Friday, December 31, 2021

2022 Was So Eager to Suck... took Betty White from us today, two and a half weeks before her 100th birthday.
      This year started out much the same way. Yeah, we kicked Trump out of the White House the previous November then kept the winning streak going by electing two Democrats in the two Senate races in Georgia on January 5th.
     Then January 6th happened and swept all that away. Then there was Delta, then Omicron, then a massive national backlog of goods at our ports, rising gas prices and somehow, we found a way to blame President Biden for all this, his approval rating sinking to 40% in most polls. Fascists still laughably posing as Republican statesmen smell chum in the water and are licking their chops and rubbing their hands. Colorado's burning down. Half the nation is waterlogged, the other half parched with a never-ending drought.
     White people are attacking black people. Black people are attacking Asians and no one can seem to agree on anything. I reject your cheery "Happy Holidays" because it's Merry Christmas! I don't care what Dr. Fauci, who's advised seven presidents, says about coronavirus. I'll do my own research! (Cough cough)
     I'd ceased making New Year's resolutions decades ago, knowing I wouldn't listen to myself or hold myself to my promises. I figure, if I manage to pay my bills on time, treat everyone decently starting with my loved ones and produce one or two novels a year, I'm ahead of the curve. That's about all the discipline I can muster these days. Another thing I decided was during 2021 to stop believing the next year will be better, that it has to be better, than this one.
     Mrs. JP and I have lost some loved ones this past year (and one notable example of someone who wasn't quite as loved). This year, as with any other, has had its share of ups and downs for us in particular and for the nation and the world in general.
     We have housing security for the next year and have no food insecurity. My 63rd birthday's coming up on the 16th and I'm grateful that, especially during this pandemic that still hatefully lingers in our nation, I will observe that day in my usual ruddy good health.
     Politically, yes, we kept the House (while losing 13 seats) and barely took control of the Senate with the addition of Vice President Harris. The question is, to quote Ben Franklin, can we keep it? We could get stupid and complacent about it and just throw up our hands and say, "Well, one chamber of Congress or another flips to the other party after a new administration takes over and it's happened in almost every midterm since 1988. There's nothing we can do about it."
     We could go back to our usual 40% voter turnout rate, although a sky-high turnout, the highest in 120 years, was alone what kept our nation from turning into the Fourth Reich. We will probably let history and the so-called pundits give Congress back to the fascists who are already vowing vengeance for daring to take them to task for their complicity on January 6th. Marjorie Taylor-Greene is suggesting blue state-voting Democrats moving to red states should have their voting rights "temporarily" suspended for not voting their way.
     So, yeah, we could be stupid about it and voluntarily give Congress back to the Nazis who will then gleefully go about implementing their scorched earth strategy and paralyze the rest of the Biden agenda because hyper partisanship will be the order of the day instead of putting the nation's interests first. We're Americans, the stupidest, least informed voters on the planet, the ones who inflicted a shambling, brain-dead, drug-addled homunculus on the rest of an unsuspecting world in 2016.
     So, you know what? No more power of positive thinking bullshit, no more happy thoughts because despite our collective pleas for a respite from 2020's horrors a year ago, none of that amounted to a pile of cold dog shit. The most we can do, the most effective way to prepare for the challenges awaiting us after midnight tonight is to prepare for the worst, without hoping for the best. 
     America is a nation in which at least a quarter of us are completely insane and, most alarmingly, some of those people are in Congress and state congresses. They'd long ago begun stealing your right to vote or to make it harder. Wait for the return of literacy tests, poll taxes and armed right wing challengers at the polls. They're coming.
     All we can do is to counter that racist backlash for 2020 is to again come out in full force and vote like our lives depended on it because it very well may. Cross your t's and dot your i's and make sure your vote is counted and keep pushing back against Republican lies that one election or another is stolen because you know they will.
     Because, to quote a certain cryptofascist, "You've gotta fight like hell because if you don't, you won't have a country left."

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Pottersville Digest: End of the Year edition

(The white supremacist says, "Give me a white Russian" and the bartender says, "Putin's in the back room waiting for you.")

Yes, because these people are EXACTLY the kind you want to streamline back into polite society. Aces, you fucking morons.

Ah, Pete Hogsbreath, the finest mind to ever come out of the mid 14th century.
The only places Cruz can find on a map are Cancun, Moscow and the nation of Rand McNally.
Shouldn't it be a gaslight vigil?
W was a moron then, he's a moron now. Stupid is forever.
"Ow Ow Ow!"
How can a guy so fat so adroitly and consistently dodge that nice lady with the paper cup is beyond me.
“One time they called in three different people to examine his head to make sure that it was OK for him to be in class.”
     Racism and OCD- Never a good combination.

     Cartoon intermission.

Texas AG Henry Lee Lucas loses in court yet again.
Remember when the phrase, "clear and present danger" actually meant something?
What do you do when someone has a seizure? Well, it ain't hitting them with a stick.
Blubbery Bill Barr's got the blues, courtesy of Michael Cohen.

Yes, DeSantis is on vacation but it's STILL fake news.
Typical furtive right wing rat fuckery.
These people aren't terribly smart, are they? And finally...

No doubt, January 6 will be pronounced as the greatest day in US history, next to Election Day 2016 and his birthday.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Pottersville Digest

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain of cellulite.)

    These Nazi assholes are so arrogant, they're even writing books confessing to their bungled attempt to subvert democracy.

    And they say WE indoctrinate kids.

     Your Brad o' the day.

     I guarantee you this scumbag Shirkey is one of them.

     "Yes, Kayleigh, the house is fully involved and many are dead but this ought to be great for property values!"

     "I told Joe Biden to go fuck himself on Christmas Eve, so that qualifies me for public office."

     Essentially, Donald Trump with a medical license.

     Trump serves as an object lesson that, regardless of the ideology, even the rabid, right wing variety, it will always play second fiddle to money, money, money.

     Shorter Mr. Froggy: "He hurt my fee fees. Someone get me a Tylenol and a turkey leg!"

    "Yes, we yelled about a fire that didn't exist in a crowded theater and people were killed but... FREEDUMB!!

     I don't know why the View's problem with finding a Meghan McCain replacement doesn't serve as a lesson that right wingers, especially those from Fox, simply don't belong in the news ecosystem.

    Trump: "I won the 2020 election bigly!"
    Also Trump: "Why won't you worthless pieces of shit like me?!"

    There's something deeply wrong with a system in which Jenna Ryan, of all people, has a book deal and I don't.
    It's amazing what passes for public discourse, these days. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

     Meme intermission.

     Did Madison Cawthorn (R-Eagle's Nest) marry a Russian spy?

     Since January 6th, I've been saying the one thing that'll save us is not the diligence of the guardians of democracy but the idiocy of the far right wing. And this guy's as stupid as they come.

     This may be the darkest iteration of Otherism that I've ever seen. And it doesn't even make sense. Just because a person moves from a blue state to a red state, it doesn't mean they're a Democrat. Her initiative, if ever taken seriously, could wind up hurting right wing voters. And expelling Greene for outrageous statements like this isn't enough. She has to be barred from seeking public office Otherwise the mouth breathers in GA14 will re-elect her all over again.

    Good, The wicked witch may not be dead but she'll be cooling her broom in prison for a good long time. But I'm still a little amazed that Matt Gaetz's name wasn't once mentioned in this trial, considering he and Epstein both lived in Florida at the same time and committed the same crimes. How could they possibly not be in the same circle?

    Why hasn't this poster boy for incels been charged, yet?

    We should do this to Trump every time he calls in to do an interview.
    Typical corporate cuntery: Don't address these extremely serious issues. Shoot the messenger, instead. And finally...

    How can you hope to stamp out extremism if you won't even take seriously womens' rape allegations?

Monday, December 27, 2021

Pottersville Digest

     Forget the fact these fascist thugs work for an entity in which their NY HQ is actually making Dr. Fauci's initiatives corporate policy.
     Do as I say, not as I invest. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

     Trump's too old to do research? Dr. Fauci is 80 and he does alright.
     And they say WE politicize everything.
     So, Republicans are taking back the House, eh? Yeah, not so fast...
     I don't give a damn what Kurtz or the jury said. Rittenhouse is a murderer. He took two lives and he had a right wing judge who shaped the verdict for him.
     This is a very nice lady. Every community ought to have someone like this.
     I'd highly recommend this article to anyone who cares about politics. Which ought to be everyone.

     The Trump administration WAS the Deep State.
     If there's any one thing that defines right wingers across the vast gulf of time, it's their absolute, utter refusal to take responsibility for anything. We saw this with the Nazis who fled Germany or committed suicide after the death camps were liberated in the spring of 1945. Because legal accountability for their actions would've been considered a personal affront to their belief system. This is the very seedbed of the victimhood complex.

     "I love taking long walks along the Potomac and overthrowing the government. Or, at least, until my house arrest."
     Hey, if they want to burn down their own party, who are we to stand in their way?
     If Candace Owens wants to turn herself into MAGA Smurf, I say let her. (Another tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)
     "An Oklahoma lawmaker has introduced a bill that would give any parent the power to ban books in school districts. The legislation also empowers parents to collect at least $10,000 for each day a book is not removed.
     The bill bans all books "that make as their primary subject the study of sex, sexual preferences, sexual activity, sexual perversion, sex-based classifications, sexual identity, or gender identity or books that are of a sexual nature."
     Sounds to me as if Rob Standridge seriously needs to get laid.

     Right wingers really are a unique form of cancer, aren't they?
     Proud Boys? Stand back, stand by and lie under the tires.
     I thought people loved box turtles. And finally...

     Claire McCaskill provides a road map for Garland to take Trump to the cleaners.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

This Kent is no Superman

 (Nathan Howard/AP)
     Look at that lead image. It struck me at once as being perfectly representative of every cautionary tale we ever read in a book or seen in a movie about a strongman or some malcontent with pretensions thereof who ever ran for public office on a populist platform. Such alternate reality political novels and movies seem to verge on science fiction. Whether it's It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis or The Plot Against America by Philip Roth or All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren (based on the life and career of Huey Long), they almost come across as science fiction because the scenarios portrayed are almost too far-fetched to quality for willing suspension of disbelief.
     The picture above is of Joe Kent, who's running for Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler's seat in Washington state's 3rd district. If her name sounds familiar, it's because Beutler is our sole source for the disturbing anecdote about what Trump told Kevin McCarthy during that now-infamous call during the January 6th riots. "Well, it seems they're more upset about the election than you are, Kevin."
     If that isn't enough to ring a bell, Herrera-Beutler is also one of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.
     So, it shouldn't strike anyone as surprising that Trump would give his endorsement to a former Green Beret, one of a virtual platoon of former Special Forces operators seeking, and getting, public office. And this is the Trump way: If you want his endorsement, which is far from an assurance of success (Look at Alabama, if you don't believe me, and the fact that all four Senate seats now belong to Democrats in once-crimson Georgia and Arizona), the fastest way to the charcoal briquette that passes for his heart is to spread the Big Lie that He and not Joe Biden won, especially if you're running against someone who voted to impeach him.
     Kent has already signaled that he has zero interest in battling Democrats if and when he ever gets on the Hill outside of a tour group or a forgettable mini MAGA rally in front of the Capitol building.
     The lead image was taken on September 18th this year, in which Kent was stumping not just for himself but the rabid psychopaths who'd tried to overthrow the government and invaded in force and with homicidal intent the very same Capitol building that Kent had audaciously preened before. Specifically, he was stumping for the jailed rioters who probably would've had no problem killing him on sight if he was in Congress on January 6th.
     The reason I'd chosen that lead image was because, in my mind, it's the iconic photo of a strongman or pretender thereof, hatefully declaiming about something or another, surrounded by overweight goons vaguely masquerading as some ad hoc security detail. We saw much the same thing in Florida when Allen West ran for his one term stint in Congress when his security detail was a biker gang.
     Such Republicans are not statesmen or statesmen-in-waiting but goons, thugs of which Congress already sadly has in abundance. They're running not against Democrats but establishment Republicans with the intention of throwing verbal bombs and forcing mainstream Republicans into votes that they ordinarily wouldn't seriously entertain.
     That lead picture would be perfect as a cover for a book or a poster for a movie about some dystopian or possible dystopian future about a strongman who legally gets himself elected to some high public office with the intention of molding it in his image. But the fact is, we'd already gotten that in 2016 and for four years we were bombarded with one reason after another as to why that was such a bad idea, that we'd taken the old adage of anyone being able to grow up in the USA to become president just a bit too far. And, on November 3rd 2020, over 81,000,000 of us declared, "No more."
     And these far right wing, bomb-throwing anarchists like we already have in Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz have no interest in compromise, no interest in statesmanship or even practicing basic Civics. They're running for one reason only: For the GOP primary, in dislodging the Republicans whom Trump had judged to be insufficiently loyal to him.
     They're running for office in 2021 and 2022 on a 2020 platform and identifying themselves with a dead, spent MAGA movement of 2016.
     The Senate race in Missouri is a classic case: Establishment Republicans are scared shitless that their former governor, Eric Greitens, another ex Special Forces meat head who played politician for all of 17 months before he was buried under a blizzard of scandals that involved the obligatory extramarital affair, sexual assault, mishandling of campaign funds and invasion of privacy. Depending on which one you listen to, Greitens is leading in the primary polls. Republicans are jittery he'll actually get the GOP nod only to wind up losing the election itself to the Democrat whether it be Lucas Kunce or another.
     But primary poll numbers, especially ones conducted a year before an election, never tell the true story about one candidate or another. True, Greitens is polling well in some places and he does have the dodgy patina of public acceptance and political legitimacy. But what's the GOP's alternative to Greitens?
     This asshole?
     It's become screamingly obvious by now that Trump doesn't give a fuck about the Republican Party any more than your average liberal. It's all about soothing his perpetually-bruised ego. He will gladly destroy whatever is left of the Republican Party, one that's been a joke since Hoover, in his never ending quest to refill that once progressive party with ideologues, mini Trumps in his image, like so many missile-carrying penguins in Gotham City.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas

      ...from our household to yours.
     We had such high hopes for 2021. It was like throwing out the bad seed, the one who robbed his parents blind and spent the money on crack and setting off the next one to college with the highest hopes, only to find out the younger one was fencing for the older one.
     Just when we thought we were clear, that good fortune would actually come with pulling out a new calendar, there was the insurrection. Then, less than five months later, the newer, deadlier Delta variant. Then, just in time for the holidays, this new Omicron variant that, thus far, isn't quite as fatal but probably the most transmissible one ever. Now we're told the J&J vaccine wasn't good enough, after all, and the CDC recommends taking a Moderna or Pfizer booster.
     Oh, and cloth masks are no good, any more, against Omicron.
     Airlines are canceling flights by the thousands, 4500, at last count. We lost more Americans to COVID in 2021 than we had all last year. The president's doing his level-headed best but we're still getting conflicting signals from the medical experts in the government. They were caught flat-footed, again. As were we all.
     But humans are a stubbornly optimistic species and I count myself among that number. I lost some dear ones this year, not all to COVID but life is for the living. And that's a bromide because it's true.
     Whatever adjustments we had to make all over the world, it's safe to say billions of us still celebrated Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa whether we bought our gifts in brick and mortar stores or online or made them by hand, with relatives in the flesh or through Zoom, Facebook Live or Skype.
     Because life, and hope, stubbornly endures. That is what defines humankind. We will always stubbornly, instinctually, find reasons to be joyful, like a flower springing from a crack in the sidewalk. We will not have that taken from us. Not by an angry mob a year ago, not by some germ or anything.
     As the Framers said when they wrote the Declaration of Independence, we all have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is not a right but there's nothing to stop us from seeking, and finding, it.
     These are just two of the presents I got this year but they're two of the best ones I've gotten in a while. They're blank journals, the one on the left sporting a leather cover that's not really leather but I'll pretend it is. It's 192 pages, wide and with nearly 40 lines a page. This is precisely the kind of notebook I often get for myself and Mrs. JP knew that and, with my #1 son Adam, picked them out at Walmart the day before Xmas Eve.
     Does that mean anything to you? Probably not much, if at all, but it made me happy. It also made me happy to be able to spend some time with my son for the first time since his fiancee Elyse suddenly died on October 11. I take joy in his continuing ruddy good health.
     We take joy where ever we can find it, even if we have to desperately snatch it from the unlikeliest of places. That kid you never liked who spontaneously shovels your walkway because he knows you're getting on in years or are nursing an injury. The comically inappropriate gift you got from your Secret Santa at work. Or the Xmas card you got from some other state or Canada with an indecipherable signature, making you wonder who'd thought of you.
     The joy comes from the best thoughts of others, that you were honored by occupying their thoughts when joy is most needed and at a time of the year when it always seems to be in such short supply.
     So, from our household to yours, have a safe and joyous holiday season and let's wish for many more.

Interview With Libby Barnfield

Romantic, liberating and totally addictive this will obsess you, leave you wanting more.

HUNTER FAIRMONT is a self-made billionaire, the ever gorgeous alpha bachelor. MCKENNA RAYNE is the self-made recluse, and loves her invisibility more than anything. He needs a personal assistant and she needs a job. But things aren't what they seem. Secrets are hidden, skeletons are in closets and both their worlds collide. He will stop at nothing to make her his, and she's not ready to fall. Fate has her own plan. Suddenly the game changes for the both of them, and every step becomes more deadly and lethal than the next. Someone else has Hunter in their sights, and will stop at nothing to have him. With no promise of a tomorrow, will they both survive what's to come. When Hunter Becomes the Hunted.
” Blurb for
Hunter, the first in the Bloodlines series.

This month, we’re going to beat the winter chill by going down to Oz to chat with our Author of the Month, Libby Barnfield.

15) Libby, this is a departure for me because not only have I never profiled an Aussie author (to my recollection), I’ve also never done so for someone with only one book on the market. Tell us about Hunter and the Bloodlines series in general.

     The Bloodline Series is written from the perspectives of a large, yet tightly-knit family. Each story captures the essence of the bond between siblings and the loyalties that come with such a bond. Even though they are self made billionaires they are all still very grounded and don't forget their roots.
     Each sibling will have their own story to tell, with its own suspense, drama and intrigue.
     Book one HUNTER of the series is where it all begins, him being the eldest. Hunter is the founder and CEO of Fairmont Holdings PTY LTD. It was one of those mornings when things could go wrong and did.
     Trying to finish a deal buying a shipping yard his personal assistant goes into labor early sending his office into a tail spin of chaos.
     Sarah, who is a dear friend to him an his entire family, works behind the scenes in keeping the company running smoothly. She suggests a woman called McKenna to come and help until he found a new personal assistant. McKenna also happens to be her Goddaughter.
     A Goddaughter with a secret and also tortured past.
     But Hunter also has a secret, but is soon revealed when he gives his heart to her.
    Hunter works closely with the FBI, to close for his liking to bring down a crooked Governor that runs the underground.
    There's a ripple in their plan though. The Governor has a daughter that wants to make Hunter hers, and now McKenna stands in her way of getting what she wants. So from twists and turns, suspense and drama, to hitmen and secrets it's an action packed edge of your seat read. Oh, and you'll also need a box of tissues because this story will touch all the feels.

14) You’re thus far exclusively a romance author but you stray into other genres and subgenres. The Bloodlines series is romantic action/adventure featuring conspiracies and the FBI. And, as with virtually all fiction, nothing is ever what it seems. What led you to create the male protagonist, Hunter?

     Well, both Hunter and McKenna are the protagonists in this story.
     But Hunter is a man with a difference, he knows what he wants and he goes after it. He's persistent but has one flaw: He likes to take over where he sees he can be of assistance, but for all the right reasons. His heart is always in the right place when it comes to the people he loves and cares for, he'd move mountains.
     He's ruthless in a boardroom, and is a take no prisoners type kind of guy.
     He doesn't let a lot of people in his inner circle because he's a very private kind of guy.

13) You’d told me recently that you’ve written nearly a dozen full drafts filling out the Bloodlines series plus two others. One paranormal romance and the other romantic fantasy. In the future, are you planning on doing more romance hybrids with other genres?

     As a writer/author … I feel as if I am filled with so many stories to tell, that flow the moment I begin to write. These stories, over time, seem to evolve into something beyond genre expectations, so I am sure that I have more stories to tell yet from all types of genres.

12) Speaking as a woman, how do you explain romance literature’s enduring appeal from Jane Austen to the Brontë sisters to Barbara Cartland to today’s romance authors?

     I believe, that no matter the time the story is situated, love was and still continues to be something that each person at some point on their journey can relate to. Whether it be love of family, or, quite simply, falling in love for the first time. The classics paint a remarkable picture of love of the purest kind. A vulnerable time; nonetheless. A time when divorce was taboo and quite simply “not an option”. And now, the modern, strong and independent career woman, who knows her worth and refuses to settle. Each continue to lure me as an author and a reader, as love will always be relatable.

11) While growing up in Australia, who were your favorite authors and had any of them gone on to influence your work today?

     Colleen Hoover
     Elizabeth Lennox
     Addison Moore
     Alanea Alder
     Are all my favourite authors.
     Maybe I have been influenced by all of them, all wrapped up in a parcel. They are all phenomenal authors in their own right.

10) How difficult it to ply your trade in a nation with few publishers and only a dozen literary agencies? Or is all that moot since you self-publish?

     I think that we are in a time where social media has empowered authors, like myself, to self publish as we have the ability to self market our work across various, popular platforms which has proven to be successful. It’s an amazing source and slowly but surely, more and more authors utilise it as they become familiar with the internet. It’s quite a “personal” approach to marketing your published work, as it’s US who manage ourselves, keeping our fingers on the pulse at all times and giving our reader fans a more personal experience. All thanks to social media. So, with only few publishing houses here in Australia, I would say that I am not disappointed with the alternative- self publishing.

9) As with my upcoming book, American Zen, you’d assembled a play list for your protagonist, Hunter. How come McKenna, the female lead, doesn’t have one? Or will she get one in the future?

     The playlist covers both characters. Each song goes with each consecutive scene in the book from start to finish.

8) Do you believe that other romance authors should, like you, merge genres or do you think there’s still a place in modern literature for romance purists?

     Contrary to popular belief, love has no limits and neither should your stories! I don’t get caught up in a specific genre when planning out my book. I let the story line and its characters come to life before worrying about things like that. I feel that this allows the story to unfold organically without limits and as it progresses, the structure and genre forms without being held back. There is always plenty of room for romance purists!

7) Describe your typical writing day in the outback, if such a thing exists. Do you draft in notebooks, laptops, both and, if you set daily words goals, what are they?

     My typical day of writing...
     I'm a bit of both a plotter and a pantser.
     I draw up an outline on how I'd like the book to go. But unfortunately, it never goes the way you plan. My characters seem to go off on their own merry little way, and take the story into different directions, but eventually I may be able to swing the story back around to the direction I'd like for it to go.
     Characters have things to say, and sometimes they don't quieten down until they've told their story.
     So a book has lots of plot twists and turns and makes for a good read.

6) Humans will continue to fall in love for as long as the species endures. Yet, romance literature, as well as anything else, has to evolve in order to remain fresh and relevant. What do you see those changes as being in the future?

     Love, as I said, will be infinitely relatable; no matter the setting. I believe if there are any changes to be made, they would be to simply keep the story line and setting as relatable for the modern reader as possible. So changes to a classic setting may change from a modest woman, newly of age waiting for a suitor. To a woman who becomes a famous writer in a time where women weren’t to work at all. These changes should be encouraged too!

5) You’ve also told me you’ve begun a paranormal romance series. Without divulging spoilers, tell us a little about that series.

     Love, triumph, power, good and evil, to name a few, are all common denominators of the paranormal I am writing.

4) Plotter, pantser or plantser?

     As I said in question seven, I’m a bit of both. I like to at least start a kind of direction I’d like to go, but when I start that goes right out the window. But I still like to think I’m in control when really I’m not my characters are I just write what they tell me.

3) You’re also merging romance with fantasy in another series. Could you tell us a bit about that?

     I’ve written a Fantasy Romance that’s action packed. I actually dreamt this series, and began just writing it. All I’m going to reveal is there’s Fallen Angels and Demons in it. It’s a wait and see….

2) Do you have a projected launch date for the second entry in the Bloodlines series? 

     No, unfortunately I don’t have a launch date. This is a total rewrite because I lost the complete first manuscript, and I wasn’t able to retrieve it all. So, it’s virtually start from scratch kind of thing. But I will say it’s got a lot more in it the second time round.

1) So, what’s next for LibbyJ?

     I’m hoping the release of book two to The Bloodline Series and the launch of My Fantasy Romance in 2022. I’ve also got a few other ideas on the back burner as well. I would like to try my hand a Recency Romance as well, but we’ll see how things go with the others first. I don’t want to limit myself to just the one style of romance writing, I’d like to try different types of romance as well. So let’s see what the future holds.

If you’re interested in learning more about Ms. Barnfield’s work, please follow the handy links below:


Author Page.


House of Chapters.



Libby . J Author



Friday, December 24, 2021

Pottersville Digest: Expanded Christmas Eve edition

(No doubt, you'll find other bodies.) 

     "But because I had made a public announcement of my intent to object, I did not want to go back on my word. So yeah, I regret my vote to object.” Bullshit. Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma changed his position after the riot and voted to certify the election. Plus, you went back on your word when you violated your oath of office.

     The usual right wing shape-shifting: When a rat transforms into a stool pigeon.
     Some compelling reasons why the south will never rise again.
     Has anyone ever seriously asked if Herschel Walker has CTE? "Senator John Lewis"?
    This is a really good idea that streamlines the process in case of, heaven forbid, another January 6th.
     SNL punchline Mellissa Carone on white genocide.
     I don't suppose the rape allegations had anything to do with Cawthorn's divorce.

     "Reawaken America"? Wouldn't that, you know, make us "woke"?
     "We want to kill you! But give us our money first."
     Messages such as, "Lock and store your firearms safely"? How evil, how despicably liberal.
    Serves him right and serves them right, meaning the mouth-breathing morons who gave him $3.5 million. Fools, money, parted and all that.
     Your Karen o' the day.
     They won't hear it and they'll kick it downstairs just like they have with all the other lawsuits from Trumpworld.
     Florida Man, the world's worst superhero.
     In this era of deliberate dumbing down, we can't afford to lose any more great writers. RIP, Loan Didion.

     Delay, delay, delay. That's the Trump way.
     I don't who's stupider- Grant or the moron judge who decided to let him post bail.
     "Devin!!!!!!!!!!" (No,. not that one.)

     Now congresswomen are getting robbed in broad daylight. This country really is coming apart at the seams,
     Kim Potter won't be spending too many more Christmases with her family but you know what? Daunte Wright won't spend any more with his. Ever.
     #1, the FBI never made an arrest because they think they're looking for a man. It wasn't a man. They should be looking for a woman. Look at the security videos. That's plainly a female gait.
     #2 The same video cameras that traced literally her every step should've traced her steps after she dropped off the second bag of pipe bombs. Did she get into a car and drive away? If so, did they get a plate number? Was she a DC resident who then went home? What address?
     #3 One way or the other, why haven't we seen these videos after the second bag was dropped off?

     Your Brad o' the day.
     This is what I would call a perfect storm of stupidity.
     If, after over a year, you still refuse to get the vaccine, you belong to a death cult.
     Your co-Brad o' the day. And finally...
     So, it wasn't the tax dodging, the inflated property values, the charities that benefited only him, defrauding the childrens' cancer charity out of over $2,000,000.
     THIS is why he's a fraud? OK, boomer. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What's in a Flag?

(With a major tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC.)
      At times over the course of one's life, one comes across a revelation that alters one's outlook on one thing in particular or even life in the abstract. One came to me today after receiving an email from my constant reader, CC, who over the years has sent me countless scores of news items that I put in my nearly daily news digest.
     Among the most embarrassing revelations are the ones in which the truth stares you right in the face and makes no attempt to hide. In my case, it's the state flag of Massachusetts, which has been staring me in the face nearly every day in the going on 45 years I've been living in my adopted state. It reacquainted me with the racist and genocidal history that served as a bedrock of colonial America not just in New England but all of the 13 colonies.
     I certainly wasn't ignorant about such history. Far from it. As a historical novelist, I'd be making a mockery of my chosen vocation/avocation if I didn't study the history of my home state of New York and that of my adopted state, Massachusetts. In fact, I'd scrupulously studied the history surrounding the Anthony Burns riots in 1854 Boston while writing Gods of Our Fathers in 2015. It's a course of study that I'd intermittently augmented since beginning the prequel a couple of years ago.
     But, as President Truman had once famously said, "The only thing that's new under the sun is the history that we've forgotten." And, as we'd just celebrated the nation's (allegedly) first Thanksgiving 400 years ago, that's a lot of history to learn about just one small state. And the genesis behind the current state flag, which is now under fire from several Native American coalitions, is a faint but unmistakable echo of our Commonwealth's history of racism and genocide that had seeped its way into our state flag.
     It led our governor, Charlie Baker, to announce the formation of a "Special Commission to Investigate the Features of the Seal and Motto of the Commonwealth" last July 19th. The Committee's recommendations were due last October 1st and, to date, they haven't been submitted. That's no cause for alarm. Change at the state let alone federal level takes time and, in cases where the proposed changes are to painful reminders of a state's racist past, always painful to someone. I'm confident a meaningful recommendation will come from the Commission.
     But, again, this is primarily about the Massachusetts state flag.
     Look at the lead image. At first, it looks benign until one observes over the Indian's head a disembodied arm brandishing a Damoclean sword as if in eternal warning to toe the line or else. I suppose it's an improvement over the original state seal from 1629.
     The quasi Middle Ages artwork and iconography aside, the dialogue balloon of the Indian saying, literally, "Come over and help us" could perfectly serve as caustic satire. But the "artist" who'd been commissioned to create this seal, and those who'd commissioned it, were quite serious in their belief that the native Americans who'd been living in peace here until the late 16th century had actually called us over to help lift them out of their primitive state.
     Hardly better is the 1896 seal of Andover, MA, which depicts an Indigenous leader who'd allegedly sold a large parcel of land to the town fathers for a simple change of clothes, bringing to mind the equally apocryphal story of the Native Americans who'd exchanged Manhattan island for strings of beads.
     And anyone who'd driven on I-90, better known as the Massachusetts Turnpike or Mass Pike until 1989 couldn't have helped but seen the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority's sign depicting an arrow piercing a pilgrim hat while simultaneously remaining blind to the racist message of white grievance behind it. And that only came about after a letter-writing campaign by a group of second graders (No doubt, if this had happened nowadays, their teacher would've been hounded into an early retirement under charges of teaching Critical Race Theory).
     The state flag allegedly features Metacom, the Indigenous leader and sachem of Pokanoket Tribe and the Wampanoag Nation who was killed by colonists in 1676 in Rhode Island and was then subsequently decapitated and his head placed on a pike for two decades. Yes, we called them "savages".
     So Rhode Island doesn't escape its guilt, even if it had last year removed "Providence Plantations" from its official name, the first of the 50 states to do that.
     And in the northern city of Haverhill, Massachusetts, right on the state line shared by New Hampshire, stands a statue dedicated to Hannah Duston (or Dustin) who was said to have been captured by Native Americans for ransom in 1697, a common occurrence in those days, and whose newborn was allegedly murdered by them. That account is, as is much if not all of colonial history apocryphal, largely on account of the official narrative being written after the fact by professional asshole Cotton Mather, he of the recent Salem Witch Trials of 1693.
     Local folklore still lionizes Duston as a more modern day Judith, the Biblical Jewish warrior who was seduced and had led a bloody rebellion against the Assyrians and decapitated King Holofernes. Such ancient tales of feminine vengeance are practically legion. Not much later comes from Great Britain the tale of Boudica, the Iceni warrior queen whose daughters were murdered by the colonizing Roman forces. Boudica responded by essentially burning virtually all of Britannia, including Londinium, to the ground.
     The problem with Haverhill's own female insurgent is that there's strong evidence to more than suggest that Hannah's deeds resulted in murdering almost exclusively old men, women and children, presumably in their sleep. Still, despite all this, the Haverhill City Council voted to keep the statue where it was, agreeing only to change the inscription.
     Oh, yeah, and they also voted to remove the hatchet, allegedly the same exact one she'd used to scalp nearly a dozen defenseless Native Abenakis and that she'd exchanged for 50 pounds, which only makes her pointed finger of accusation look almost risibly toothless in hindsight.
     So, change is coming, in the Bay State, in Rhode Island and all over the country. But, as the nation is still essentially run by wealthy white people, exactly the type that founded our colonies and constituted our Continental Congress, they are putting up institutionalized resistance. Indeed, the change, to a casual observer looking on from a bird's eye height, has a halting, reluctant feel to it. It took decades of protest before the Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians officially changed their names, to the usual right wing howls of protest, to the laughable Washington Football Team and Cleveland Guardians, as if, denied the opportunity to create mascots out of Native Americans, they literally had no better ideas for names.
     But if activists could remove the confederate flag symbol from the Mississippi state flag, anything's possible.
     However, the full reckoning and historical clearing of the air won't come in any of our lifetimes.

KindleindaWind, my writing blog.

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