Thursday, December 20, 2018

Gotham City Digest, 12/20/18

In which we promise to never give you an STD from a Third World Dictator.

     Two questions: How can a veteran's health bill that sailed through the House by a vote of 382-0 get so quickly derailed in the Senate? (Answer- Mike Enzi)
     And how come veterans who'd fought for us during Vietnam and who have been living here for four decades or more suddenly become a threat to our corrupt, blood-soaked way of life? (Answer: Ask Trump.)

     Johnson & Johnson knew their baby talcum powder was laced with asbestos-related material since at least the early 70's, perhaps even the 50's, yet lied to regulators and their own customers and are continuing to lie to them.

     So, what do you do with a so-called doctor who's being charged with involuntary manslaughter, obstruction of justice and lying to a law enforcement officer in the Flint water crisis? If you're like most politicians, you're going to distance yourself from such tainted goods, right? Well, this is Michigan we're talking about, the place where the Nazi Party crawled to die and was instead reinvigorated by the Snyder administration. Because Snyder and his cronies saw fit to give Eden Wells a sinecure that pays more than most people in Congress, or $180,000 a year. There was one cynical motivation for this obscene largess. According to the Detroit News:
Moving her from an appointed post to a civil service job would make it far more difficult for Democratic Gov.-elect Gretchen Whitmer to fire her when she takes office next month. Wells was originally set to leave state government at the end of the month.
     In other words, it's similar to the power grab carried out by Wisconsin Republicans after Scott Walker got his ass handed back to him.

     Ryan Zinke resigns to spend more time with his beer.

     Oh, I'm sure Sarah Sanders wants to be remembered as "honest and transparent". I'm also sure Capone wanted to be remembered as a used furniture dealer.

     One good thing about eulogies is that they're inevitably followed by the truth. I got this from Greg Palast's mailing list, a horrifying story of how Pappy Bush made lots of money off 50 miners who were buried alive. Not accidentally, deliberately.

     So, here's where we're at:
     Private prison companies like CoreCivic are murdering detainees not even charged with crimes, then bully law enforcement with the threat of a lawsuit if they reveal the full details of their investigation. They're using federal privacy rights to block transparency of murder investigations.
     A private company is bullying law enforcement into silence, in other words.
     THAT'S where we're at.

     It seems my old Twitter foil, con man Jerome Corsi, was involved in a crowdsourcing scheme involving a boy with cancer and an Israeli oncologist who doesn't seem to exist. Sounds like a typical Dave Chadwick crowdsourcing con job.
      Of course, this was orchestrated by a clown who claimed to have a magical epiphany about Wikileaks on a flight to Italy.

     When the ethics lawyer for the most ethically palsied president before you tells you to resign, you should resign.

     Why are Republicans so shockingly corrupt? Well, the answer is bit more nuanced than you may think.

     Donald Trump at last makes his foray into state-run media. And no, it isn't Fox.

     When all is said and done and the final chapter is written on the political career of Paul Ryan, one would have to come to the conclusion that he was a right wing sociopath (a tautology, I know) to the bitter end.

     And speaking of right wing sociopaths, here's DHS Secretary Eva Braun telling a smiling and nodding Fox & Frauds panel the death of that seven year-old girl in Border Patrol custody was her father's fault.

     Home, James. Home being Riker's Island.

    I hate linking to right wing sites but this was one of the last gasps of the doomed National Review and David French does make some good legal distinctions.

     From the Batshit Cold Case files is this oldie but goodie of professional Hillary Clinton stalker Judge Jeanine Pinhead who thinks Putin is a Christian. Must have been his murderous campaign against the Russian LGBT community.

     So, women should be blamed for their own rapes because of the way they dress, huh? Says the celibate man with the long dress and fabulous party hats whose church loves to diddle little boys.

     Because I'm sure a preacher giving his wife a Lamborghini for their anniversary wouldn't be frowned on by a certain Socialist who 2000 years ago rode a donkey and ministered to the poor while owning just the robe on his back

     I don't know who's more deranged, Giuliani or his boss.

     How they were able to hold it down to five and completely omitting Il Douche Trump is a mystery to me. When I was still doing Assclowns of the Week it was difficult for me to get it down to 10.

     Angry white woman assaults black boy, police called then bites and assaults police when they come to arrest her. Of course it was South Carolina.

     A clueless, thieving boob for a Chairman and CEO, a vicious, paranoid, right wing sociopath for a COO and uniting them, a fetish for expansion and profits above all else... Oh, yeah, THAT wasn't a recipe for disaster for Facebook AT ALL.

    Because if we can't keep our quaint New England bed and breakfasts safe, then why have Boarder Security?

     Melania's fearing for Donald's health? Oh, cry me a fucking river. Try having your health care taken away when you have preexisting conditions, losing your job just before the holidays or being tear gassed or having your kids ripped out of your arms. THOSE are legitimate causes for stress.

    Think we can grab a Senate seat in Tennessee? After Alabama and Arizona, anything's possible, I guess.

    If you thought capturing men in Africa for slavery was a thing of the past, think again. (Historical note: From my research into slavery for my novels, I'd learned that back in the 19th century, a young healthy black male could command as much as $900, well over $30,000 in today's money. Today in Libya, they're going for $400, which goes to show you how cheaply they value human life.)

     Baghdad Bob rides again.

     Accusing a black man for stealing a car and kidnapping a baby wasn't even the stupidest thing this kid did. It was done to get revenge on a drug deal gone bust.

     I don't feel one bit sorry for this idiot. He should've known Trump would be a threat to his life's work way back during the campaign.

     Obviously, this double-woven dweeb never heard of a little law called the First Amendment.

     We have completely lost our moral compass. At least this district in Tennessee has in reelecting a legislator accused by three women of sexual harassment, by a landslide.

     Police have to serve and protect? Where did you get that silly, quaint notion, said a US Circuit judge who dismissed a lawsuit brought by 15 Parkland students. According to her, they're not entitled to any protection... unless they're in custody, like mass murderer Nikolas Cruz, for instance.

     Another right winger who doesn't give a shit about the will of the people. McSally is the right wing nut job who lost her bid for the Senate but, hey, fuck the will of the people.

     Remember that criminal enterprise named the Trump Foundation? Say bye bye.

    Remember not too long ago when Trump was cock-wanding when the Dow was at alltime highs? This is looking to be the worst year on Wall Street in a decade. Not a single tweet or a word from him about this. Maybe he should call himself "Tariff Man" again. That'll do the trick.

     Does it really surprise you the Russians would go after Mueller with their usual ham-fisted propaganda games and that Trump would parrot these Russian sock puppet accounts? (And, yes, as usual, Facebook was part of it.)

     The Trump administration: "Don't listen to Trump."

     "Americans make up less than 5 percent of the world’s population, yet they own roughly 45 percent of all the world’s privately held firearms." Specifically, we own 120.5 guns per 100 residents, well over twice as much as the #2 nation. Banning bump stocks is a good start but it isn't nearly enough.

     What if Trump decides not to leave the White House when it's time? Well, this is why we have SWAT.

     Fox is actually reduced to asking its viewers to chip in  $80 apiece for the wall. Gee, wouldn't doing that make us a socialist country like (eeps!) Venezuela? Yes, this is how desperate right wingers are- They're trying to crowdsource the fabled, mythical "peoples' wall."

     That'll teach him for getting an honest job and trying to cash his legitimate paycheck. I absolutely guaran-fucking-tee you the teller was a white woman.

     And speaking of black men with too much money, here's a heart-warming holiday tale of a hip hop DJ who'd had $150,000 stolen from him in broad daylight for a traffic signal violation and the smell of nonexistent marijuana.

     Who among us hasn't dreamed and prayed for the day when Donald Trump and his crooked spawn are reduced to giving head out of refrigerator crates in the Bowery for subway fare? Well, your dream may come true.

     Little-known fact- Most people in Wakanda are albinos.

     Lying liars who lie about their lies. And finally...

     The NY AG says that Trump's Foundation will have to sell off its 3 physical possessions, including a Tim Tebow-signed helmet, and 2 paintings of Trump himself. Trump paid $42K for them, using foundation money.
      Now he says they're worth $975 combined and his six foot-tall portrait is worth nothing. Which is probably true, given his very dim future.


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