Pottersville Digest

This is just another example of those useless Republican bills that are a solution looking for a problem.
IOW, "Don't confuse me with the facts!"
So, bottom line: He knew he wasn't the president, he knew he couldn't declassify documents and he knew they were classified. If this tape is real, this pretty much proves not only intent, the most slippery slope of all, but it proves what he knew and when he knew it. As they say in tennis, Point, set and match.
Well, that's a nice fat one up the bum, eh? Loyalty for Trump is a one way street, doncha know?
Oh, those rock-ribbed, conservative Republican family values!
The unreformed Scrooge would've been considered a liberal by these assholes.
is getting to be an all too familiar refrain- White people getting
their First Amendment rights that are denied Black people.
So, bottom line, MAGA Nazis making $174,000 are trying to take away my $23 a month in SNAP benefits.
is why assholes like this are called "reactionaries". They react with
the reptilian part of their brains and rarely if ever stop to actually
think and consider.
"Why would you ask about that if you're not worried about the surveillance being there?" Exactly.
The white privilege of these assholes is breathtaking. And, in just about every case, they get it.
Oh wonderful. Just what we need, another Cat Food Commission.
Who is this crazy Canuck and why is he sticking his snout in our business?
Right wing vetting: "Have you been convicted of trying to rape a minor?"
"Welcome to the fold!"
"Welcome to the fold!"
I suppose the only things left for Ron DeSantis to do is tug on a red swastika armband and grow a toothbrush mustache.
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