Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(We stay within the established lines.)

     Fuckerberg takes another huge step in turning Fuckbook into a right wing sewer.

   Considering Trump's feckless pattern of disloyal behavior, I'm frankly more than a bit astounded that the NY Times editorial board has to warn the idiots in the Republican Party to dump Trump and do unto him before he does unto them. Trump has childishly bad-mouthed virtually everyone who had ever worked for him in his campaign, his so-called "administration" as well as in private life. If the impeachment that will surely pass the House fails in the Senate, it'll be a direct result of their own stupidity, shortsightedness and fecklessness. You'd have to be an utter moron to continue hitching your wagon to Trump after all this.

     Who's getting insanely rich off inside information from Trump? Regulators don't really give a shit.

    Donald Trump is not only the worst man who ever occupied the White House, he's also the weakest. Barge your way through the bluster, bravado and bullshit and all you'll see is a little boy who never could grow up and is perpetually insecure that he cannot fulfill the responsibilities thrust upon him.

     When you've lost Sippy Cupp, you've lost Bullshit Mountain.

     You forgot to mention virtually every Republican on Capitol Hill screaming bloody murder about it but, no, let's just concentrate on the Democrats, you bargain bin martinet.

     No wonder Governor Buford T. Justice is one of the most hated governors this side of Matt Bevin. How's that voting for nothing but Republicans working out for ya, ya fucking rednecks?

     With AOC's endorsement last Saturday, I see Sanders' campaign getting a much-needed shot in the arm. He'll pick up some of the youth vote as well as female voters that Warren had started poaching from him. The trick is to maintain the momentum. And with Election Day being better than a year off, that's about 1000 eternities in political time. He already has Omar's endorsement with Tlaib expected to follow suit. All that remains to be seen on the Squad front is if Ayanna Presley is enough of an apostate to turn away her fellow Bay State lawmaker Warren and make the Squad's endorsement unanimous by also endorsing Bernie.

     Read what the right wingers have to say in the comment section. They're hilarious.

     Someone please euthanize these rabid animals.

     This is quite cool- a flute duet in space with Ian Anderson.

     And, speaking of our ladies in space... Yeah, you just know he was going to fuck this up, too, that misogynistic douchebag.

     The vultures widen their circle.

    What the actual FUCK was CNN thinking when they hired this right wing conspiracy theorist assclown?

     So what do they do? They trot him right back out on national TV. Thank you, White House!

     Fucking MAGAt morons.

    Well, at least the British people can say with one loud voice, "We didn't vote for this feckless cunt."

    So, how ironic was it that the CIA and the 16 other intelligence agencies couldn't stop the Russians from fiddle-fucking with ours?

     This story goes back over a year and a half but it's telling that this happened at all. Trump and the Republicans are doing everything in their power to duplicate the results of the 2016 election that fraudulently put Trump in the White House. For years, they've viciously insisted Russia did not meddle in the election, Mitch McConnell derided as "partisan" and blocked for MONTHS an election security bill that would've allocated $250 million toward election security and they're continuing to accept favors and money from Russian bad actors.
      I will never stop saying this: The Russian government has completely subsumed the Republican party. What we already know about Trump and Russia, believe me, is just the tip of the rotten, filthy iceberg. And it WILL all come out in the end.

      Trump would consider violating the Emoluments Clause thousands of times to be, as he defended not paying his taxes, "smart."

      Just putting aside for a moment this fucking blithering idiot's inability to correctly spell his own acting Defense Secretary's name...
      Mark Esper revealed that the troops who are forced to abandon their Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS aren't coming home as Trump bragged they would be but getting redeployed to Iraq (Yes, they did help us in WWII- so did the Kurds they'd recruited) to fight... ISIS.
      So, what does this tell us? That Trump got tired of one vest pocket war that he always claimed he was against so he could continue another vest pocket war that he also claimed to always oppose. So we're fighting ISIS in Iraq so we don't have to fight them in northeastern Syria.
      Because he claims not to care about terrorists 7000 miles away.
      Terrorists that he claimed until recently were 100% defeated by us (but really by the Kurds). That his treachery and betrayal are now setting loose.
      Because he doesn't want endless wars.

     Even if Trump voters still support this dirtbag, how it must sting them to see how many people are laughing at him.

     Meanwhile, this happened a week ago, to little press coverage. Thanks again, Donnie Dumbo.

     Meme intermission.

     Must've been one huge fucking bird.

    Remember the good old days when the only political alter ego we had to contend with was Anthony Weiner's Carlos Danger?

     I can't believe Ed Stack is so naive about politics that he doesn't know it's all about those NRA dollars and endorsements.

     Yes, there's a forest mafia in Romania.

     The criminalization of tiny homes is predicated completely on corruption and protecting corporate interests.

     We need to hear more stories like this.

     I still laugh myself sick when I think of Trump insulting Romney for losing in 2012. At least Mitt Romney earned the Republican nomination. Trump's own 2012 campaign was a three week-long publicity stunt.

      I am so glad this scumbag company is now out of business. Their shitty business model, showing previews of palpably fake news stories of celebrities that then take you to a place where they lure you in with a "free trial offer" that turns into expensive monthly subscriptions, is why I got ad-blocking software. It was mainly to keep from seeing those shitty ads here on Fuckbook. As for Asher Burke, the twentysomething right winger who led the company and was killed last year, he won't be missed by many. Unfortunately there are lots of scumbag operations like that all over the internet and Burke will and does have successors.

     Trudeau held on to power after Monday's elections but still lacks the 170 seat majority he needs in the Canadian parliament.

     Whatever Zuckerberg's doing, it won't be enough. It's ultimately up to each of us to discern what's bullshit and what's genuine. Do not base your vote next year on what you see on social media.

     "Hey, Vlad, hey Orban. how should I feel about Ukraine?"

     "Don't worry, Vlad, I'll lie for you and if anyone accuses Russia of bombing hospitals I'll just call them fake news and have them deported."

     "A lynching"? Oooh, if only...

     "Women’s brains absorb information like pancakes soak up syrup so it’s hard for them to focus, the attendees were told. Men’s brains are more like waffles. They’re better able to focus because the information collects in each little waffle square."
      This is like something out of MAD MEN. Except this wasn't 1968 but 2018.

      In other words, a real-life Scrooge minus any chance at redemption.

      She's already a better quarterback than the one the Jets have.

      WTF is the matter with Starbucks? In Philly, they threw out two black men waiting for someone now this shit in Essex, UK. It's easy to see how people would not tie this off at the store level and see this as part of the corporate culture.

      OK, THIS isn't a good sign. Bill Taylor's opening statement provoked "sighs and gasps" among the committee members. No wonder Pompous Maximus tried to block his testimony at the last minute.

      Good. It's time we regulate the shit out of these fuckers.

      43? Make it 200 allegations of sexual assault. Trump actually made one woman vomit.

      After reading this article about 53206, a section of North Milwaukee, Wisconsin, you may come to the conclusion as I had that Milwaukee is undoubtedly one of the most racist cities in the nation.

      Yes, "skin-to-skin" contact charges is now a thing at least in Utah. Only an executive psychopath would think of this.

      "While more black families were now renting in Trump-owned buildings, the government said, many had been confined to a small number of complexes. And tenants in some of these buildings had complained about the conditions, from falling plaster to rusty light fixtures to bloodstained floors."

       This is the entirety of Bill Taylor's opening statement before the House Intel Committee today. It draws a much more vivid and detailed picture about Trump's failed quid pro quo with Ukraine than we've been told. I've just read the entire thing, all 15 pages. It makes a few horrifying revelations- #1, Trump never wanted to release the military aid to Ukraine and #2 that Giuliani and his fellow rat fuckers were working to actively undermine our diplomatic mission in Kiev (and for a while had actually supplanted it).

       The Republicans have no response for Bill Taylor, by far the most damning witness Congress has called up during the impeachment inquiries. All they can do now is carp about the process and (unsuccessfully) go after Adam Schiff behind his back. And finally...

       By withdrawing us from the world stage diplomatically and scientifically, Trump has left a moral vacuum in the rest of the world. And Russia's former foreign minister says we must impeach Trump in order to take the first step in reclaiming that moral authority.


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