Pottersville Digest

The Nazis in Germany would've done exactly the same thing.
DeFascist is proposing here would be tantamount to a declaration of war
on a sovereign nation. Which is to say, it would be a war crime.
In other words, typical right wing deadbeats. They learned well at the knee of their orange fatted calf.
Donald Trump: "I need a lawyer who's experienced in sexual assault cases."
Boris Epshteyn: "I've committed sexual assault."
Trump: "Perfect! You're hired!"
"Oh, look, a new species! Let's kill it."
They damn well better be worried. After Tulsa and Greenwood a century or
more ago, this is poetic justice. The chickens are coming home to
roost, good ole boys.
If Aileen Cannon was any stupider, they'd be harvesting her organs.
There's your migrant crisis. Homicidal Republican governors.
Good. Because if anyone was least deserving of a sweetheart deal, it's the biggest criminal mastermind in American history.
I could get used to seeing this.
To paraphrase, if you can't pay the billable hours, don't do the crime.
"After decades of working in wealth management in New York City, he lost his job with the financial services firm UBS, where a customer — who said DiNapoli was her brother — accused him of stealing her money and forging her name on a check."
Man, Ron-duh sure knows how to pick 'em.
Man, Ron-duh sure knows how to pick 'em.
Kevin, if you're being held against your will, blink twice.
Another day, another scandal. Ho hum.
"Sarah Longwell, during an appearance on CNN’s 'Inside Politics,' claimed
that the once formidable candidate isn’t even being mentioned in focus
groups. " When was DeSantis ever a "formidable candidate"?
The sheer idiocy of this scheme is literally breath-taking. I
mean, they didn't bother sweeping up the bread crumbs that led all the
way to the Oval Office. Then they hacked into voting machines in a
county that Trump carried in 2020 by nearly 70 points. And finally...
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