Pottersville Digest

are plenty of good, honest, hard-working people out there who are
having trouble keeping body and soul together. That piece of shit didn't
deserve a cent.
The inevitable result of getting into bed with right wingers.
Trump is leaving every one of them out to dry. No bail, no legal fees,
which is a great way to ensure their loyalty and discretion.
Russians initially placed their hopes in Ron DeSantis, whose Russian
nickname is 'Number Two.'" What a coincidence. We call DeSantis Number
Two here as well but for more scatalogical reasons.
Schlapp slapped. That gets my vote for one of the top ten headlines of the year.
fuck your prayers. We need more gun control. We even had a mass
shooting during a parade in Boston, where we never see mass shootings.
Like PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Or, in the Age of Trump, millions of them.
only parallel I can think of to this are the annual hockey games Putin
plays in where he scores some ridiculous number like a dozen goals a
Some people just shouldn't own dogs.
Yeah, because the Nuremberg Defense worked so well at Nuremberg.
I've been saying for years now that what's going to save our Republic is the stupidity of Republicans.
I hope I live long enough for the day when the only thing we hear from Trump is the sound of worms feeding on his bloated, rotting corpse.
And he's a great athlete who only weighs 215 lbs. And finally...
Oh, shut up, you redneck snowflake.
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