Pottersville Digest
This is looking more and more like the Anschluss of 1938.
No, scumbag, praying is not "all we can do." We can try, you know, gun control.
Whoever's behind all these drones in the NY/NJ area, five will get you ten either the Russians or the Chinese are behind it. But since there are tens of thousands of drones that are used across the US every day, I'm wondering why these have been getting so much attention over the past week.
So, is Musk going to illegally interfere in Canada's elections, too?
Oh, yeah. MUCH more prestigious than being a congressman or Attorney General.
Shorter Atrium: "Please don't shoot our CEO."
Any Greek chorus arising from this would be very entertaining to listen to.
He probably thought there were only 10 countries, including Russia, China, North Korea and Puerto Rico.
Meme intermission.
If only it was legal to deport Republicans...
Oh, yes. Comer doesn't have nearly the same gravitas as the orange
buffoon who talked about Arnold Palmer's penis for 12 straight minutes.
The judge himself defined the digital assault as a form of rape. So fuck ABC and their belly up obsequience. They should've fought his bullshit lawsuit.
I hate myself for saying this but I have to agree with everything Rand Paul said in this article.
"An innocent man"?! Is he fucking kidding? He made a fortune denying
sick people their claims. Fuck you, he was innocent. And, regarding his
family? He wasn't even living with them when he was shot down like a dog
in the street. Even his own wife couldn't stand living with him.
Uh, I thought the Trump Organization was under receivership.
Shorter NC GOP: "Fuck the vox populi."
Because appeasement worked so well for Neville Chamberlain in 1938. Wray showing his belly to Trump disgusts me. Tyrants will not and cannot be appeased. History teaches us this time and again. And finally...
Rick Wilson's right. Trump's legislative agenda will be a bloodbath the minute he tries to pass another ruinous round of tax cuts.
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