Friday, August 30, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(Where we vow never to relax because everything's not fine.)

     And another one down and another one down and another one bites the dust...

     Now why did this fucking blithering idiot have to go and do this? To add to Trump's lengthening list of all the things he's withdrawing from, now it's the International Postal Union.

     Yep, I can perfectly see this happening.

     “My husband once famously said that he’s ‘automatically attracted to beautiful’ and that he just starts kissing them. So if he can, I will too."

     Because, of course Alabammy. Who knows what these hillbilly cousin-fuckers were thinking when they tried to pull this stunt? But the Alabama Republican Party proves on a daily basis why the south will never rise again except if a big enough meth lab explodes.

     We're now deporting kids with cancer (pay wall). I don't know what the fuck happened to Trump in his childhood but whatever it was, it must've been a pip.

     All this human suffering and broken families, it was because of a political ploy. That's all the fucking wall ever was to him- A political stunt to appease the racist goobers in his base.

     It's not the Onion, it's Steve King.

     "Trump is using the same immigration policy that once kept out Jews fleeing Nazi Germany." Gee, fancy that. I never would've expected that from someone who slept with Hitler's speeches next to his bed.

     Sorry, I think the Old Girl dropped the ball here.

     Isakson's out by 2020. It's a shame Stacey Abrams won't run next year.

     Right about now, you may want to ask yourself why the Kentucky Army National Guard's 223rd Military Police Company's being sent to Gitmo. It's all being done hush hush and rush rush.

     The only trickle down I see is Republicans peeing on our heads and telling us it's a golden shower.

     I'd seriously read the excerpt from this guy's book. The little bastard sons of Adolph Hitler, such as Trump, are still using religion to this day despite being unwilling or incapable of showing the slightest amount of piety or Christian principles.

     Skynet comes to the bedroom.

     I'll just put this up without comment.

     Speaking of horrible marketing ideas- Got a shotgun wedding coming up? Let us be your one stop shopping center.

     The Indians call it karma.

     Since when is it the media's job to work with the government? Which Fox is, 90% of the time. It's the other 10% that's driving Trump crazier than usual.

     I'd like to see this story shared as widely as possible. Trump is now deporting sick kids, including those with cancer. It broke on WBUR here in the Boston area where it was then picked up by the Globe in the print media and finally Maddow's show on MSNBC.
     This has all the earmarks of not only a typical Trump dick move but a typical Trump dick move in which the pertinent agencies weren't even notified. CBP had already sent out letters to parents telling them to self-deport or they will get deported by us within 33 days. This would be a virtual death sentence for those children.
     Then the Trump administration is being so craven about it, not only are they ending this program without an official announcement, CBP actually contacted BUR about it and said the program isn't really ending, it's just being shifted from CBP to ICE. When MSNBC reached out to ICE, they told them they had no fucking clue what they were talking about.
     We're killing gravely sick kids and no one seems to know why except Trump's sadistic cruelty.

     Now Trump's trying to steal citizenship from children of service members who were born overseas. So, how do you like your Commander in Chief now, guys?

     Shorter Jill Biden: "Pinch your nose and swallow. I did."

     More redneck white privilege.

     That's basically it. The last time this was done, Charles I lost his fucking head.

     This is positively Kafkaesque. I'm not responsible for what others post on Facebook and neither is this kid.

     The very next day, O'Donnell posted an apology on Twitter and admitted it hadn't gone through MSNBC's "usual vigorous vetting process." I cannot possibly tell you how disappointed I am with O'Donnell. This plays right into Trump's wearisome narrative of "the fake news media." He really stepped on his own dick here.

     Someone's leash just got jerked. What's next? Is Trump going to steal their grain like Stalin did?

     It's not a dog whistle, any more. It's an air raid siren shrieking at 100 decibels.

     Lindsey Graham seems to be competing with Mitch McConnell to see who can run bandy-legged the fastest into the Dark Side.

     "Under pressure from other villagers, the owner of the land which the statue stands on has only given it permission to stay for two months and it is due to burnt on October 31, Halloween."
      Burning Man, Slovenian-style. I hope I get to see a video of this.

     This is how astoundingly vicious corporations are when they encounter the slightest resistance from anyone even when its products are plainly killing people.

     Brit Hume pulled his fat, square head out of his tight ass long enough to state that Fox isn't supposed to work for the White House. The peasants revolted. I just told one of them on Twitter to stop watching Fox and that I'd even support their boycott.

     For me not for thee, y'all. This was the same asshole who 10 years ago banned "homosexual content" from the school's curriculum.

     Who else is sick and tired of redneck racists using Trump and his sadistic policies as a pimpstick against POC?

     Typical asshat Republican response to mass shootings- Blame single parents and lack of faith in God. If this is typical of the town halls that right wingers will face, 2020 will be a blood bath that'll make 2018 look like a paper cut.

     Of course it's Georgia. Bottom line- It's against the school's code to be forced to give a blowjob. But it's perfectly OK to get that blowjob under coercion.

     This is coming from an adulterer who just shut down Parliament for the first time since 1649 and makes little buses out of wine crates. So, if you've gotten Boris Johnson to see the light of day, you've just lost Bullshit Mountain.

     The WH Press Office hasn't had a presser in over 170 days. This thing about Comey is beginning to make it look like something Winston Smith would extrude out of Minitru. How many of you suspect this "press secretary" press release about Comey was written by Trump himself? All that's missing is a misspelling and an exclamation point at the end.

     OK, I know this is a liberal, tinfoil-hatted conspiracy theory but hear me out. If you wanted to murder Jeffrey Epstein in his jail cell the morning after a tranche of documents implicating several powerful and wealthy men was released, this is what you'd have to do:
     1) Make sure the guards don't check on him for over three hours. Ensure they go to sleep.
     2) Take him off suicide watch 9 days after he was assaulted in a manner inconsistent with hanging.
     3) Remove his only cellmate as you take him off suicide watch.
   4) Ensure the camera trained outside his cell suffers a "glitch" at the exact moment Epstein "commits suicide" thereby denying everyone the chance to see that footage.
     It's not as if any of these things happened. right?

     Yeah, NOW suddenly the "president" is interested enough in hurricanes to cancel a trip to Poland and send Pence, instead. I suppose the fact that Mar a Lago is in the path of Dorian has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with his decision to cancel a state visit to stay home and monitor the storm.
      Heaven forbid...
     Hey, Donnie, if you're looking for solutions to minimize the damage, here's an idea: Nuclear warheads.
     I say we should crowdsource a campaign to buy tons of paper towels to throw at Trump after Hurricane Dorian hits Mar-a-Lago.

     When white privilege collapses in on itself. He was going to kill his roommate then himself if the other kid got into a fraternity and he didn't.
     He legally bought the guns last weekend, the DA said.

     Useful idiot or Russian asset. Definitely a useful idiot.

     Well, well, well. Look at whose head is the latest to roll down the South Lawn. By many accounts, she's a power-hungry sociopath who loves to dish dirt on Trump and his crime wave of a family. I can't wait to hear what she has to say about them now that she has no job and no career to protect.

     What's the Age of Trump?
     Emotionally and intellectually, about seven.

     How the FUCK is this happening in the 21st century? Girls denied tampons and pads. Guards throwing food on the floor for the kids to fight over. This is the sort of medieval shit you read about in history books.

     I'm not saying that age ought to be an across the board determinative factor in presidential candidates. Sanders, after all, is almost the same age as Biden. But Bernie's as sharp as a tack and almost always gets his facts straight. Joe is obviously past his shelf life and this alarming story shows it.

     So, there was this shit, again. Apparently, Putin's VP thinks he's entitled to more time. I told him maybe someone should read to him the Wikipedia page on the 22nd Amendment. That is, if he can pay attention long enough.

     Woman admits she refused to donate her kidney as a child to grandfather who was a racist and a pedophile.  This is the purest distillation of karma.

     Surprise, surprise, most of the missing votes in Georgia popped up in largely black precincts. I'm so glad Congress is investigating this. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution may harrumph and cite alternative reasons how this could've happened but I'll just come right out and say it- They stole votes from black people so the white racist could steal the Governor's Mansion. (mic drop)

     Another bloated rat waddles off the sinking ship. Doesn't Cavuto know Fox is supposed to be a faithful subsidiary of Trump TV?

     They ordered this black man to sit in the back of the plane before kicking him off so a dog could fly First Class. So, to American Airlines, we're back in the pre-Rosa Parks days.

     For once, the Russians are probably right here.

     This isn't even the funniest part. At the same fundraiser, Fredo said he understood middle class issues because he went to a boarding school in Pennsylvania and that he isn't racist because he's "dating a Puerto Rican." And finally...

     God help us every one when Joe Walsh (R-Stop saying I look like Jeffrey Epstein!), who used to scream at his constituents, is the voice of reason in the Republican Party.


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