Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Sanewashing of Trump

     I don't know who'd coined that term but it's one of the catchphrases that's come out this year that's bound to stick, at least as long as Donald Trump spitefully clings to life and his fever dream of getting back in the White House.
     And accusations of sanewashing is something that can be laid on the doorstep of the corporate mainstream media because they're the ones primarily engaging in it. We got a brief reprieve from it during Tuesday's debate, although David Muir's and Linsey Davis' intermittent fact checking was nullified by all the times they turned Trump's microphone back on every time he opened his big mouth even when it wasn't his turn to speak.
     So why is the corporate mainstream media deliberately trying to fool the American public into thinking Donald Trump is actually sane? Well, again, I give you Dr. Mary Trump:
     "This election is too important to for us to rely on outlets that continue, against all evidence to the contrary, to normalize a deeply unwell traitor just so they can preserve the horse race of it all."
     And that's what it's all about: Making money with a blizzard of ad buys, keeping viewers tuning in on election night by pretending this is a neck and neck horse race between two legitimate major party candidates who are comparable in every way, shape and form. It's all about keeping the top executives happy and that especially goes for the shareholders.
     But this isn't a game. Hell, it''s not even sweeps week. This is a presidential election, perhaps the most consequential and important one in US history. And the MSM are doing the American people a great and grave disservice, to put it mildly, by presenting Donald Trump as if he's not, in fact, a raving, deranged psychopath.
     Take Trump's answer about child care earlier this month at the New York Economic Club. When asked what type of legislation he would expect to lower child care costs, he blathered on about tariffs and suggested they'd solve the problem even though child care costs and tariffs have nothing to do with each other. Trump was caught flat-footed because this was a guy who was born with the entire silverware drawer in his mouth. He comes from a world of au pairs and nannies, someone who never had to change a dirty diaper in his life.
     He's somebody who plainly doesn't understand that sometimes one spouse or another has to put their entire fulltime job's paycheck into a daycare provider's pocket, which defeats the purpose of going out in the workforce. Often, day care costs can come to more than the rents or mortgages of middle class households.
     The print media automatically began spinning Trump's unraveled ball of mental yarn and desperately tried to knit it into something recognizable. Was it a sweater? A scarf? Who cares? As long as the American public doesn't conclude that Donald Trump is in fact, crazier than a sewer rat on fire.
     Take a look at what Trump said at the debate last Tuesday night:
     "We have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums. You see what's happening with towns throughout the United States. You look at Springfield, Ohio. You look at Aurora in Colorado. They are taking over the towns. They're taking over buildings. They're going in violently. These are the people that (Vice President Kamala Harris) and (President Joe Biden) let into our country. And they're destroying our country. They're dangerous. They're at the highest level of criminality," said the 34 time convicted criminal.
     Now look at how this pack of lies is treated by USA Today. "Colorado mayor, police respond to Trump's claims that Venezuelan gang is 'taking over'."
    Nothing like what they should've, in fact, written, which was that Aurora officials and the Aurora PD have once again put the lie to a lying psychopath who literally couldn't tell the truth if his very life depended on it.
     Yes, Aurora police have arrested some Venezuelan gang members since February but not for the things Trump is accusing them of. But if you listen to USA Today, Trump merely made a slight miscalculation that had to be gently corrected by city officials. Oopsie.
     And then, there's the other racist conspiracy theory that has gotten even more play in the media: That Haitians are eating peoples' pets in Springfield, Ohio. This was a baseless conspiracy theory based on a careless Facebook post by a Springfield resident who now regrets saying anything. This was one of Trump's worst moments at the debate, if not THE worst, but it he still put it out there before 70,000,000 viewers.
     And it started getting traction thanks to JD Vance, arguably the worst VP running mate of all time.
     And if it was just the lie, it would be bad enough. But the conspiracy theory inspired bomb threats right after Tuesday's debate that evacuated two schools and at least one other building.
     But racist psychopaths like Trump and JD Vance don't care about putting the lives of minorities in danger. And they don't care that the 20,000 Haitians that had settled in Springfield were there to get jobs or are living there legally.
     Yet, in California, from one of his countless golf courses, Trump said he was going to deport the Haitians in Springfield and would send them to, get this, Venezuela.
     Hardly anyone in the media called him on that lunacy or when he said, "The water's dead."  Or anything else. It's just Trump being Trump. It's just President Trump expressing concerns.
     And yet the media can't bother being concerned that the GOP nominee for president is a raving fucking lunatic who's slipping further and further into dementia.
     And maybe that's the Republican Party's long game. Get Trump elected then just wait for him to go out on the South Lawn without his pants on. When they happens, they can then invoke the 25th amendment to push him out and make fascist-in-waiting JD Vance their pliable fuckstick who will rubber stamp their every agenda.
     Meaning it's not Project 2025 we should be worried about. It's Project 25.
     And the corporate media are doing everything they can to help them to that end.


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