Pottersville Digest

seen cults come and go. I was 19 when Jonestown went belly up in '78. I
saw Heaven's Gate end in suicide. And, now, we're seeing QAnon. But
this Trump cult, I have to say, is the most stubborn, pernicious one
I've ever seen, beyond the reach of even truth, logic, facts, the best
deprogrammers and pharmaceuticals.
Oh, if Dunn gets elected to Congress, it'll completely finish off Trump. So, run, Harry, run!!!
shouldn't surprise anyone considering this is coming from the only
"president" in US history who has sided with neo-Nazis and white
you’re in the minority, whether Democrat or Republican, it’s the only
power you have to get the other group’s attention.” So, you are doing
this just to get attention? Where was this fear of the tyranny of the
majority when they had it and rammed through three manifestly unfit
judges to be Supreme Court justices?
Real profile in courage, that Kenny boy.
What Trump is doing is the equivalent of someone shooting their own foot in the belief doing so will help them win a marathon.
To all you right wing nut jobs who keep excusing Clarence Thomas' endless corruption, allow me to set you straight-
If you take a $267,000 loan then not repay it, it ceases to be a loan & becomes taxable income at best, a bribe at worst.
This was a bribe.
Here endeth the lesson for the day.
A judge fined Trump $10,000. But that's OK. He can pay it off with one of these phony bank notes.
I don't buy this tearfully remorseful version of Jenna Ellis
considering her smiling mug shot and smirking as the charges were being
read to her. She was only crying because she was forced to testify
against a man in whose cause she still believes.
The house fell on the Nazi witch. Now thank Phil Williams for exposing her.
Oh, please, keep this dear man talking. I live for the day when I can see him in an orange jumpsuit.
Another reason to not let that psychopath anywhere near the WH.
"Mr. Pratt also describes on the recording how Mr. Trump asked his wife, Melania, to strut around Mar-a-Lago in her bikini 'so all the other guys could get a look at what they were missing.'"
Knowing his grandfather was a whoremonger in Alaska, this doesn't surprise me one bit.
Just as I predicted at the close of my article two days ago. "And, while
the GOP caucus was making a Broadway production of looking unified
yesterday, I'd say it'll be a miracle if this newest clown lasts out the
year because, at some point, he'll piss off someone in the caucus.
After the last three weeks, it's inevitable." Sometimes, I hate being right. Sometimes, I love it.
And this obscure turncoat's endorsement will move the needle... how much?
Uh huh. And what did the pet tyrannosaurs eat during those 40
days and nights? Other animals? Noah's family? Enquiring minds want to
know. And finally...
Let's see. The three Fani Willis already has plus these six make... Oh, half the defendants and counting. Yeah, the fat man's going down.
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