Pottersville Digest

“I don’t give a fuck who you are. I’m a congressman. My name is Derrick Van Orden, and I represent the 3rd District of Wisconsin." No you don't, cheese breath. You represent 1933 Nuremburg.
Yeah, nothing to see here, folks.
Well, you know what "that dumb son of a bitch" DIDN'T do? Get himself
indicted multiple times for rape, defamation and endangering national
off, Bobby, left wingers don't fall for conspiracy theories. That's the
right wing you're talking about. Secondly, there's nothing even
remotely progressive about RFK Jr. His father would disown him if he was
alive. Thirdly, where did you get the idea that "millions" support him?
He's a joke, a scarier version of Pat Paulson. He has no chance of
winning a primary, hardly any better chance of getting on a state ballot
and we liberals recognize him as a right wing Trojan horse.
Only poor, unjustly maligned, innocent men have to spend $56,000,000 in legal fees in two and a half years.
Well, if anyone would know about suckage, it's the Republican Party.
Some people drink the Koolaid. Alina Habba gargles it.
was an innocent little bystander in this whole thing, thinking I was
doing my civic duty." Is this a quote out of The Onion? How could they
not know alternate slates of electors is tantamount to fraud? Some of
these people were in their 70s and 80s. They're not babes in the woods.
sure she'd like to move on and go forward. But there's a little matter
such as enforcing the law. Of course, these are the same people who are
still screaming about Hunter Biden's laptop.
don’t give a fuck who you are. I’m a congressman. My name is Derrick
Van Orden, and I represent the 3rd District of Wisconsin." No you don't,
cheese breath. You represent 1933 Nuremburg.
Oh, yeah. Indictments are on the way.
Another right wing scumbag who won't pay his debts. What a shock.
A lot of people are going to die of liver failure playing the woke drinking game.
Oh, yeah. Indictments are on the way. And finally...
They're rolling over on the fat man already.
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