Pottersville Digest

There you have it- Comer just admitted that they're not really after Hunter Biden but his father.
Corporate doublespeak from a typical corporate crook.
When you're a star they let you do it. Grab 'em by the cock...
Good girl. Rock on, so to speak.
wasn't so long ago that I forgot that the late Pee Wee Herman was
arrested then lost his children's show for fondling himself in a theater.
Because fighting Hitler and the Axis powers would be the worst thing for America.
There is absolutely no law in Texas. None.
Oh, those rock-ribbed conservative Republican family values!
And, oh look, here's some more!
Pushing 90 and the old girl's still raking in awards.
To serve and protect, eh?
only knows what NBC and Press the Meat thought they were doing by
letting an unhinged psychopath make murals with his own fecal matter on
national TV. I mean, my God. Did they learn nothing from the shit show
that was Chuck Toddler?
Wow, stalker much?
I guess they all better start learning German before the debates.
I knew about contingent elections but please tell me this is a nightmare and that I'll wake up in a saner world. And finally...
"Eat our farts." How to counter such shocking brilliance?