Looks Like He's Not the Messiah, After All.

Here's a heart-warming twist on an old Christmas chestnut:
When President-Elect Barack Obama's asked the White House if the family could move early into Blair House, the domicile across the street from the White House where incoming presidents typically stay in the five days before their inauguration, the White House said there wasn't any room at the inn. The Obamas only wanted to move into Blair House at the beginning of January so their two daughters can begin school on schedule.
So who outranks the incoming president and the First Family? The State Department said there are no visiting dignitaries and Bush has no family or friends there. So who's squeezing out the Obamas?
Blair House, the official said, has been booked for “receptions and gatherings” by members of the outgoing Bush administration. Those receptions, the official said, “don’t make it suitable for full-time occupancy by the Obamas yet.”
You read that right. Bush administration officials, who've treated the United States like Hunter S. Thompson used to treat Las Vegas hotel rooms, are busy slapping eachother on the back for a job well done and to Hell with the Obama girls' education.
So much for that speech topper talking point being circulated around about Bush and his emphasis on education.
No, that DOES make him the Messiah. Remember, the O.M. (Original Messiah) had to get alternative digs with the sheep and pigs when everything was booked on Hisbirthday Eve -- just like the N.M.! All hail Obamesus!!!!!!
Hey -- who would be King Herod in this case?
Class all the way, those Bushes.
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