Pottersville Digest: Expanded edition

“There is nothing in terms of cooperation." That'll change, shyster.
An April 2026 trial date so you can throw out the charges on January 20, 2025? Good luck with that, asshole.
Good call, assholes. How'd that work out?
In other words, another Nothing Burger. If Trump thinks he's going to litigate the 2020 election in court years after it instead he himself being prosecuted, then he's even more demented than we thought.
Man, you just cannot make this shit up. The judge who signed this illegal search warrant was a drunk driver who basically tried to cover for another drunk driver.
look into her eyes tells me, "Yes, I would've been at Jonestown
drinking the Koolaid if I was old enough, how nice of you to ask." (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)
OMG, I so hope that slope-headed rat fucker goes behind bars forever.
"Hey you stupid slave". Man, these people know how to project better than Bell and Howell.
There are two motives that would practically guarantee Rudy will flip on the fat man- The threat of prison time and revenge, especially if money is an issue.
Oh no, they're not bereft of leadership at all. Yes, QAnon's new leader is a girl who hasn't even started the 8th grade.
Even scumbag mob shysters are laughing at Rudy.
first Meadows, now Uncle Fester? Sorry, Rudy, it doesn't work that way.
Moving the case won't help you a bit because you won't be able to get a
pardon even if Donnie Dumbo gets back in the White House. Plus, you
weren't a federal employee.
Rock-ribbed conservative Republican family values!
If Christians weren't so gullible and taken in so easily based on nothing but fairy tales and tall stories, they wouldn't believe in a Bible.
"Your wife is a good surrogate for you, Ron."
"I have a wife? Oh, yeah, I do."
"I have a wife? Oh, yeah, I do."
know what would be an awesome countermove? If Chutkan doesn't release
Trump on his own recognizance and Tucker is left on the courthouse steps
having his Al Capone's vault moment.
Just to be fair for a moment, it wasn't "listless vessels" that sacked the Capitol on January 6th.
This is hilarious. Trump's scam website got hacked yesterday and the hack is still up. Amateur Hour is still a thing, apparently.
This hardly comes as a revelation. Trump has always been and always will be a vaguely humanoid-shaped black hole of need. And finally...
Then again, Trump got 6,000,000 more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. As they say, never underestimate the stupidity of people in large numbers.
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