Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(Nobody puts Baby in a corner... except Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, etc.)

     AOC vs Lt. Commander Data. It didn't end well for the artificial person.

     No more racist, vote-shopping,right wing gerrymandering in NC, ever!

     Unsurprisingly, this, also had Rudy's grubby fingerprints all over it. Gulen, it should be restated, was the guy Michael Flynn was bribed to the tune of $15,000,000 to kidnap and extraordinarily rendition back to Turkey.

      I don't always agree with Amanda Marcotte but I see her point here. Where her own outrage fails is in not raking the spineless Democrats over the coals just as long and as merciless as she does the Republicans. The Democrats' insistence on investigating Katie Hill for a relationship that, while unconventional, was not unethical or illegal in any way (the Congressional rules forbidding relationships with subordinates does not apply to campaign staff), is typical, craven and just what one would expect of the so-called "Democrats." This is like Al Franken all over again only worse. These dickless, feckless cunts in the Democratic Party waited years to impeach Trump because they were afraid of looking "too partisan" without once realizing that that's why they were put in Congress in the first place. So, when real sexual assault is credibly alleged of a fellow Republican (Yes, I'm looking right at you, Trump and Kavanaugh), the GOP circles the wagons and slut shames the women making the allegations. The Democrats? At the first whiff of sexual impropriety, the Democrats eagerly throw their own to the wolves in a disingenuous show of moral rectitude.
      Which, considering their own sexual scandals over the decades, is risible at best, despicable at worst.

        So, add price-gouging to the list of crimes committed by this so-called administration.

        G/O, the right wing nut bag outfit that now owns Deadspin and a bunch of former Gawker sites, told their editorial staff in a memo leaked today to the Daily Beast that they were to cover just sports. Well, this is what Ray Ratto of Deadspin had to say about THAT today.
       This is the next phase of fascism, ladies and gentlemen- The chilling of political thought in the media.

      Oh no, this Katie Hill thing wasn't politically motivated AT ALL. You know what other California Congresscritter is also embroiled in a sex scandal? White male Duncan Hunter who, unlike Katie Hill, was using campaign funds to carry out multiple affairs, including with a lobbyist and one of his own staffers. He's also facing a criminal trial in January.
      Another way he also differs from Katie Hill: He was never investigated by the same Ethics Committee that immediately went after Hill. Fancy that.

        Hey, look at my African American over there!

        Not a bad day's work considering he probably Tivoed the fucking thing while he was on the golf course. He sounded like a 13 year-old giving a book report on the first Mack Bolan novel he ever read.

        With Biden fading and sure to lose, desperate Democrats look for other past losers to field.

        Study: Fox lies 60% of the time. In the age of Trump, that's probably shot up to 80%.

        DOJ bagged telling more lies.

        A truly great moment in signage.

        Ever wonder what the birth of a binary star system looks like? Wonder no more.

       "Acting House Oversight Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y, told NBC News she found Vindman’s remarks 'extremely, extremely, extremely disturbing' as she left the deposition. Maloney refused to answer any other questions about Vindman’s testimony." NBC News.
        Vindman was one of several people who listened in on Trump's "perfect" July 25th phone call to Zelensky.

         Speaking of Alexander Vindman, on the eve of his testimony, Laura Ingraham actually accused him of committing espionage to the smiling agreement of torture enthusiast John Yoo and "Democrat" Alan Douchewitz. Yes, we've sunk to this.

          Remember when Trump "joked" that he wasn't allowed to kill migrants seeking asylum at legal ports of entry? Apparently, he wasn't kidding and last February he gave himself the right to do just that. This is a violation of virtually every human rights law on the books as well as a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.

         Meme intermission.

           It seems Commie pinko leftists will never learn the lessons of history and are doomed to repeat them.

          Yesterday, AOC blasted Republicans for being driven to distraction by Vindman's testimony in the basement. Alex Mooney already got thrown out after trying to crash the hearing. Yes, Republicans are now literally basement dwellers.

        We ran a postbellum concentration camp for freed slaves in Mississippi. It was called the Devil's Punchbowl and many people, starting with those in Natchez, would like to make you forget that.

       Here come the judge, here come the judge. Unfortunately, the judge's name is Dredd. Don't know who Judge Dredd is? Look it up.

     And we thought Katie Hill put a new spin on the old adage of politics making for strange bedfellows. Look who's running for her House seat- Jailbird George Papadopoulos, the moron who got drunk at a bar and told the Australian ambassador about the hacked Clinton emails that would be released on Wikileaks.

     Things are getting so crazy on Bullshit Mountain, Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC called Fox "News" "chickenshit" on live national TV.

      Now you know why Trump was going full tilt painting-the-wall-with-his-feces batshit crazy on Twitter yesterday morning. He knew that Vindman would verify what we already know- That the call transcript was very heavily censored. What we DIDN'T know (and what Trump obviously did) was that Trump mentioned having audiotapes of Joe Biden. Here's the money shot:
       "The rough transcript also contains ellipses at three points where Mr. Trump is speaking. Colonel Vindman told investigators that at the point of the transcript where the third set of ellipses appears, Mr. Trump said there were tapes of Mr. Biden."

       So much for second-hand information in secret hearings.

      We heard from one hero on Capitol Hill yesterday. Here's another one. This was a damned nice thing for Mr. Sinise and his Snowball foundation to do. Obviously, this won't take away the pain of losing their parents. But the five free days of fun and magic will go a long way toward reminding them that the whole world isn't such a dark, ugly place.

       Right winger Jennifer Rubin will never turn into Molly Ivins. But she makes a good point when she says character assassination must have repercussions.

       Apparently, the Republican fetish for transparency only applies to Democrats.

       Dr. Baden said Epstein was murdered. Duh.

      Right wing journalist Charlie Sykes perfectly delineates the "Trumpian smear reflex." Sean Duffy, who seems bound and determined to become the briefest hire in CNN's history, went down the same ugly, Nativist road as Trump did 2 1/2 years ago with Judge Curiel, who ruled against his Muslim ban. Trump said he couldn't be trusted because he was of Mexican descent. Duffy and white nationalist Laura Ingraham each said that Lt. Col. Vindman couldn't be trusted because he was born in Ukraine. Duffy is a mini Trump- Just another Nativist reality TV political hack.

       Christopher Anderson is also testifying on the Hill today. In his opening statement, he revealed a bombshell. I'll let him say it in his own words from his opening statements:
      "On November 25, 2018, Russia escalated the conflict further when its forces openly attacked and seized Ukrainian military vessels heading to a Ukrainian port in the Sea of Azov. While my colleagues at the State Department quickly prepared a statement condemning Russia for its escalation, senior officials in the White House blocked it from being issued."

      Betsy DeVos just admitted that test scores under her "leadership" have cratered. Her plan? More of the same, including, predictably, carpet-bombing the nation with more for-profit charter schools even as she admits her plan's not working.

     In his testimony yesterday, Lt. Col. Vindman also exposed how Trump is actively trying to get Russia off the hook for hacking the US election by blaming it on Ukraine. This is part of the WH coverup that should be folded into the impeachment inquiry.

      A shelter kicking out the homeless in 10 degree weather? There is absolutely no excuse for this. NONE.

      Republicans have been pissing and moaning that they don't have a seat at the table. Well, this is what happens when they DO have a seat: They get up and leave in a huff like the manbabies they are when they don't get their way. No war on women, my ass. This is what the GOP REALLY thinks of women and our military.

      This is a live Youtube feed of the fire that firefighters are battling in the Simi Valley near LA. I don't recall Trump ever once mentioning these fires that are turning LA County into a crisp.

      That's because Trump isn't interested in doing anything that doesn't have some legal or moral larceny embedded within it. And finally...

     "Katie Hill is not being held accountable for having an alleged sexual relationship with a subordinate. She is being thrown upon the pyre because she is a woman who has consensual sex outside of society’s rigid expectations for her gender. She is being castigated in order to make men feel a little more comfortable in the quickly evolving world in which they find themselves getting away with far less while those who do not look like them gain ever more power. Men are exemplified; women are made examples."
       Spot on.


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