Tuesday, December 10, 2024

A Useful Idiot, Part 3

      During this shitshow of a "nomination" process, we've, predictably, seen some of the worst names advanced for consideration. For the most part, from Matt Gaetz to Pam Bondi to Pete Hegseth to Tulsi Gabbard to recent jailbird Peter Navarro, we've been treated to the very delineation of the word "kakistocracy".
     But all the above, while they're insurrectionists-in-waiting, are merely True Believers. None of them, with the possible exception of Kash Patel, quite define clinical insanity like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
     Indeed, with the exception of Donald Trump himself, a nominally perspicacious individual would be hard-pressed to find someone who could occupy such a huge swath in the DSM-V. Considering Kennedy's age (70), we have a long history of bizarre behavior and actions to review. Hopefully, if his nomination actually gets a committee hearing, the Senate, in its Advise and Consent role, will delve deeply into it.
     Kennedy is perhaps best known as a vaccine skeptic, to put it charitably. In that respect, he joins a long list of such individuals ranging from the merely stubborn and willfully ignorant to the outright deranged such as Dr. Stella Immanuel, aka the demon semen doctor.
     Kennedy started out respectably enough. Like his father, former Attorney General and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., Kennedy, Jr went to law school at Harvard, graduated then passed the state bar exam. From that point on, things started to go awry.
     He decided to become an environmental attorney. That's commendable, right? Six years ago, he won a $290,000,000 judgment against Monsanto, one of the most evil corporations of all time. Kennedy was named Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet”. What an environmental superhero, right? Keep reading.
      Right after suspending his campaign for president last August, Kennedy had immediately begun to throw his old environmentalist colleagues and their agenda under the bus. Suddenly, his environmentalist stance was starting to sound suspiciously like Trump's. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the Trump campaign had paid Kennedy's law firm a cool $100,000 weeks after Kennedy endorsed him.
     And then, there was the clusterfuck in Samoa: I'll let journalist Mona Charen take it from here:
     "Many Samoans had seen the film 'Vaxxed,' produced by two of Kennedy’s anti-vaccine allies, which alleged that the MMR vaccine was dangerous, which led to an uptick in parents refusing to get their kids vaccinated. After the deaths of the two infants, RFK Jr. threw gasoline on the fire with a visit to the island in 2019, meeting with local vaccine opponents and voicing suspicions that the MMR vaccine had contained a mutant strain and had caused the then-burgeoning epidemic. Eventually, more than 3% of the whole population of the island was infected. For babies aged 6 to 11 months, that figure was closer to 20%. More than 150 of them died.
     When you think of RFK Jr., think of rows of tiny coffins." 
     Oh, but fret not. Kennedy is now saying he's not really a vaccine skeptic, after all, despite trying to tie vaccines to autism to this day.
     Now Kennedy is embracing the decades-old right wing conspiracy theory regarding fluoride in our water supply.
     That was just one of the countless ruinous things Kennedy has done in his public life. Let's delve into his private life.
     He once found a dead bear cub, thought about eating it then decided to dump it in Central Park.
     With a chainsaw, Kennedy decapitated a dead whale that had beached itself then drove back to New York with it in his car.
     His wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, committed suicide in 2012 after she found her husband's journal bragging about sleeping with 37 other women.
     Brain worm? Yeah, that would explain his recent positions. And let's mention his latest admission...
     Heroin use.
     Now, was Kennedy admitting that he had a heroin addiction then kicked the habit in an effort to lead a clean, sober life? Oh, no. He credited heroin with helping him graduate at the top of his class. Yes, the vaccine skeptic who won't get a vaccine for anything had no problem shooting up heroin so he could read again.
     This is the guy Trump wants to let "run wild" at HHS.
     As a result, 77 Nobel laureates wrote a letter to the US Senate begging hem to reject Kennedy's nomination.
     It's completely insane that Trump's so hostile to science that he wants to put as the head of our health infrastructure a guy who wants to do away with all vaccines against diseases such as polio, diphtheria, COVID, measles and whatever else our kids are getting vaccinated for. If the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions is crazy enough to let this lunatic out of committee and if the US Senate as a whole loses its collective fucking mind, they will doom this nation to a wave of sickness that will be even more ruinous that the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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