Sunday, December 2, 2018

Gotham City Digest: Cry For Us, Argentina edition

(Where we promise to never see other dictators behind your back.)

     So, Trump called Roger Stone from a blocked number while the campaign was in touch with Wikileaks, eh? You know who probably called that same blocked number and when? Fredo just minutes after he had that infamous Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in June 2016.

     This is what Fox is reduced to- Interviewing drunk, hasbeen right wingers in bars. And... the inevitable happened. To their credit, the city of Nashville moved quickly and fired Kid Rock from being Grand Marshall of the Christmas Parade and made Waffle House hero James Shaw, Jr. (whom they should've picked first) the new Grand Marshall. But take heart, Bob- There's always Nashville's Gay Pride Parade.

     Donald Trump is genetically incapable of not embarassing us on the world stage. If there's a fuck up gene, he's got it. He proved it by walking out on Argentine President Macri and left him alone on stage during a photo op. Maybe Trump thought he was Macron and meant to humiliate France.

     Ja vol, Herr Mueller!

     From Social Security Works' Facebook page:
     "After years of Trump’s claims that Mexico will pay for a border wall, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) now says it is “not excessive” for American taxpayers to pay $5 billion for the useless structure.
Meanwhile, Republicans have been pushing for cuts to Social Security to make up for tax cuts given to the ultra rich." (Even though Social Security, unlike the tax scam and the wall, does not add a single penny to the deficit!)"

     From the Southern Poverty Law Center: "A public housing project in Richmond, Virginia had 820 health and safety violations. One in New York City had over 1,000.
      They both passed inspection.
      A new investigation from ProPublica has found HUD under the Trump administration's Ben Carson is totally failing low-income families."
     So, you've got a guy who grew up in subsidized housing and was given every advantage thanks to Affirmative Action then after he becomes a multi millionaire, Carson then pulls up the ladder after himself and proposes tripling the rent for low income people, claiming it's to help them, for roach and vermin-infested slums. While ordering a $31,000 dining set for his office that he then blamed on his wife.

     I'm just posting this to officially note Bush's death. Sorry, but I can't think of a blessed nice thing to say about that evil family of traitors and war criminals. And, since I'm uncomfortable speaking ill of the dead, I'll just leave it at that. But, wow, the hagiographies are piling up already.

     So, this happened two days ago in Argentina. Trudeau threw some serious shade at Donald, who hates being called Donald in public.

      Vote by mistake and get eight years and face deportation with no one to care for your four kids. But hey, if you're Canadian Ted fucking Cruz, you get to lie about a loan from Goldman Sachs AND get re-elected.

     "Trump is Compromised by Russia"? Duh. We've known that since at least 2016. But while this piece could've used a better headline, the facts Goldberg methodically laid out cannot be disputed. If nothing else, Cohen's second guilty plea just strengthened the case for the existence of the pee tape. And this tape isn't important in itself as is the fact the Russians are using it, and other things, as an ace in the hole to use against Trump in the unlikely event he grows a set. The sole evidence of Trump's sanity is in his obsequious nature toward various tyrants, starting with Putin. He's still sane enough to know what side his bread is buttered on and he never fails to act accordingly.

     Coach Dave, Pastors of da Intertubz, sez women turn lesbian if they're too ugly for men to fuck. Uh, right, Coach. Go do some long sprints off a high cliff. There you go.

     Remember professional scumbag Elliot Broidy? Mueller's new court filings show Broidy accepted laundered money to try to bribe the DOJ out of running an investigation into a multibillion dollar embezzlement scheme run by a Malaysian state fund.
      The end game is coming, folks. It's gonna be a great fucking Christmas.

     "Crisis? What is this crisis of which you speak, stranger?" Some very good reasons why Paul Ryan will not be missed in Congress.

     I loves me some Gail Collins: Sample: "You’d think that after almost half a century we could at least expect an improved quality of criminals."

     Blast from the past: Rule of thumb for future presidents and others seeking political office and aides- If it dresses like a snake, it IS a snake.

     Sears was done in by a corporate raider- CEO Eddie Lampert. Why is it when massive layoffs occur, they always seem to happen right after or right before Christmas? Look at what GM did this week in axing 14,700 jobs. It's as if these executive scumbags get a sexual thrill out of throwing workers out on the streets during the holidays.

     Boy, talk about white privilege not to mention blue privilege. Three months for raping a handcuffed woman who wasn't even a prisoner. In court, he told the FEMALE judge presiding over the case he regretted his "foolish actions." Rape isn't a "foolish action." It's violent sexual assault.

     I think Trump dropped his earpiece because Trump's not used to hearing proper English. And that's because Trump listens to nobody but himself.

     When a hate crime that almost killed a boy isn't a hate crime. Because, you know, Utah, the bloated salt lick that spawned Dave Chadwick.

     Nice values and lessons we're teaching our children. Such as, "The First Amendment doesn't apply to your newspaper."

     Imagine taking your hyperactive, rage-filled seven year-old to a china shop. This is Trump at the G20. Yes, DO cry for us, Argentina. And finally...

     Dick Cheney on Dick Cheney: "I'm the gift that keeps on giving. And go fuck yourself."


At December 4, 2018 at 10:10 AM, Anonymous CC said...

Bush 41's best move was probably resigning his NRA membership--after he stepped down from office.

I'll say he was one of the less worse presidents in my lifetime.

But that only shows how much the bar has been lowered for presidents in recent decades.


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