Saturday, November 2, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(We'll trickle the news down to you eventually.)

     Kentucky residents who couldn't drink water now can't afford it. But thank God the liberals aren't in power to steal all your money, huh?

     So, this is what we shot, maimed, arrested and charged hundreds of water protectors for? Nearly 400,000 gallons of oil, wasted and spilled on the plains.

     And then there's this because the black guy wanted it.

     America's best small library, 2019.

     Ulysses Grant really was a dirty, duplicitous cocksucker, wasn't he?

     If Democrats not on the three pertinent committees tried such a bone-headed stunt, they too would've been turned away. But 13 of the 41 Republicans who tried to storm the hearing eight days ago were authorized to be there, including Jim Jordan on Oversight. So, no, Republicans were not shut out.
     Another lie: Trump doesn't have due process. He most certainly does. In fact, the House had afforded him rights not given to Nixon and Clinton.

      You're gonna need a larger stadium.

     "On Oct. 25, 2008, the owner of a property in Florida in which Lev Parnas had been living told Parnas to leave. When the men began to argue and the owner told Parnas he would call the police, Parnas told the man, 'If you call the cops, they are not going to find you ever,' according to a petition for a restraining order filed by the landlord in Miami-Dade county court and obtained by POLITICO.
      Three days later, the men met to discuss the matter again. According to the petition, Parnas held a gun to the man’s head and said, 'This is my last warning to you,' then got into his car, a dark blue Porsche Cayenne, and drove off. Three days after that, on Halloween, the police seized from Parnas a .38 revolver, a 9mm pistol, an automatic pistol, and a .40-caliber Glock pistol, according to a court motion filed later by Parnas seeking return of the firearms.
     The condo at the heart of the dispute was on the 42nd floor of Trump Palace in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida."
     Man, Rudy sure knows how to pick 'em, huh?

     Fuck you, Noah. And fuck you, too, Ellen. They're not liberals except if you want to call them limousine liberals (a phrase I coined, btw- Everyone else just co-opted it without attribution as with so many others I'd coined over the last decade & a half). But I refuse to call them liberals. They're really what Obama's press flack Robert Gibbs once sneeringly referred to as "the professional left." Yeah, I, too, am sickened by these so-called progressives who literally rub elbows and yuk it up with war criminals like the Bushes and Clintons. And when they co-opt the "liberal" label when it suits them, what does that make the rest of us? It makes us look like a group of sour malcontents. But they're not the real liberals. The real ones never forgive nor forget war crimes. If Gen. Smedley Butler had fought in Bush's oil war in Iraq, I guaran-fucking-TEE you he wouldn't have been caught dead enjoying a football game with Bush then doubling then tripling down defending it.

      "Yeah, I had my picture taken with him. Yeah, we had dinner at the White House together. Yeah, my kid had dinner with them. Yeah, he went to my rallies and I gave him the VIP section then waved at him. Yeah, he lived at one of my properties in Miami. Know him? Know who? Never met him."

      This is what happens when you try to do the right thing on Fuckbook. This Mom told others to get their kids vaccinated. Some racist told her to go kill herself & hurled racist abuse. When she reported it, the other woman got suspended from Messenger for a month. It wasn't until CNN reached out to them that the offending party was finally thrown off the platform.
     This is the same social media giant that had suspended several of my friends for quoting St. Augustine because it was labeled as "hate speech."

      “Trump is impeachable 100 times over. You know, he’s a major crook. There’s no doubt about it.” Noam Chomsky. At 90, he's still got it.

      This includes slides without text. Yes, pictures.

     Meme intermission.
     "Also, I am slowly turning into Daniel Brühl."

      Yeah, and I'll tell you what would be in the fireplace: The REAL transcript.

      I don't know what "Chinese NBA fans" this idiot's talking about aside from the 20-30 who suffer through NBA games while using a VPN. These arrogant Communist shitbags have a helluva lot of nerve insisting foreign organizations like the NBA to toe their red lines but they can go fuck themselves. Morey's tweet would've been forgotten amid the ocean of tweets supporting the Hong Kong protests but, no, they had to make a big fucking deal out of it like right wingers and their faux outrage over Janet Jackson's nipple. They just don't like being embarrassed over their human rights abuses because it's bad for business. Good on the NBA for refusing to apologize for it. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC.)

      Another one bites the dust. I say he take some of those campaign funds and challenge Cornyn. He's more vulnerable than most people realize and his cocksucking of Trump has a lot to do with it.

       I remember when I was dating this evangelical nut case back in 1993 (I know, I know, but the sex was great), she dragged me to the Grace Baptist Church in Lexington, Massachusetts and I heard this windbag Ravi Zacharias. When he began ragging on Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean Paul Sartre, two of my favorite philosophers, I knew there was absolutely no chance for any middle ground between me and this cult to which my girlfriend had belonged. 1993 was 20 years after he pressured a teenage girl into having an abortion after his brother knocked her up because, in his words when relating his own sex scandal, “There is no other way but to abort this child if our careers are to survive.”
       I don't think there's a single evangelical minister or apologist who isn't a hypocrite in at least 100 different ways. Sexual hypocrisy seems to be a must with these people.

      I'd like a legal expert to tell me if what Trump and Barr are trying to pull here is illegal. I'm willing to bet it is. Barr and Trump are spearheading a movement to ruin for a long time the credibility of the intelligence community by trying to get British intelligence involved. How is this not acting like a fifth column?

       This guy is spot on. What we're seeing here is "regime cleavage."

       In a way, these leeches deserve each other.

      I'm glad to see comfort dogs becoming a thing all over the world. Here's another good use for them.

       I propose we do this for Trump 24/7. It's the only time we get can him to shut his gaping mouth.

     Rick Wilson takes down Trump yet again and he's pinpointed specific instances in which he's losing. I'm sure hundreds of millions, if not billions the world over will heave a sigh of relief when this flaming shit show on wheels will finally do a Thelma and Louise off a cliff.

      Yes, the entire Republican Party is filled with nothing but traitors and 5th columnists.

      And whatever they're not sawing through, they're climbing over in seconds.

     Mississippi has one of the most corrupt, racist and antidemocratic electoral systems in the US. That's how Democrats winning a majority of votes often don't get seated. For instance, as a result of these antidemocratic rules, Mississippi hasn't had a gubernatorial election in 20 years. And now, a federal judge refuses to block the Jim Crow laws.

     Man whose own publicity stunt of a presidential campaign in 2012 folded after three weeks insults Beto's whose own lasted nearly a year.

     Remember when Obama first took over and he visited a school with the typically anodyne message of staying in school and doing your homework? Racist right wingers lost their shit and claimed Obama was trying to indoctrinate them.
     I would imagine those same cross-burning assholes would have no problem with this racist bullshit. And finally...

      Only right wing nut jobs could turn Halloween into biological warfare.


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