Sunday, September 1, 2024

What Happened at Section 60

     This should be the tipping point, the scandal that should not fall into the Trump-friendly memory hole. This needs to be that proverbial red line, Julius Caesar's Rubicon, the point of no return.
      It should end right here and now.
      Details are still coming out about Trump's ill-fated whistle stop at Arlington National Cemetery, arguably the most sacred ground in the US. For once, the MSM aren't giving the sociopath a free pass. If they really wanted to twist the knife, they could helpfully remind those who may have forgotten that Trump had his equally sociopathic Daddy get him five draft deferments for bone spurs that were never really proven to exist or that he called our WWI dead "suckers and losers" while refusing to visit their graves at the one and only 100th anniversary of the Armistice. Or that, at that same Arlington, as he stood over the grave of Gen. John Kelly's son, he turned to him and asked, "I don't get it. What was in it for them?"
      Yes, one of the Gold Star families invited Trump to meet them at Arlington and, true to form, Trump couldn't resist the lure of a juicy photo op as long as he calculates it'll benefit him in some way.
      Here's where things went wrong.
      There's a section at Arlington called Section 60. That's where we inter the newest war dead, those fallen veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Because those fallen heroes are still very much in living human memory, campaigns events, photos and videos are strictly forbidden. This isn't just at Arlington but is a sweeping DoD rule that forbids any such activity at any Army cemetery. The dead should be nonpartisan 
      Undeterred, Trump and his thugs tried to enter section 60, which included a veteran who had committed suicide after serving nine combat tours overseas. When an Arlington official tried to stop them, they literally pushed right past her and basically assaulted her. She filed a complaint with the Army but declined to press charges on account of fear of reprisals from Trump's red-toothed mob.
     It was serious and vetted well enough so that the Army issued a very rare rebuke. Without mentioning Trump's name (although she should have), the Secretary of the Army tore his campaign a new one.
      The campaign responded as all right wing campaigns do and insulted the Secretary of the Army. Stephen Cheung, the Dollar General Odd Job, even went after the assaulted cemetery official and accused her of having Trump Derangement Syndrome. He claimed she wasn't shoved aside and that there's video proving it but that video, naturally, hasn't come to light.
       But it wasn't just Trump literally muscling his way into hallowed ground and did something that was plainly illegal (Not "possibly", MSM, just plain illegal.). As Trump stood there, he gave his trademark thumbs up gesture and acted as if he was posing for a picture at fucking Disneyland and not Arlington National Cemetery.
      He had no problem having his thugs push their way through because we all know Trump has no regard for the law and thinks he's above it. This is why he was convicted on 34 criminal counts and will be sentenced in 17 days. He has no regard for common decency. And his smiling thumbs up picture before the grave of a fallen hero has all sorts of things wrong with it. If it was just bad optics, it would be bad enough.
      But it wasn't just optics. That woman's grave became a crime scene.
      Trump's 2016 campaign should've been over when he said John McCain was only a war hero because he was captured. It should've been over when he mocked a disabled reporter. It should've been over when he openly invited Russia to hack Hillary's emails and especially when they showed up on WikiLeaks the next day. And it definitely should've crashed and burned for good when the Access Hollywood tape came out weeks before the election.
       But with Trump, there seems to never be an inflection point. There's no red line, no Rubicon. Because we have a mainstream media that is disturbingly comfortable with giving free passes to any politician with a big R after their name while holding Democrats to more stringent ethical and moral standards.
      Because if we don't start holding this palpably obvious sociopath to the same standards to which we hold Democrats, this is what we'll see next.



At September 2, 2024 at 12:20 AM, Anonymous CC said...

Cheung doesn't hold a candle to his colleague Chris LaCivita, who, despite being a combat veteran, has attacked the Secretary of the Army and, by extension, the U.S. Military itself.

We don't expect less from Mr. Swiftboat.

At September 2, 2024 at 12:28 AM, Blogger jurassicpork said...

A little off topic but I've got a story you're not going to believe.


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