Pottersville Digest

accusations will come out during the discovery phase. Meanwhile, I
think it's hilarious these assholes actually believe Trump when he says
he's being arrested for them when, in reality, nearly 1100 of them were
arrested for him.
Trump not to commit crimes is like telling a dog not to sniff other
dogs' butts. Frog and the Scorpion, people. It's in his nature. But the
judge was smart to publicly put him on notice.
Gee, another crooked NYPD cop. What a surprise.
What a brave keyboard warrior.
Your Karen o' the day.
Yes, Mayor Rudy is even more of a disgusting pig than we thought.
Rubbing? Dry-humping? Something you'd like to share with the rest of the class, boys?
So, who's going to be the cult deprogrammer? And is deprogramming even possible? I've seen cults come and go. Many extinguish themselves with mass suicide. But we're seeing a cult that's in all 50 states, is decentralized and is far larger than Jonestown or Mount Carmel ever was.
If Smith ever got Trump on the stand, he'd gut him like a fish.
Donnie Dumbo loses in court yet again.
At this point, Trump might as well have tattooed on his forehead, "Please put me in prison."
Lock him up. Problem solved.
"If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking
something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill." Been
cancelled just for espousing neonazi, genocidal propaganda? You may be
entitled to compensation. Call our law firm at Dewey, Cheatham and Howe
for a more or less free consultation.
If they were BLM, they would have executed them all by now.
Thank goodness this idiot's on Trump's legal team. And finally...
Well, it is Alabama, after all.