Pottersville Digest
I guess when he was telling trick or treaters to vote for him on Election Day, he lost his toy badge.
It figures that his name is Bumstead.
I can't wait to see the look on Moscow Mitch's face when he realizes his marriage to Elaine Chao's been annulled.
Donnie Dumbo's about to have a very bad weekend.
A convicted January 6 rioter is actually getting treated by a cult deprogrammer.
Even though Trump himself isn't on trial, anyone who knows anything about the Trump Org knows that anything and everything, from the biggest real estate deals to the cost of office supplies, was figuratively if not literally signed off by Trump. And a 200k raise to his CFO absolutely would've had to have gotten the old man's amen before it happened.
What the fuck is happening in this country? We seem to have done a complete circle since the Civil Rights era 60 years ago. I have two biracial sons. And I worry about them every day because of this shit.
Says the sack o' shit who'd told more than 30,500 lies during his so-called "presidency". Man, the projection is strong with this one.
Cartoon intermission.
There's something hilarious yet pathetic about a fake billionaire asking real billionaires for a handout.
This bloated grifter is a Thomas Nast cartoon come to life.
I am SO GLAD I got away from Twitter when I had. It'd turned into a right wing sewer and now it's even twice as bad. And with an additional 1200 employees leaving on their own, it's now down to about 2500 people, or a third of what they had just a few weeks ago. This is the end for one of the worst social media networks in internet history and I couldn't be happier.
Hey, stupid, two rigged impeachment votes doesn't constitute Double Jeopardy.
You want to know who began sledge-hammering our economy in the early 80s? Blame Jude Wanniski. And finally...
That fascist cunt Elon Musk just let Trump back on Twitter. I knew this day would come.
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