Tuesday, August 27, 2024


      You see the lead image above?
      That wasn't taken four, five or six years ago. That was taken just today when Trump was on his way to Detroit to lambaste the Biden-Harris administration for the Afghanistan withdrawal that he single-handedly fucked back to the Stone Age. Yes, that was taken at Arlington National Cemetery, today, hallowed ground reserved for real military heroes who understood the concept of sacrifice. The Afghanistan withdrawal was three years ago and Trump actually thought it would be a good idea to jump on the third anniversary of the bombing of Karzai airport in Kabul that killed 13 US service members. This is the paragraph that made me see red:
     "Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, laid wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery in honor of Sgt. Nicole Gee, Staff Sgt. Darin Hoover and Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, who were killed alongside more than 100 Afghans..."
     OK, question:
     Why are we, and the completely worthless mainstream media, still pretending as if Commander Bone Spurs, this fucking fraud, this despicable draft dodger, is still the Commander in Chief, which he never was in any accepted definition of the phrase?!
     This is the same guy who asked John Kelly as they stood over his son's grave at that very same cemetery, "I don't get it. What was in it for them?"
      This is the same piece of shit who wouldn't honor our fallen dead at a French cemetery on the 100th anniversary of the Armistice because he was afraid he'd get his hair wet.
      This is the same guy who, during that same trip, called our fallen heroes, "suckers and losers" then cravenly lied and said he didn't.
      This is the same piece of shit who used Daddy's connections to get him five draft deferments so he wouldn't have to go to Vietnam.
      This is the same cold-blooded cocksucker who tried his levelheaded best to cut veteran's benefits in between Diet Cokes in the Oval Office.
      This is the same worthless sociopath who told a military widow that her husband, "knew what he signed up for" minutes after collecting her husband's mutilated remains at the airport. Then when word got out what he said, he then attacked Rep. Frederica Wilson, who'd heard the whole exchange.
      So why are we allowing this evolutionary dropout, this fraud in every conceivable way, to travel to Arlington and allow him to lay wreaths while he pretends to grieve over people he thinks are "suckers and losers"?
      Why do we and the media think it's perfectly acceptable when this wannabe martinet invites other tinpot martinets like Orban and Netanyahu to Bedminster and Mar a Lago and why are we letting him pretend he's writing foreign policy as he goes along?
     There's nothing even remotely normal about this "man", for want of a better word, so why are we strenuously insisting that he is, that this convicted criminal awaiting sentencing next month is a reasonable conservative alternative to Kamala Harris?
      And why do people flock to this asshole when he pretends to be the president he never was in any real way? 


At August 28, 2024 at 3:28 AM, Blogger jurassicpork said...

Early this morning, I found in my inbox a couple of astoundingly stupid comments from someone (And I think I know who it is) refuting the veracity of certain points I'd made. I still stand by every word of this post because everything I'd written was backed up by pretty unimpeachable sources, such as Gen. John Kelly and Rep. Frederica Wilson. It was notable that this anonymous antagonist didn't address some of the more incendiary points I'd made and even posited that Trump's "assassination attempt" automatically gave him "more combat experience" than Kamala Harris and Tim Walz combined (leaving out the inconvenient fact that after his heroic moment, he had to be literally carried off that stage in Butler by six Secret Service agents like a 500 lb sack of manure). But, assuming my word and scholarship isn't good enough, then perhaps Dr. Mary Trump's own experience and training as a psychotherapist is.
Because she was just as sickened by the spectacle at Arlington as I was.

At August 30, 2024 at 4:25 PM, Anonymous CC said...

If that's combat, then so is Trump's takedown of Vince McMahon in a WWE match, right?


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