Friday, December 7, 2018

Gotham City Digest, Pearl Harbor of Our Intellects edition

(Where we promise never to put President Baby in a corner.)

     Trump's Day So Far:
     1) John Kelly sold him up the river to Robert Mueller and is no longer speaking to Trump.
     2) The man who spends five hours a day (or virtually the entire morning) for "Executive Time" watching Fox and tweeting, called former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson "lazy." He also called the man he nominated "dumb as a rock."
     3) This came after Tillerson said he was "undisciplined."
     4) The Dow lost another 500+ points.
     The sun's barely set on Mordor.

     Looks as if Trump likes William Barr to be Attorney General (again). Let's see why:
     1) More Clinton probes needed.
     2) Long-discredited Uranium One conspiracy theory more worthy of investigation than collusion.
     3) Comey firing was A OK.
     4) Mueller team's donations are too left-leaning.
     5) It's okay for presidents to request specific investigations.
     6) Pooh-poohed rumors of Russian collusion.

     This is what a fellow Republican wrote about the Orange Shitgibbon: "By insisting on his successor’s inclusion in the proceedings, Bush forced the current White House occupant to briefly abandon his unfrozen cave-man act, denying him the chance to further debase the office of president by siphoning the dignity out of 41’s final hours in D.C. — something 45 likely would have relished, given the opportunity."
      In other words, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

     Shorter Trump after President Bush's funeral: "Look, Mommy, I didn't paint the bathroom walls with my do do! I'm a Big Boy!"

     Sure, send in more clowns. Why not?

     Jesus Christ, WTF is happening to this country? And the Republicans want to arm teachers like this?!

     Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Psycho Teachers file: What kind of a misanthropic psychopath would do something like this to little kids and right before Christmas?

     This explains a lot. The infantile leading the infantile.

     Note the sign: "Breaking: GOP files for moral bankruptcy." This is what Republican scum do when they lose, like these dirtbags in Wisconsin that approved 82 Walker appointees in one day after crippling the new incoming Democratic Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State. Because, Fuck the vox populi.

     Republicans love illegals as long as they do good menial work for them. Like Trump and his undocumented maids in Bedminster who are tired of his abuse for instance.

     This is how scumbag corporations like Disney and Mattel "stay competitive:" By paying Chinese sweatshop laborers literally one penny for every $45 doll they make.

     It's obvious McConnell hates the Protect Mueller bill on its own merits. McConnell's spent decades in Congress by saying No.

     Lemme tell ya, folks, you've never seen anyone as pious as me, alright? People are always telling me, Dear Leader, you're too godly. Very godly, very godly.

     Remember when Bush's senior co-president Dick Cheney said "Deficits don't matter"? Now you know why Republicans really don't give a shit about deficits and debts. And I'm sure Trump's not the first one to say this.

     The Trump Organization's legal counsel is relying on the good will of Democrats? Seriously?

     In case you had any lingering doubts that Trump's been providing cover for his fellow white nationalists...

     That awkward moment when you realize you have no heart and a rotting corpse is more important and relevant than you'll ever be.

     A well-informed person could add many things to this short list. But both Bushes were war criminals and Prescott Bush was a traitor.

     Out like Flynn. And this is the one sentence that should scare the shit out of Trump in this sentencing document. Don't forget two things: Flynn's sentencing was delayed at least twice by Mueller while Flynn was angling for a plea deal and Flynn could also take down Pence as well as Trump. Pence was head of the transition team. He would've had to be a fucking idiot to not know Flynn would register as a foreign agent for Turkey.
      Pence knew.
      Trump knew.
      Gorka knew.
      They all knew.
      Lock. Them. Up.

     The lies they've told for this shit show of an administration are so threadbare they're not even keeping up the pretense, anymore. "Well, yeah, Trump covered up the murder of an American citizen for a few bucks in arms sales but it's OK because he's a fellow Republican."

     Yes, Donnie Dumbo signed the new NAFTA agreement on the wrong line. Watch these reactions. We're going to be hearing the theme from Curb Your Enthusiasm a lot over the next two years, aren't we?

     Donald Trump is a communicable disease in the body politic, plain and simple.

     Meanwhile, the anti-immigrant hysteria is reaching such a fever pitch, we're even trying to deport US citizens. Even worse, the ICE detention program is a money-making scheme for Sheriff's offices as they get a $50 bounty for every person they detain under the program. And finally...

     Donald Trump child molesting partner Jeffrey Epstein was just given another sweetheart deal because, you know, white and rich. Wait'll you find out who ran the South Florida U.S. attorney’s office a decade ago when Epstein got his first sweetheart deal. Epstein is a serial pedophile rapist who's been allowed to buy his way out of trouble by Trump's cronies.
     And lest you think coddling Epstein after his child rapes is an isolated incident, consider what the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided on the third.


At December 8, 2018 at 4:57 PM, Anonymous CC said...


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