after another with lightning speed. And the closer we get to the election, the more Trump is losing it. And at the rate he's slipping, he'll need to be spoon fed by November.
     Republicans, as stupid as they generally are, cannot avoid seeing this. Dementia affects all too many families regardless of political allegiance. They know Trump's not going to be around much longer. Mounting another campaign for the 2028 election is simply not happening. By then, if he's still alive, Trump will be spitting tapioca all over his bib.
     Therefore, if you're a Republican, it makes much more sense to play the long game and Vance is certainly in on it. All they have to do is play Weekend at Bernie's with Trump's bloated body for the next three weeks then invoke the 25th Amendment the minute Trump starts dribbling diarrhea out his pants leg. Vance becomes the 48th president, Project 2025 becomes a thing. Fade to black. Forever.
     Trump is officially a Trojan Horse at this point and the sooner we fully admit this, the better prepared we'll be on Election Day.


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