Monday, August 19, 2019

Gotham City Digest

("Too soon" our asses.)

     "Please raise a glass to freedom." RIP Peter Fonda (1940-2019)

     Apolitical, my ass. Perlmutter's one of his biggest donors.

     A belated historical revelation of some of the most hideous, racist, elitist right wing monsters this nation ever spawned.

     The irony is that, being an arch right winger, Trump would love nothing more than to destroy unions. And this is just another case of extortion being used to populate his Nazi hate rallies.

     I don't imagine a lot of us would make the cut.

     Speaking of right wing Nazi monsters in our midst, get a load of this asshole Butch Otter in Idaho. Can we just let Idaho secede from the union and replace it with, say, Puerto Rico?

     Next summer ought to make for a very interesting Senate primary season in my state.

     Maybe these barfing vultures heard Trump's last rally. If anyone could make a vulture puke, it'd be Trump.

     I was surprised to discover that the character of HELL ON WHEELS' Eva Toole was based on a real historical figure, Olive Oatman.

     So of course Chancellor Trump threatens to designate Antifa as the terrorist organization, not the amateur Bund assclowns who call themselves the "Proud Boys." People, Trump is a fascist. This is no longer an opinion but ascertainable fact based on four years of documented fascist behavior.

     This is an actual quote from Trump: "CRAZY INVERTED YIELD CURVE!" He sounds like Homer Simpson after being cut off at the All You Can Eat Buffet. The fact is, the inverted yield curve has been used to predict recessions for decades. And the way it's acting now, according to Fed Chair Jerome Powell, is the same way it has acted before every recession over the last half century. And the tea leaves are saying that we're headed for a major recession. But what do billionaires at golf clubs care about recessions, right?

     This is one of the drug dealers, criminals and rapists that Trump's been screaming about for over four years now. She invented a solar-powered water heater made entirely from recycled materials that won her a nuclear science prize. This would also be one of the kids from whom Stephen Miller was caught illegally trying to steal an education.

     “I don’t think we’re having a recession. We’re doing tremendously well. Our consumers are rich. I gave a tremendous tax cut and they’re loaded up with money.” - Guess who?
     OK, so if we're all rich and "loaded up with money", then why's Trump doing the tried-and-untrue Republican thing like trying to steal peoples' welfare, food stamps, Social Security, Medicare and Obamacare? Of course, by "consumers", Trumpie the Klown could be talking about the sort that buys entire islands, jumbo jetliners, yachts and small galaxies.

     "We also can't excuse violence from the left such as the El Paso shooter, the recent Colorado shooters, the Congressional baseball shooter, Congresswoman Giffords' shooter and Antifa."- leaked Republican document
       Typical right wing scumbag response.

     Our Chancellor really can't stand threats and opposition to his beloved Nazis, can he?

     Oh, speaking of whom: Once again, the cops sided with the fascists. Shocking, I know.

     There's a lot of crazy, deluded people out there and here's one essentially calling for a new Nazi Party. Bolsheviks. He called us "Bolsheviks" because these idiots still think it's 1919 and not 2019.

     Since Woodstock was a half century ago ago last weekend, this makes for a really sweet story.

     WTF is it with these Nazi assholes and their white victimhood? Can you imagine if Obama came out in favor of incest and rape? Then you would've heard about it from the "vibrant" right wing media. For years on end.

     Incidentally, when King demanded his apology, he did so in front of exactly two people. Maybe if Iowa had more rape and incest, the turnout would've been better.

     26,000% cheaper? 100% accuracy rate? Works in minutes? Quick! Deploy some fat old white executives to put a stop to this kid!

     This is one of the white nationalist terrorists that white nationalist right wing politicians don't want you to think or know about.

     The EPA had to be trolled out of using cyanide bombs to kill off wildlife. Nixon must be rolling in his grave right now.

     Make Garbage Great Again  (satire).

     63 dead, 182 wounded. These are the assholes that Trump was going to get rid of in a week four years ago.

     How come no one's ever noticed that Bill Maher's a libertarian crypto right wing asshole? I mean, I know Maher's half Jewish but that doesn't give him a license to be willfully blind.

     If he really gave a shit about Iowa, he wouldn't have left the state the night of the debate and the night before the caucus in 2016. Note that he's not pissed over King's endorsement of rape and incest (and Trump's views on those are suspect, at best). He's pissed, as usual, over how it'll affect HIM. If anything, state GOPs ought to be pissed at Trump for taking them down.

     If I was Larry Kudlow and about to go on Fox, I'd drink, too.

     And insurance companies wonder why they're so reviled. They are run by some of the biggest sociopathic crooks this side of Capitol Hill. They're literally paying bribes to cops, prosecutors and even "expert" witnesses and putting innocent people behind bars, costing them their homes and businesses, intimidating others and destroying reputations all so they don't have to pay out claims. Plus, the laws they themselves helpfully write for legislators make it legal for them to withhold evidence that could be exculpatory for their policy-holders.

     Why was Epstein buying little girls' panties in the Palm Beach stockade? Fantasizing about his illicit conquests? Or buying them for his future victims?

     This is the unique Type 64, the socalled missing link between Volkwagon and Porsche. Only three were ever made and this one is the sole survivor. It was commissioned by Hitler in 1938 for a rally race between Berlin and Rome that never happened.
     Three nights ago, expecting to fetch at least $20,000,000 for it, Sotheby's put it on the auction block where the auctioneering snafu of the century happened and temporarily inflated the bids. At first, it seemed as if the highest bid was $70,000,000 when in reality it was just $17,000,000. That was three million less than they'd hoped for. So they took it off the auction block and, instead of making 20 million, they got nothing.

      Meet Karl Simon. Karl is a racist and a Nazi as well as a PA licensed by the state of Texas. Karl was anonymously outed last spring for his racist and white supremacist views. So the hospital, Memorial Hermann, that contracted his employer Team Health took swift and decisive action:
     They doxed the source and then Simon sued the source for defamation (By quoting his own words) even after they'd promised not to do so. The defamation lawsuit was thrown out by a judge and the source then counter-sued the hospital for betraying their confidence. This deposition from last May 17th is a result and it just leaked out. These are the kind of people Memorial Hermann hire and defend. These are the kind of people to whom Donald Trump most passionately appeals.
       Simon, despite frequent use of the N word, insists he's not racist. They always do, don't they?

      Remember when ICE promised they'd release parents who had young children? Yeah, that was all bullshit.

     So, how does a fired journalist like Mark Halperin get a fat book deal after multiple accusations of sexual harassment? Get the deal with a fired publisher like Bernie Kerik's old squeeze, Judith Regan.

     Once crimson red, Texas is now decidedly looking a lot more purple. Beto's near defeat of Cruz was a bellwether of things to come. And four Texas Republican Reps have already said they're retiring after next year. At least three of those seats are expected to fall into the Democrats' hands.

     Tangerine Shitgibbon and his lackeys are a Fifth Column. Take his pick to head the BLM. I cannot believe I'm the only one saying this.

     In a test, facial recognition software identified 26 California lawmakers as criminals. One match isn't enough if they're Republicans.

     The only redeeming feature about right wing bigots (excuse the tautology) is that they're so fucking stupid.

     The one time white people tried to do the brown peoples' job. It didn't end well.

     When I read shit like this (a black woman getting raped by the side of the road at night by two white cops and the sheriff defending them), the more I realize that law enforcement has turned into a violent cult.

     Iceland losing its first glacier is just the start. And finally...

     Daniel Pantaleo finally got shit-canned by the NYPD. A damned fine thing but far too late. Of course, the head of the NYPD's police union is all butt hurt over the firing. How ironic is it that his last name is Lynch?


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