Monday, July 22, 2024

What Now?

     Let's recap what's happened in the little more than 24 hours since Joe Biden dropped out of the race:
     A newly-energized Democratic Party immediately rallied around Kamala Harris. She's racking up endorsements like kids collecting candy on Halloween. And donors shoved $81,000,000 in her pocket (and that doesn't include today's haul). That pretty much makes Biden's tweet the single biggest crowdsourcing effort in Twitter history.
     Vice President Harris has also gotten endorsements from 31 senators, 156 congressmen and 16 governors. Trump? 40 of 44 of his own Cabinet members have refused endorsing him, not including Mike Pence.
     Yeah, no wonder Republicans are screaming their heads off, why they're scared shitless of Harris. Mike Johnson is spearheading an effort to render Biden's withdrawal illegitimate and even illegal through a lawsuit. (As if Trump beating Biden was a lock, which it most certainly wasn't.)
     So, with one tweet, Biden put nearly $100,000,000 into Harris' war chest, made Trump the old man in the race, rendered redundant most of their opposition research, made their shit show of a convention more irrelevant than it already was and put Trump on his back foot.
     I'm surprised Elon Musk, who'd pledged $45,000,000 a month to Trump's doomed effort to get back the White House, didn't remove Biden's tweet for "violating Twitter standards".
     Now, the likes of Stephen Miller are screaming their heads off over Harris' campaign. It must be like what things were like in the bunker in the last week of WW II. Now, Trump is making unreasonable demands for September's debate, such as having it moderated by Fox talking heads and broadcast on Fox. But if Trump finds the balls to debate Harris anywhere, it'll be less of a debate as it will be a prosecutor cross-examining a criminal defendant. Trump is almost literally the poster child for white collar criminals. A debate opponent like Trump is tailor-made for a former prosecutor like Harris.
     Tell me who's the old man now?
     So, now what?
     To put it simply, Kamala Harris has to go on a whirlwind tour of the country, especially swing states such as Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. She needs to reach out to voters and not just the choir, to try to win hearts and minds of voters who either wouldn't have voted or wouldn't have voted for Biden. Just as in 2020, one of Trump's biggest mistakes this time around is to not reach out to new voters and to concentrate on those who are already swilling the Koolaid. Harris can pick up a tremendous amount of ground on him just in trying to appeal to new voters.
     She also needs to make a solid round of appearances on all the news networks. Obviously, any of them would love to have her and she could use them for free campaign advertising and to tell American voters what she stands for. Just as when she was running for DA of San Francisco or California's Attorney General, pinning down Harris for her policy positions has been akin to the search for the Holy Grail. If she wants to bring in the parishioners, she needs to tell them what she stands for and then stick to those positions.
     She's not going to win this with a Rose Garden campaign. She simply has to get out there and actually connect with voters. Otherwise, that $81,000,000 and all those endorsemenths won't make a lick of difference.


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