Pottersville Digest Labor Day edition

I see Hitler Youth League shit like this, it gives me the cold sweats.
Russia's obviously trying to control the historical narrative just like
the neonazi right wing in our country.
MSM and the Democratic Party need to do a better job in tying these bloated Nazi freaks to DeSantis since we know they support him.
When are they finally going to start harvesting her organs? Because her brain has finally flat-lined.
Of course they're turning on him. When something like this happens, it can only mean they're cooperating with investigators.
Oh, so when liberals help each other out, it's Socialism but when right
wingers do the same thing, it's "gifting". Gotcha.😆
And yet, what else can one expect from a shyster hired by Trump?
And he threw it all away for a self-absorbed sociopath who never paid
him a cent. That's what's so pathetic about Rudy's fall from grace.
Will its downfall silence Trump? Hell no. He'll crawl back to Elon Musk
and we'll be back to where we were on January 6, 2021. Twain was wrong-
history doesn't always rhyme. Sometimes it does repeat itself.
In states like Wisconsin, the GOP has moved from being a mere Fifth Column and have successfully set up what is thisclose to becoming a fascist oligarchy that's openly hostile to actual democracy.
Remember back in the good old pre-internet days when an asshole went to prison and we didn't have to listen to him? Good times.
Maybe Trump should dispense with Make America Great Again and replace it with, "Make Me Immune From Prosecution Again!"
And of course, Trump didn't give them a damned penny for gas so they could get back home.
OK, remind me again who was gonna get Mexico to pay for the wall? And finally...
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