To 1969 and Beyond!
So, President Buzz Windrip Lightyear wants to go to the moon, then he doesn't. So, typically, he's set his sights on the planet in the solar system that most closely matches his late life skin tone: Mars.
Today also happens to be the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 manned lunar landing but I'll let better minds than mine pontificate on the historical significance of such. My concern here today is that, with Donald Trump now shambling through the West Wing between rounds of golf pretending to be an actual president, is taking us back to 1969 in more ways than his ambivalent ambitions to take us back to the moon.
1969 was when the civil rights movement began its slow, imperceptible decline with the assassination of Dr. King the year before. And in 2019, it seems the man with the hair that looks like an Irish cabbie's hat is doing his level-headed (?) best to turn back the clock as pertains race relations.
You know know what I'm talking about- He just took one small step for a racist man and one giant leap for white Mankind when he'd told four Democratic Congresswomen to go back where they came from. Those Congresswomen, of course, are the four freshman lawmakers who in at least three instances have been vocal about Trump and his, well, racism.
Three were born in this country: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (the Bronx, same borough where Fred Trump was born), Ayanna Presley (D-Massachusetts, born in Chicago), Rashida Tlaib (Detroit. MI). Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was born in Somalia and came to this country when she was 10. She became a citizen 19 years ago, long before Melania.
Basically, Trump's telling these women, "If you don't like my government, go back where you came from and fix it there then come back and tell us what to do."
Ironically, this is the same undocumented Klansman who's telling immigrants, "You don't like your government? Stay there and fix it."
So, despite Trump ramping up his Otherism to Hitlerian levels, there are, predictably, right wing nut jobs who are playing the tried-and-untrue Deflect and Distract game by accusing the victims of, you guessed it, antisemitism, specifically the two Muslim Congresswomen singled out by Il Douche. This would include some Sean Hannity wannabe named Fred Fleas on, predictably, Fox Spews' website.
And, mark my words, it isn't just low-octane Fox bloggers who are listening to Trump, such as this miscreant in, predictably, Georgia.
Let's be perfectly clear here: People listen to the child molester currently masquerading as "the president" and they're now showing it. A white man (of course) at a Publix saw an African American woman standing in the 10 items or less express line. She had 15 items. In keeping with white assholes from coast to coast, even little infractions committed by black people result in police being called and/or racist tirades. The woman is 9 months pregnant and can't stand for long. She's also the Minority Vice Chair of the Georgia State House, aka a Democratic elected official. He told her to "go back where you came from."
Because white shit
bags like this can't think for themselves and ignorantly parrot the
brain-damaged boob currently shambling through the West Wing in between
rounds of golf.
You're going to hear a lot more of this shit. You're going to be hearing a lot more about Trump supporters telling women of color this. This lawmaker is from Georgia. So when you hear white colostomy bags like this racist tell a black woman to "go back where you came from", you're seeing not only someone who has seriously deficient critical thinking skills (ie your typical Trump supporter), you're also hearing them tell black people to go back to Africa, as if they willingly immigrated here just yesterday. America still belongs to white people, don't you know?
Forget Obama's election and re-election. Because white people just can't get over the 60's.
You're going to hear a lot more of this shit. You're going to be hearing a lot more about Trump supporters telling women of color this. This lawmaker is from Georgia. So when you hear white colostomy bags like this racist tell a black woman to "go back where you came from", you're seeing not only someone who has seriously deficient critical thinking skills (ie your typical Trump supporter), you're also hearing them tell black people to go back to Africa, as if they willingly immigrated here just yesterday. America still belongs to white people, don't you know?
Forget Obama's election and re-election. Because white people just can't get over the 60's.
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