Gotham City Digest
Now that he realizes his every tweet is getting flagged by Twitter, he's taken to sending out all caps press releases and screaming for money through his campaign with ridiculous letters like this.
"Our latest study, released on Nov. 11, shows how California oil field operations are putting stress on tectonic faults in an area just a few miles from the San Andreas Fault." But, please, let's just keep drilling as if nothing is happening.
Oh when will you come home, Bill Calley? (Yes, this is legit.)
Remind me who the snowflakes are, again?
Goebbels did it better.
“It’s like dealing with a lunatic on the subway. Everyone just kind of sits and stares ahead, pretends they can’t hear him, and waits for him to eventually get off.”
Death Cult. That's what DC stands for. It's also the only way to describe the GOP these days.
“He seems to be asking for funds to challenge the election, but the fine print shows that the money could let him line his own coffers. The tin-pot-dictator routine looks more as if it’s about passing the tin cup.” Dana Milbank gets it.
Republican sock puppet campaigns?! Say it ain't so!
Well, this is what happens when you endorse the same psychopath not once but twice. It's no coincidence this an Adelson-owned newspaper. Adelson & Trump had a fallout during the election because Trump screamed at Adelson that he wasn't giving him enough money.
So, these knuckleheads were going to execute Whitmer on live tv then burn down the Capitol Building in :Lansing with everyone in it. But, please,let's keep harping on antifa and Black Lives Matter being the REAL threat.
After this brain-damaged goon is finally out, we need to reacquaint ourselves with what normal used to be. This is not normal.
“I do think that this president, this man, has the, not just the ability, but the No. 1 self-focus to use everything that he has in his possession for his financial gain.” Mika today on Morning Joe.
“Here is our chance to show that Christians are not hypocrites.”
And that begins with disavowing your own column?
“The rule of law is stronger than any one man or any one woman.”
Then explain that joke of an impeachment trial, Joey Scar.
To borrow one of their own tee shirt slogans, Fuck your feelings. And finally...
"That means Trumpism is not merely Trump’s creation. It is also the creation of the Democrats, who have become such a thoroughly neoliberal party, whose actual politics are steeped in the tea of corporate donors and billionaires, that their hands are tied when it comes to any kind of real reform that might dig into the pocketbooks of the latter. The Democrats don’t employ the same kind of sadistic rhetoric, but a huge number of online liberals have become similarly obsessed with getting in epic owns against their political enemies."
Keith Spencer gets it like few other journalists around today. These are some of the same exact reasons I absolutely refused to vote for Obama in 2012, Clinton in 2016 or Biden last week. I cannot and will not vote for Republicans. And neolib Democrats are just Republicans minus most of the sadism.
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