Monday, November 18, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(Where we don't believe windmills cause cancer.)

     Skynet may be here but we're ready for it.

    As the Russians discovered long ago, the fastest way to a conservative's office is through his wallet. It's all about the Vladimirs, baby.

     Please explain to me why no charges have been filed against the owner and why charges against three workers were immediately dropped by detectives when they had clear and incontrovertible evidence of false imprisonment? And meanwhile, black people are getting killed for selling loose cigarettes they don't have, stealing cigars they never stole, for busted taillights or playing video games in their own homes?

    Ralph the dung beetle: .oO Amazing, is it not, how we are all made of stardust yet are interconnected through the good offices of some vast, unknowable, capricious intelligence, at how stars so distant guide us in our humble endeavors, at how... Oo.
      (Off camera ) "Hey, Ralph, I ain't payin' ya to sit around lookin' at the sky, Roll that ball of shit over here!"
       Ralph: .oO (Sigh) Oo.

      This is 10 months-old but still worth a look in case you were still wondering how depraved this shit show of an "administration" truly is. Terrorizing these kids was deliberate.

       What a cool idea! Inviting shelter dogs over for Thanksgiving!

      They halted Rodney Reed's execution. At least there's still a shred of sanity left in this country and in Texas, of all places.

       The Sideshow Bob defense. Yes, it's really a thing.

       What?! Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath in 2006? Tell me that's not true!

      This is one of the strangest stories you'll ever hear in all medical science. How actress Mary Steenburgen woke up from minor surgery a musical genius.

       I think it's safe to say that, in the short term, Marie Yovanovitch supplanted William Shatner as America's favorite Canadian.

        This is a sweet love story between man and penguin.

        Meet the first Native American to win the Pulitzer Prize.

       80 Congresspeople signed a letter demanding Stephen Miller's resignation. As you can expect, they're all Democrats, proving right wingers are much more comfortable with fascism and white nationalism than they are with Muslims or women of color in their midst.

      It's because of this executive douchebag Hardwick that #TooFarLeft is trending. Even after everything he's seen, including the Ukraine call, which he feels isn't impeachable, he's still on the fence about 2020. How the op-ed writer can call this corporate cunt "a sane moderate Republican" is anyone's guess.

      Ohio just passed a bullshit law where students can now give wrong answers to science questions if their answer is based on their religion. Science gives zero fucks about opinions. Don’t send your kid to a public school that fills their heads with lies. Ignorance and evangelical Bozoism what gave us Donald fucking Trump.

       Steve fucking King again. What a maroon. And they go after Ilhan Omar for being antisemitic.

       Not only did Schiff completely ignore Conaway, he was drowned out by the applause and cheers that Yovanovitch got as she stood up and left. I'm almost surprised they didn't carry her out on their shoulders and wheel Conaway out lashed to a dollie.

       George Conway just gave the maximum $2800 to Stefaik's Dem opponent. They're all acting like Curly Howard after he smells Wild Hyacinth... and they're all out of cheese.

       Lucian K. Truscott IV outright called Donald Trump a killer.

      Meme intermission.

      Florida Man, the world's worst superhero.

     With all due respect, Mr. President, go fuck yourself. I'll go as #TooFarLeft as I wish because 8 years of your neoliberal Republican-lite bullshit is what helped get us in this mess. What we need now is Democratic Socialism so I'll vote however I fucking well please. Most Americans want the Green New Deal, most Americans want Medicare For All. And Americans are in favor of the other policies of the so-called "activist wing" as well as "tear(ing) down the system" that plainly needs an overhaul. Your administration was a bad joke in virtually every conceivable way starting with your bullshit mantra of "hope and change." What your administration really meant was "hoping for little change." Which is what we got.

      Whatever bona fides Stefanik built up in her brief time in Congress she completely blew up yesterday during the hearing by going all full tilt right wing nutter.

        You wouldn't know it to look at it but South Dakota's one of the richest states in the union, with over a half a trillion dollars locked up in untouchable trust funds. This is the story of how an international agreement made that possible through a heavily used loophole that enables the richest scumbags on the planet to dodge paying taxes at the expense of liberal democracy.

        Lev Parnas, James Bond? Oh yeah, cue the John Barry theme music...

       Through all the butt hurt crocodile tears, one fact remains clear- These right wing scumbags still haven't accepted the fact that they lost the House in last year's election and they will try to break any rule they think they can get away with breaking to make up the slack.

       Trump's smooch of death held true and Rispone was toast. Bel Edwards won by 2.6%.

      Wouldn't it be cool if George gets Kellyanne fired from the White House? Well, that's what Jared's trying to make happen. I smell a Real Housewives on Bullshit Mountain in the works.

       Thanks again, Donnie Dumbo. This ought to make you the Kremlin's Employee of the Month again.

         Pardoning war criminals makes you one.

        I swear to God, I honestly do think Trump is trying to destroy our country. When I look at this needless trade war with China as well as his ongoing collusion with Russia, a rational person cannot come to any other conclusion.

        Please share, especially if you live in Florida. This sweet little girl doesn't have much time.

        This Frenchman came up with a really cool idea. If anyone else is doing this in America, I'd love to hear about it.

       I've lived through 12 presidential administrations so far in my life and I have never seen one that was as hateful, cruel and hostile to animals as the present one masquerading as a legitimate presidential administration.

      I don't feel one bit sorry for this asshole Silverman. He voted for sociopaths like Romney and Trump. And then he got eaten alive by the other piranhas in Trump's swamp. Which WILL eventually happen when you get into bed with those spittle-flecked psychopaths.
      But the manner in which he was fired, in the middle of a broadcast, while he was criticizing Ill Douche, shows there are some seriously intolerant facists out there, mini Goebbels that are really in the tank for Chancellor Trump. And this termination will have a chilling effect on anyone working for a right wing radio station.

      Keep a Kleenex box nearby before you watch this commercial that was banned in Iceland a year ago for being "too political." Things don't get banned unless they're effective and they're effective by offending those who are meant to be offended by it.

       I just wanna be there when they start ladling out the Koolaid.

      OK, so Trump made an unscheduled visit to Walter Reed. That's hardly a conspiracy theory. Is there even a remote possibility that Stephanie Grisham can go for just one nanosecond without being a total cunt to the press?

      Criticizing white supremacy is criticizing the baby Jebus? Thanks for clearing that up, Mrs. Hitler.

        "I'm a billionaire and I wanna be the Ambassador to the Bahamas." "I'd like you to do us a favor, though..." Quid pro quo. It's everywhere in this swamp.

       There was a mass shooting in Oklahoma, three dead. OK just passed a permitless open carry law, meaning you don't need either a permit or training for an open carry license.

        I love it when these fat fucks eat each other.

       Baby Giuliani wanted a security clearance. He got one. Then John Kelly revoked it. Baby and Daddy cried. Then  Mick Mulvaney gave it back to him. But Daddy says there's no nepotism and though no one knows what Baby Giuliani does in the White House. Suuuure, Rudy, because we know nepotism NEVER happens in the Republican Party. Just ask Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka & Jared.

       And to think, that poor man went all the way to Ukraine to root out corruption when it was in his own swamp the whole time.

       Actions have consequences, such as Newton's Third Law of Physics- For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

      Of course, lost on McCain was the supreme irony that Douche Bank in Germany, the only one that would loan Trump money, itself laundered massive amounts of money from Putin's Russia.

       Now the Supreme Court is complicit in the coverup. Democrats should expand the impeachment inquires to include every right winger on the court who ruled to keep his incriminating tax returns a secret.

     And speaking of Trump's taxes, look at what the Senate's investigating. Take note this is a bipartisan investigation.

     Professional snowflake Matt Gaetz (R-Honest, Occifer, I only had one drinkie poo) wants a woman who threw a drink at him to go to jail. He’s just pissed she didn’t throw it directly into his mouth.

       I haven't a doubt Voight will deliver a three hour speech sans pants screaming for the press to get off the White House South Lawn and denying paternity of Angelina Jolie.

       It couldn't've happened to a nicer drink-hustling bar wench. And Malkin's poor choice of friends reveals the hypocrisy in the GOP- That it's OK to be an antisemite as long as you're pro-Israel. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC.)

       Godliness! Morality! Rock-ribbed conservative Republican family values! For thee, not for me, motherfuckers! And finally...

      There are two possibilities here: That either right wing politicians who give these corporate scumbags billions in tax cuts are either gullible idiots or they already know what their master plan is and don't give a fuck about those tens of thousands of lost jobs and the withheld capital investment.
        Both possibilities are equally disturbing.


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