Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Pottersville Digest

     Looks as if Trump's finally found his Col. Kurtz.

     Of course, with the Neo-Nazis currently controlling the House, this won't even get out of committee and she knows it. But this puts the SCOTUS on notice.

     "A Texas-based company has developed vending machines that sell bullets and installed them at a handful of grocery stores in Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama, with plans for expansion into other states..."
     This country is circling the toilet at warp speed 10.

     News Weak says in their headline, "Everything we know" about Katie Johnson's allegations against Trump but obviously, they didn't read the documents because they barely touched the abstracts of one allegation. It doesn't mention that Trump threatened her life and the lives of her family if she talked. It doesn't mention him slapping her during her rape because she was crying. It mentions none of that.

     Here's the situation the way it really is: After the June 27th debate, Biden's coattails got seriously trimmed. They're not as long or wide as they were, not that they were, to begin with. So these congressmen and senators, especially the ones running in competitive districts and battleground states, are thinking more parochially than they're letting on. Deep down, they're making it all about them when it isn't. I can understand their angst about the president's coattails being shrunk but this is the time to rally around the president just as the Republicans are rallying around a child molester and crook. Yes, retaining control of the Senate is crucial as is winning back the House. But none of that will mean much if they help get Trump back in the White House.

     Ralph Nader nails it. He's 90, by the way, and still has all his marbles. Just saying. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

     Meme intermission.

    "Why didn't we mobilize repair crews sooner? Because, frankly, we don't give a shit about our customers."

     And now, a public service announcement from Exxon-Mobil.

     This guy would've been perfectly at home in Hitler's lap in 1933 Germany.

     Even at the height of federal government corruption, say between Grant and Harding, this would've been considered cartoonish even by 19th-early 20th century standards. What was Thomas doing in Russia?

     This is what the GOP (Grand Old Pedophiles) want to shove back in the White House.

     There's something deeply wrong with this man.

     A little bit of good news out of Wisconsin.

     This is exactly how fascism starts. In the military, we used to call this "Mission creep."

     Shorter Jim Jordan: "Do as I say, not as I do." And finally...

     To my UK friends, well done. Good show. But seriously, Clacton? Nigel Farage? Nigel fucking Farage was the best you could elect to represent you? I'm an American and even I know from across the pond what a syphilitic pus bag Nigel Farage is.


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