These Men Are Your Heroes

...especially if you live in Massachusetts, it's mid-December and you have no electricity for close to 12 hours.
Ice storms broke trees here in Metrowest (central Massachusetts), which in turn took out several transformers and, even worse, several grids. Service is spotty. We got our power back just an hour ago, while the convenience store down the street is still dark and ringing up purchases on a calculator.
So hats off to the many linemen who had to get out of bed at 4:30 this morning to battle a blackout, braving horrible weather and putting themselves in danger.
I'm curious if any of my other readers had experienced blackouts of their own.
we've had them out here, although it's usually the result of an earthquake or a wildfire rather than an ice storm.
we lost power for a day and a half over the summer. i had to drive moms nearly 100 miles to get her to a place that had working air conditioning.
from the "devil you know" desk, let me say that i would rather deal with the wildfires and the earthquakes than deal with what ya'll have to go through. soon's an earthquake's over it's fucking over. then you go about the business of cleaning up. we don't sweat the fires out here in the desert much, there isn't all that much around us to burn. i have, during the malibu and san diego fires opened my home more than once to friends and family who have been evacuated.
last night went great dude. we had three sets packed to the rafters.
a pleasant time was had by all.
Our friend here in Vermont is a lineman. He was called over to NH to rebuild their electricity. He left this Saturday morning, hitting the road at 4 AM (it was 2˚F here at that time).
He and his crew and truck are 'on loan' to NH for at minimum 4 days! Where he'll be working outdoors in 10˚F weather.
We are on-call with his wife and kids, ready to do whatever they need, as they are great people.
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