Friday, July 26, 2024

Pottersville Digest

    When fact checking doesn't stand up to fact checking. My theory: Vance is running for vice president only because he wants to get his hands on those sexy couches in the Oval Office.

Oh, really, tough guy? Piano wire and blow torches? Do you think you're some Eastern European gangster in a John Wick movie? Where do these fucking idiots come from?

     I'm still in favor of packing the court. After all, it's not as if the Supreme Court has always had nine justices. But setting 18 year term limits would be a nice compromise and Vice President Harris should lean into this on the campaign trail, especially since SCOTUS reform is deeply popular with the American electorate.

     I always suspected that Gavin Newsom was secretly a right wing asshole.

     Some of you may have heard about this steaming pile of horse shit cooked up by Kevin Roberts, the right wing asshole who runs the Heritage Foundation that's trying to foist off Project 2025 on us. This is an archived version of the original Amazon product page. Nowadays, it says, "Taking Back Washington." But back in the day, it read, "BURNING Down Washington."
      Btw, this is the same book for which JD Vance wrote the foreword.

     Black woman calls in a possible intruder, gets fatally shot in the face by a white cop because she was near a pot of boiling water. Then, in typical cop fashion, he lied his fat ass off and claimed she came at him with the boiling water when his partner's body cam footage (his was turned off) clearly showed she did not. Then he claimed her bullet wounds were self-inflicted. The pig is up on murder one charges because he announced he was going to shoot her in the face right before he did, proving premeditation.
      ABC News later found out he'd been kicked out of the Army for disciplinary reasons and worked for six departments in four years. If ABC could vet this guy on the fly, then why couldn't his own department?

     Yes, the right wing idiots on the Ohio Supreme Court chose to hear this case so they could make this moronic ruling.

     She's a dime a dozen politician, a typical, hidebound Republican asshat. Let us forget her.

     For those who don't speak the official language of the GOP, this means that JD Vance has been shit canned by his German publisher.

     Meme intermission.

     You can literally see the flop sweat dripping off this.

    This is an excerpt from Fred Trump III's book, All in the Family. He describes his uncle saying that disabled people with COVID should just die, knowing his nephew had a son with disabilities. This is consistent with if not identical to the attitude of the Nazis. They looked at the disabled through the exact same lens and even called them "eaters". It was this attitude that brought about the notorious T4 eugenics program, or the systematic execution of the disabled in Nazi Germany.
     (You all should see the shit storm I started on Twitter when I put up that jpeg. I've been blocked by dozens of right wing accounts who have nothing but ignorant, furious denials and denunciations. I guess what's driving them crazy is that my tweet raced beyond 7000 views in a matter of hours.)

     This is what Republicans really think of their own base.

     OK, channeling my inner Jeremy Corbyn:
     "Old girl, have a listen to yourself! You were in Number 10 so briefly, you hadn't had time to change your knickers! The minute you got into #10, you began yammering about tax cuts, which sent the economy into a fucking tailspin. It's failed leadership from bloody Tory wankers like you that resulted in the most thorough rogering in your party's recent history. Good show, old girl, now do have a seat, enjoy your retirement and watch Kamala Harris show you how it's done. Off you go now."

     Yes, he actually called himself a "fine and brilliant young man".

   “They are not going to need me one bit.” Oh no, one less ambulance chaser. What will she do? And finally...

     If Trump ever finds the balls to debate Harris (which he obviously can't), it won't be so much a debate as a prosecutor cross-examining a criminal defendant.


At July 27, 2024 at 7:35 PM, Anonymous CC said...

Oh, Vance can change his mind about the couch just like he did with Trump.

At July 27, 2024 at 7:54 PM, Blogger jurassicpork said...

"It was purely consensual and, in my defense, that couch was dressed like an easy chair."


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