Gotham City Digest: Happy John McCain Day edition

(Where every June 14th is John McCain Day.)
You'd think a former Congressman and state Governor would understand the
first rule of politics: "Read the room before opening your mouth." This
was the second time today a so-called "Democrat" got booed at the state convention in San Francisco. The other was former Congressman Delaney.
When you get right down to it, Democrats are just as out of touch and
clueless as Republicans and just as contemptuous of the true left. Big
ideas (like Social Security and Medicare) are too hard, not realistic.
Wah wah. Well, you know, a wise man once said, "Winning slowly is the
same thing as losing."
I guarantee this is the funniest story you'll read all day. Former Idaho GOP chair Parker's story was that he was there to scare a different woman other than his wife. His shyster (the former Idaho AG) said he was invited to a costume party. That I guess involved masturbation in the bushes.
I guarantee this is the funniest story you'll read all day. Former Idaho GOP chair Parker's story was that he was there to scare a different woman other than his wife. His shyster (the former Idaho AG) said he was invited to a costume party. That I guess involved masturbation in the bushes.
God bless the United States of America and its rock-ribbed, conservative Republican family values!!!
Shorter Duncan Hunter (R-Embezzlement)- "Jesus, I kill a few hundred innocent non-combatants and suddenly that makes me a war criminal?"
Aside from that malignant little dwarf Milton Friedman, I can think of no worse economist who's ever lived that can compare to Art Laffer, the creator of the aptly-named Goddamned Laffer Curve. So, fucking A, let's give him the Presidential Medal of Freedom (From Taxes).
We know the Soviets used female snipers in WWII. But they also used female pilots who flew plywood planes to drop bombs on the Nazis. Meet the Night Witches of the 588th.
So here I was, hoping that Speed 2 was trending on Twitter because Hollywood finally got smart & redid it right with Keanu Reeves. Silly me.
Let's see the DC Metro police try to contain 1,000,000 protesters surrounding the White House and demanding Trump's resignation.
Forget the 19th century. Trump's hurtling us back to the Middle Ages.
To quote Captain Kirk: "KHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Emmet Flood, who came to the White House to help me with the Mueller Report, will be leaving service on June 14th. He has done an outstanding job – NO COLLUSION - NO OBSTRUCTION! Case Closed! Emmet is my friend, and I thank him for the GREAT JOB he has done."
Shorter Duncan Hunter (R-Embezzlement)- "Jesus, I kill a few hundred innocent non-combatants and suddenly that makes me a war criminal?"
Aside from that malignant little dwarf Milton Friedman, I can think of no worse economist who's ever lived that can compare to Art Laffer, the creator of the aptly-named Goddamned Laffer Curve. So, fucking A, let's give him the Presidential Medal of Freedom (From Taxes).
We know the Soviets used female snipers in WWII. But they also used female pilots who flew plywood planes to drop bombs on the Nazis. Meet the Night Witches of the 588th.
So here I was, hoping that Speed 2 was trending on Twitter because Hollywood finally got smart & redid it right with Keanu Reeves. Silly me.
Let's see the DC Metro police try to contain 1,000,000 protesters surrounding the White House and demanding Trump's resignation.
Forget the 19th century. Trump's hurtling us back to the Middle Ages.
To quote Captain Kirk: "KHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Emmet Flood, who came to the White House to help me with the Mueller Report, will be leaving service on June 14th. He has done an outstanding job – NO COLLUSION - NO OBSTRUCTION! Case Closed! Emmet is my friend, and I thank him for the GREAT JOB he has done."
Has it ever occurred to
anyone that Trump has Tourette's syndrome, only instead of blurting out
obscenities, it's "NO COLLUSION - NO OBSTRUCTION!"
Oh. go fuck yourself, you orange snow flake. Respect has to be earned.
Mick Mulvaney proved himself on Chuck Toddler's show to be the ultimate toadie. It "wasn't unreasonable" for a 23 year-old to ask the USS McCain to be moved. Mulvaney is also the same idiot who gave us a budget with a 2 TRILLION DOLLAR ERROR.
Dewayne Craddock, the Virginia shooter who killed a dozen people Friday, had extended magazines in his .45 semi autos, all of which he bought legally.
"Fox News’ Laura Ingraham used her primetime Thursday evening slot to defend Paul Nehlen, a failed congressional candidate and anti-Semite who glorified the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter and who has been kicked off practically every social media platform — including far-right safe space Gab... 'President' Donald Trump, for his part, made sure to plug Ingraham’s show. 'I will be watching @AlanDersh on @IngrahamAngle at 10PM,” Trump tweeted last night. 'He speaks the truth!'”
I disagree with Easley. You can most certainly lightly call Trump an idiot because he is one in every conceivable way.
Just when you've convinced yourself Trump's the biggest idiot on the planet, his buddy Duterte opens his mouth.
So, it's not about the spying, after all?
As is always the case with Trump, there's a very real, corporate-friendly, bottom line-driven method behind the very real madness.
Mueller: "I leave it to Congress to impeach Trump."
Republicans: "He said No collusion! Case closed!"
The OLC rule stating sitting presidents can't be indicted isn't a law and shouldn't require one to reverse something that's nothing more than a legal opinion at most. That's why I support what my senator is proposing. And finally...
There's no self-loathing person like a self-loathing Trumper.
Oh. go fuck yourself, you orange snow flake. Respect has to be earned.
Mick Mulvaney proved himself on Chuck Toddler's show to be the ultimate toadie. It "wasn't unreasonable" for a 23 year-old to ask the USS McCain to be moved. Mulvaney is also the same idiot who gave us a budget with a 2 TRILLION DOLLAR ERROR.
Dewayne Craddock, the Virginia shooter who killed a dozen people Friday, had extended magazines in his .45 semi autos, all of which he bought legally.
Thanks again, GOP.
This is one helluva story about a violent death in Oregon involving a tenderfoot and a homicidal bully who'd threatened his life repeatedly. The former shot and killed the latter and the first trial ended in a hung jury and it'll be retried again this fall. But was it a righteous killing in self defense or outright homicide? You make the call. (Personal note: Since I hate bullies with a passion as much as I hate cops, who were completely useless in this affair, I'm on the side of the shooter.)
Speaking of lazy, incompetent cops, this is a horrifying story of how often police and courts ignore rape victims' reports even when there's mountains of physical evidence.
You seriously have to watch this video where a reporter tried to interview this evangelical psychopath (or is that a tautology?) about his obscene wealth.
No peace plan for the Middle East.
No wall.
No infrastructure bill.
No victory over ISIS. #somuchwinning
But he's in love!
"In short, the initial White House request shows just how childish and unstable they believe their boss is, and the fact that Navy apparently just ignored it indicates just how little they seem to respect this commander-in-chief."
Every day I wake up, I thank the Powers That Be that I don't still live in Florida.
Right wing evangelical pizza shop owner busted trying to arrange threesome with two underage employees. Once again, those rock-ribbed, conservative Republican family values!
Why are we putting these children in concentration camps? Follow the money! Health & Human Services, along with the Office of Refugee Resettlement should be placing these kids with family members or sponsors, not in for-profit concentration camps.
“White House officials did not immediately explain how driving up the cost of Mexican goods might stem the flow of migrants. If the tariffs damaged the Mexican economy, more of its citizens would try to cross the border to find work in the United States.”
This is why I much prefer to sell my paperbacks. Physical books have a more than iconic status in human history, something Kindles never will.
If only Trump held his tongue for as long as he holds grudges!
That swamp (formerly the Potomac) is now deeper than the Marianas Trench.
“I don’t care what Trump said; Trump said there was no collusion.”
The executive morons running our biggest corporations are just now getting wise to the fact that Trump's fat cat tax scam bill won't do them much good if Trump plunges the planet into a global depression. Now they're threatening to sue over the Mexican tariffs.
Quick laundry list of the Republican agenda:
They want to steal your Social Security.
They want to steal your Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid.
They want to steal your right to use your uterus as you see fit.
They want to steal gay marriage from LGBTQ people.
They want to steal your every Constitutional right.
And they also want to continue stealing elections with the help of the Russians by blocking election security bills.
As a wise lady once said, "Freedom of speech does not mean no repercussions." Fuck Fox and fuck Laura Ingraham.What am I talking about? See below. This is one helluva story about a violent death in Oregon involving a tenderfoot and a homicidal bully who'd threatened his life repeatedly. The former shot and killed the latter and the first trial ended in a hung jury and it'll be retried again this fall. But was it a righteous killing in self defense or outright homicide? You make the call. (Personal note: Since I hate bullies with a passion as much as I hate cops, who were completely useless in this affair, I'm on the side of the shooter.)
Speaking of lazy, incompetent cops, this is a horrifying story of how often police and courts ignore rape victims' reports even when there's mountains of physical evidence.
You seriously have to watch this video where a reporter tried to interview this evangelical psychopath (or is that a tautology?) about his obscene wealth.
No peace plan for the Middle East.
No wall.
No infrastructure bill.
No victory over ISIS. #somuchwinning
But he's in love!
"In short, the initial White House request shows just how childish and unstable they believe their boss is, and the fact that Navy apparently just ignored it indicates just how little they seem to respect this commander-in-chief."
Every day I wake up, I thank the Powers That Be that I don't still live in Florida.
Right wing evangelical pizza shop owner busted trying to arrange threesome with two underage employees. Once again, those rock-ribbed, conservative Republican family values!
Why are we putting these children in concentration camps? Follow the money! Health & Human Services, along with the Office of Refugee Resettlement should be placing these kids with family members or sponsors, not in for-profit concentration camps.
“White House officials did not immediately explain how driving up the cost of Mexican goods might stem the flow of migrants. If the tariffs damaged the Mexican economy, more of its citizens would try to cross the border to find work in the United States.”
This is why I much prefer to sell my paperbacks. Physical books have a more than iconic status in human history, something Kindles never will.
If only Trump held his tongue for as long as he holds grudges!
That swamp (formerly the Potomac) is now deeper than the Marianas Trench.
“I don’t care what Trump said; Trump said there was no collusion.”
The executive morons running our biggest corporations are just now getting wise to the fact that Trump's fat cat tax scam bill won't do them much good if Trump plunges the planet into a global depression. Now they're threatening to sue over the Mexican tariffs.
Quick laundry list of the Republican agenda:
They want to steal your Social Security.
They want to steal your Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid.
They want to steal your right to use your uterus as you see fit.
They want to steal gay marriage from LGBTQ people.
They want to steal your every Constitutional right.
And they also want to continue stealing elections with the help of the Russians by blocking election security bills.
"Fox News’ Laura Ingraham used her primetime Thursday evening slot to defend Paul Nehlen, a failed congressional candidate and anti-Semite who glorified the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter and who has been kicked off practically every social media platform — including far-right safe space Gab... 'President' Donald Trump, for his part, made sure to plug Ingraham’s show. 'I will be watching @AlanDersh on @IngrahamAngle at 10PM,” Trump tweeted last night. 'He speaks the truth!'”
No degree of separation between Nazi white supremacists, Ingraham & Trump. Not a sliver of daylight.
I disagree with Easley. You can most certainly lightly call Trump an idiot because he is one in every conceivable way.
Just when you've convinced yourself Trump's the biggest idiot on the planet, his buddy Duterte opens his mouth.
So, it's not about the spying, after all?
As is always the case with Trump, there's a very real, corporate-friendly, bottom line-driven method behind the very real madness.
Mueller: "I leave it to Congress to impeach Trump."
Republicans: "He said No collusion! Case closed!"
The OLC rule stating sitting presidents can't be indicted isn't a law and shouldn't require one to reverse something that's nothing more than a legal opinion at most. That's why I support what my senator is proposing. And finally...
There's no self-loathing person like a self-loathing Trumper.
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