Thursday, September 19, 2024

The GOP is the Party of Jefferson Davis

     It would've been easy, very easy, to devote today's post to the CNN's KFile revelations about Mark Robinson, the lunatic who's running for governor of North Carolina. In case you haven't read them, yet (the news didn't drop until 3:30 PM EST), here are some of the lowlights:
     It seems between 2008 and 2013, Robinson put out some, questionable posts, shall we say on social media and even a porn site called "Nude Africa." The accounts were in his name, using his picture and even a private email address that he's used all over the internet.
     In his comments to the porn site, he admitted liking tranny porn, admitted to peeking at women when he was 14 while they were showering and other things too obscene for CNN to put on the air. Robinson started pushing back on CNN's report even before it came out today, even accusing AI of manufacturing it at the behest of an unnamed billionaire's son.
     He also announced on the porn site, "I'm a black NAZI!"
     But something else caught my eye because before I'd even read these revelations about Robinson, I'd also read about Mark Krikorian, a board member of Project 2025, who'd testified before Congress today and was exposed by Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX) as having written nearly 15 years ago that Haitians would've been better off as slaves. This wasn't something written in some obscure corner of the internet but the National Review.
     In fact, this is what he'd written: "My guess is that Haiti’s so screwed up because it wasn’t colonized long enough. (emphasis his)" Haiti is one of the few stories of a successful slave revolt against French colonists and what this asshat had written was that Haitians should've enslaved for at least another 30 years.
     This is hardly surprising coming from one of the advisors of Project 2025, a neo Nazi blueprint that's eerily similar to Nazi Germany's Enabling Act of 1933.
     The reason this ties into Mark Robinson is because one of the comments he'd written back in the day was to support slavery. In fact, this is what he'd written:
     "Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few."
     This essentially makes Robinson at least as odious and self-loathing a figure as Stephen, Samuel L, Jackson's character in Django Unchained.
     Now, it's fallacious to assume that someone back in 2008 to 2013 manufactured these posts and comments by Robinson before 1) AI was even anywhere as sophisticated as it is now and 2) years before he'd entered the political arena. We know he wrote these things because many of his statements perfectly comport with his public comments before and after he became Lt. Governor of NC. But it's where they differ from his public statements that's the troubling thing.
     The support for slavery is one of those things.
     Hence the title, "The GOP is the Party of Jefferson Davis."
     Even factoring in the self-loathing factor of a black man advocating for the return of slavery while assuming he'd be exempt from such an unthinkable scenario (Just try getting the 13th amendment abolished in 36 states), it's breathtaking to hear someone say that "some people need to be slaves."
     Obviously, he was talking about his own people because slavery was created to exploit only black people.
     But that one singular comment that was surely written by Robinson (the same man who'd said in a church recently that "some folks need killing"), is pretty much the same exact mindset of Mark Krikorian, who'd said that Haitians need to be enslaved a few decades longer so the white French colonists could've guided them on how to run their country.
     And this nearly 15 year-old article dovetails neatly into the right wing bigotry aimed at Haitians to this very day. Just as the white residents of Tulsa a century ago couldn't stand  the idea of black people of being prosperous, they're also outraged by the idea of Haitians holding down actual jobs that pay them a fair living wage.
     And Robinson's and Krikorian's comments show their advocacy of slavery isn't completely predicated in economic gain but also subjugation of those they look upon as inferior.
     Which, while not exclusive to the Nazi Party of 30s and 40s Germany, was certainly a feature of it.
     There are very few third rails today's radical GOP won't touch but for now, slavery is one of them. But that third rail is getting more and more degraded. Pretty soon Overton's Window is going to degrade it so much that that third rail won't have any shock to it.


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