Sunday, April 28, 2019

Pass Over Responsibility

     So apparently the 19 year-old punk who shot up that synagogue near San Diego and murdered a woman isn't a fan of Trump because of his support of Israel. He also complained in his 8chan manifesto (they always have a manifesto, don't they?) that conservatives aren't violent enough in their political beliefs.
     As if the world doesn't already have enough Cesar Sayocs and Robert Bowers in it. And Bowers inspired him, he said. A point I'd brought up in an article I'd written here years ago after another mass shooting was about just that:
     That we'd one day reach such a saturation point that these assholes would begin to inspire each other, that it would graduate from a mere lone wolf phenomeno to something akin to some murderous community where inspiration would increasingly be taken and it would become a self perpetuating thing.
     And Asshole Zero in the Oval Office will never accept his responsibility for his reckless rhetoric and neither will his policy makers and propagandists at Fox "News". Because to admit culpability is to address that mistakes have been made. And the next step is to correct those mistakes and ensure against their repetition.
     And people like Trump just find it easier to let the status quo continue and to let innocents get shot and killed by rabid white nationalists, Neonazis and antisemites, to choke off blame at the parochial level and pretend their message of hate, racism and intolerance does not have consequences, that their words are not being heard. In just the last few days, mosques have been bombed and burned, churches in Sri Lanka were bombed on Easter weekend and yesterday, on the last day of Passover, a synagogue was shot up and a woman killed.
     But more and more of these gunmen are telling us they heard... and obeyed.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(In which our executive offices aren't piss-colored.)

     Donald Trump's first CIA Director, ladies and gentlemen. "We lied, we cheated, we stole." And he got laughter and raucous applause. This is how far we have strayed from our national moral compass.

     Kim Jong Un had the nerve to send us a $2,000,000 bill for killing Otto Warmbier and Trump paid it.

     So, according to Lara Trump, Germany accepting refugees was worse than the founding of the Nazi Party that killed six million in the Holocaust and killed millions more in WWII.
    How fortunate for the world that Eric Trump married Lara, thereby making only two people miserable instead of four.

     White Republicans butthurt after Historical Society reminds them their history didn't start with white Republicans.

     Meanwhile, in Trumpistan, Rhode Island...

     Cesar Sayoc claims he sent bombs out because Trump rallies were like a drug to him. Unfortunately, it's not the kind of drug you can fatally overdose on.

     Get this: Dialogue is better than silence. This, coming from the corporate cunt who banned all five of my accounts that very same day. So I guess if you defend yourself from scurillous attacks that's a big no-no. But repeatedly invite a hostile nation to start a nuclear war on that same platform? Hey, dialogue is healthy, right?

     The IRS and Betsy DeVos's Education Dept just stole a $3000 refund from a single mother for student loan debt. Meanwhile, these same rapacious cocksuckers are gladly handing out tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to the biggest tax dodging corporations.

     You know, I'm generally not a big death penalty proponent but in light of the facts of this case, I'm so glad this piece of shit is now a rotting corpse. That's all I have to say about this then I will think of him no more, except to say it significantly aggrieves me that he had a much more peaceful and totally painless death than his victim.

     Gitmo Day Care. Of course.

     Here's a headline you don't see every day: "Undercover Cops Posing As Drug Buyers Arrested By Undercover Cops Posing As Drug Dealers." No, this isn't satire. This actually happened in Detroit.

     You probably heard about the Coachella puppy dumpster dumper. They arrested her after a few days (all seven of the three day-old pups she'd dumped are doing OK and are hopefully back with their mother).
     Oh yeah, you just KNOW she's a Trump voter.

     Oh fuck you, you fucking hillbillies. This has to be the most idiotic and corrupt legislation I've ever heard of. And that's saying something. Find out how much the oil industry contributed to the campaigns of the crooks who dreamed up this steaming pile of horseshit. Publish the results.

     We Americans are experts at hypocrisy, especially as regards our reverse immigration.

     It's thinking like this that led to 37 mass executions in Saudi Arabia. They executed 148 last year. So far this year- 104. In other words, these show executions are designed to tamp down political dissent and protest. In other words, terrorizing people out of such thoughts. Unlike, you know, terrorists. Like the Saudis who supposedly pulled off 9/11.

     There shouldn't be a debate about impeaching Trump. What's the sense in having laws if we're not going to enforce them?

     Crooked lawbreaker asks aide to break the law again to hide his law-breaking. It's worse than Watergate. And Cummings ain't having any of it.

      Where the fuck do these people come from?

     Let's not forget, this piece of shit Mitch McConnell is up for reelection next year. And it sounds to me as if he's begging us to vote him out of office. I say we oblige him.

     I hate the fucking right wing Daily Kos and hate even more linking to it yet I've always respected Eric Boehlert. And he puts his finger right on the problem about the media's Mueller coverage here.

     There's a not so subtle propaganda campaign against Medicare For All. And it seems the ones catapulting the propaganda are the very people who stand to lose the most- HMOs, Big Pharma & crooked hospital administrators. And most politicians.

     Everyone in that inner circle is pure, mendacious scum. Don't forget, this piece of shit Kushner attended the Trump Tower meeting with a Kremlin-linked attorney and repeatedly lied about meeting with Russians on his SF86 security clearance application.

     Yet another one of Trump's "very fine people." This one was the head of a right wing militia group that had been assisting the Border Patrol illegally detaining and kidnapping asylum seekers. The FBI recently arrested the head of this homemade Bund goon squad and uncovered a plot to assassinate President Obama. Secretary Clinton and George Soros. As with all other stories on the subject, what the media don't ask is why the US Border Patrol was plainly working in harmony with these fascist assholes, to begin with.

     Not even in office for a week and Trump's new Interior Secretary was already under investigation. I love a crook with initiative.

     After the story of those rich white assholes bribing their kids into colleges they didn't even want to get into, it's very heartwarming to read a story about a kid from Mexico who chose a legitimate path to success.
      These are the people Trump's warning us about.

     I can't describe how heart-breaking this is to see yet another journalist getting killed. RIP, Lyra McKee.

     Yep, he fucked up another Easter Egg roll. The look on the Easter Bunny's face every year is perfectly symbolic of the horror we all feel every time he opens his gaping, vagina-shaped maw.

     And they call us liberals "snowflakes." Cry me a river then go drown yourself in it. Referencing Easter as a Christian holiday is a tautology, which was why Obama and Clinton didn't mention it. I mean, who else celebrates Easter? Trump didn't mention Christianity, either. And finally...

     That pile of dirt Republicans are desperately trying to hide under the carpet must be the size of Mount Everest.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Interview with Author Tess Burnside

15) Tess, I’ve noticed you write a lot of mixed genre novels. Why is that and why not one genre or the other?

I like writing complex situations, and dropping my protagonists in those situations. I write myself into a corner with them, then work my way out. Their feelings are real, everything they are going through is real. Mixed genre is complex, just like life.

Of all my works, The Rift was the only one that did not have romance genre. The primary event that kicked off the story was a breakup.

14) I’ve also noticed that, unlike many authors today, you write standalones. Is there a specific reason why you don’t write series?

After I finished the first draft of The Right Side of Wrong, I was wrecked. That book tore me up. I took a little break from it and wrote three novelettes (Whiskey Angel, The Rift, and Do Not Harm). After that, I was able to dive into the sequel for that book, “The Good Side of Evil.” I am also currently working on a series; a mixed genre legal thriller.

13) Whiskey Angel seems to be your sole historical novel. What led you to set it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

This came from a dream I had. A friend of mine has a daughter who just turned 16 at the time. A bunch of us were teasing him that he would have to get the shotgun, and my brain just kind of went there. I drafted it the moment I woke.

12) I’ve also noticed that your novels tend to be romantic suspense, such as The Right Side of Wrong which is about a contract killer who’s been hired to kill the woman with whom he falls in love. What gave you the idea to run with that?

The Right Side of Wrong took more than three years to write. There are many aspects of the storyline that I have personal experience with; at times it is very dark. My first draft of the work read like a diary. It was gruesome and unpublishable as a first person account of abuse. It was because of this that I ended up writing it in the third person.

11) Do No Harm continues your eclectic tendency to infuse romance with one another genre, in this case, a medical thriller. How did you research medicine for that book?

My son was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy and I went to visit him in the hospital. I walked through many corridors to get to his room, at times, the areas were so old. I ended up getting lost and wound up in the hallway that led to the morgue. I got the feeling I wasn’t alone. It was if the walls spoke to me, wanting me to know their hidden secrets. I snapped a couple photos, came home and drafted the storyline that night.

10) Of all your novels, which one were you most tempted to follow up on?

The Right Side of Wrong. I have to; it has a cliffhanger at the end. I’ve written the beginning and the ending. I now have to join the two ends to the middle.

9) Describe your typical writing day. Do you set up a daily word goal, do you draft on notebook then type them up or do you exclusively use a laptop?

I keep a notebook around at all times. When I have a thought, I write it down. I may also take pictures with my phone of things I see. I’ll jot down my feelings and digest it all later. I’ll sit down at the PC later that evening and transcribe my thoughts. I don’t generally have a word goal. I may sit and write only an hour or two, or some days write all day.

8) Plotter or pantser?

Plotter to start, pantser to finish, generally plotting the ending before I even start on the manuscript.

7) In college, you’d studied law and psychology. To what extent have those disciplines informed your fiction or have they, yet?

It’s helped me quite a lot with plotting storyline, and what might go on inside the head of a protagonist or an antagonist. You’ll see more of the psychological in the sequel to The Right Side of Wrong. I’ve also written the first in a series of legal thrillers. The final draft is nearly complete. This new series is based mostly in law, dealing with psychotic lawyers and criminals.

6) It’s an ugly reality but you’d addressed it on your wixsite website. You’re a victim of domestic violence. How did you finally find your way out of such a toxic situation and what message do you hope to impart to female readers living under similar circumstances?

Everyone at any time may find that they are in a situation seemingly inextricable. For me, it seemed so, anyhow. I’ve learned that no matter how hopeless the situation may be, or how helpless you may feel, there are people that are willing to step up and help you. You just have to have courage to accept that help.

I lived in an abusive relationship for 14 years. I had tried to escape it, so many times too numerous to count. And each time, he would find me. And every time, he would drag me back. And each beating would be more severe than the last. The hatred in me for this monster built. I stowed cash away and laid in wait, and when I saw my opportunity to get away, I did not hesitate, nor did I look back. It would not have been possible without help, and there is no shame in that. It’s been 27 years and not once have I regretted leaving.

One thing I would like to tell anyone being abused is that none of this is your fault. I used to think that it was, that something that I did warranted the maltreatment. But nobody has the right to harm another person, and nothing a person could do could warrant such abuse. Don’t believe them when they say that they will change. Don’t wait for that to happen, because it won’t. Don’t think that you have to get out on your own, it’s okay to have help. And once you get out, don’t look back.

5) You appear to have an unabiding fascination with thriller author Jonas Saul, someone you’d called “the greatest writer ever.” Who else had influenced/inspired you?

I’ve read many good works. Jonas is quite brilliant, at times beating out Steven King in author rankings.   He has mentored me in my writing. I’ve read many other author’s works as well that speak to me: Gareth Worthington, Stu Jones, Mary Ting, Thommy Hudson and so many others.

4) Are there any genres you would never infuse with romance? If so, what are they?

If I were to write something motivational, religious other self-help, I would likely avoid infusing anything to that genre.

3) Have you ever had the urge to write a straight up thriller without a romantic angle?

I have. I’ve been kicking something around for a few months, and it seems something I will likely pursue. It will definitely be infused with law and/or psychology (in the end, your write what you know).

2) What were your favorite books while growing up?

I loved Charlotte’s Web as a child. My first grade teacher, Mrs. Hakkie, read this to me. I loved the book so much, that when I had the means later in life, I secured a first edition hard copy of the work. The only other thing I recall reading was Shakespeare. I own the complete collection of his works. Hamlet is my favorite tragedy.

I spent quite a lot of time with my great aunt and uncle. My aunt would have me read Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species,” while my uncle would have me read several newspapers. He was an old newspaper man from Chicago and would often tell me stories of how he worked to get his stories.

1) What’s next for Tess Burnside?

As many know, I work in the legal profession in order to support my writing habit. I hope to be able to retire someday and write full time. Until then, I get my sporadic nightly “fix” and write when I can.

Currently on the horizon, I will be completing the sequel to The Right Side of Wrong, entitled “The Good Side of Evil.” The story will pick up where the last one left off, with a surprise ending nobody will see coming. I also plan to finish edits and pitch the first in a series of legal thriller novels. I have outlines for several books in this series are already prepared.

You can discover more about Tess Burnside and her work by following the links below.

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Crooked Roads Not Taken

  (By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari)
The report confirms the absence of any arguments to the effect Russia allegedly intervened in the U.S. election. Not a single piece of evidence is there.” - Russian government
Soon, we will help you elect Trump once again. Just like the last time. Get ready!”- Also Russia, same day

Dear Congress:

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution wasn't a friendly guideline but a fucking law.


the Founding Fathers.

     We were told to be patient, just wait for the Mueller Report, we were told. Don't make any rash and hasty conclusions, we were told. We waited nearly two years while a Russian-owned goon ran roughshod over our nation and the world. The Russians couldn't make it any more obvious or be any more helpful to you, Democrats. Now get. The. Fuck. To. Work.
     Right about now, the Democrats, especially party leadership, should consider swapping out their donkey mascot for a frog in a pot of boiling water. If you were to ask guys like Steny Hoyer, the second-ranking Democrat in the House, he'd tell you impeachment "wasn't worth it" (although today he'd be singing a different tune). So would Pelosi, who's already made her thoughts on the subject known. So, like the proverbial frog in water slowly heating to a boil, machine Democrats keep insisting what Trump did during and after his campaign doesn't even rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and, well, even if they did, it's still not worth it. Let's wait for Election Day 2020.
     In other words, let the voters take care of Trump. Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution is for partisan hacks.
     This is coming from the same party that swiftly threw one of their own under the bus then out of the Senate after a picture surfaced of Al Franken pretending to grope a sleeping woman's breasts. But a Republican who'd bragged about assaulting women by grabbing their genitals and threw the entire planet in turmoil after colluding with Russia to swing the election in his favor? Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. We don't want to look too partisan with the elections coming up, now would we?
      Because, God knows, the Republicans are above such petty partisanship.
     Even the heavily-censored version of the Mueller report makes a strong case for impeachment. After all, if the report unconditionally exonerated Trump of both collusion and obstruction, then there wouldn't have been a three and a half page letter from Bill Barr telling Congress what it said. There would have been no ridiculous and mendacious press conference an hour and a half before the report was released to Congress and Barr wouldn't have sat on it for nearly a month while he and his partisan right wing stooges at Justice were draining America's black ink supply.
     And if no suspicion of these crimes existed in the Special Counsel's Office Mueller wouldn't have written this: "The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law." In other words, Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution that these Democratic lawmakers swore to uphold as they took their respective offices.

The Crooked Road Less Traveled Made All the Difference
It needs to be said that if Trump didn't actually commit any crimes during and after the campaign, it wasn't for lack of trying. And the only reason Trump isn't facing a grand jury is because of the cooler heads of those working under Trump.
     He asked James Comey to swear to a loyalty oath and back off from investigating Michael Flynn (how that in and of itself does not constitute obstruction is anyone's guess, especially when that account comes from a former Director of the FBI) and Comey refused. Trump fired him.
     He asked Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from any Russia-related investigation before he refused. Trump fired him
     He told Don McGahn to contact the DOJ to set in motion Mueller's termination as Special Council. He refused and threatened to quit.
     He told KT McFarland to draft an internal letter stating that Trump hadn't asked Michael Flynn to discuss sanctions of Russia with the Kremlin's then-U.S. ambassador, Sergey Kislyak even though he'd had conversations with him of that nature then lied to Mike Pence about it. She refused and Trump fired McFarland.
     And so forth and so on. Or. in the words of the anonymous op-ed writer in the NY Times last December 5th, "I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations."
     And, when cooler, more pragmatic heads didn't prevail, there was the stupidity of those around him who were too dull-witted to know what was going on to cause more damage. People like Donald Trump, Jr, for instance, whom Mueller had considered charging before realizing that would be akin to special needs abuse.
     It also needs to be said that the only reason Mueller didn't go after Trump with hammers and tongs is because of a ridiculous rule in the Justice Department's OLC forbidding a Special Counsel from indicting a sitting president (Essentially, it means the president is too big to fall). However, I refer to Democrats in Congress that their duty is clear in Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution:
     "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
     What Trump had done and had allowed to be done on his behalf with his full knowledge and consent isn't merely reminiscent of Nixon. What Nixon did, even the subsequent coverup and the missing 18 1/2 minutes of audiotape, pales in comparison to what Trump had done. Mueller put the impeachment ball in Congress's court. And the party leadership is watching the ball bounce, roll then stop without making a move to pick it up.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Nothing to See Here, Folks...

     An hour and a half after Bill Barr's dog and pony show of a press conference this morning, the heavily-censored version of Robert Mueller's report was released to the US Congress and the American people on the DOJ's own website.
     What you see above are just four of the first 11 pages that follows Mueller's Executive Summary of the 448 page report. I've taken several other screengrabs of the heavy-handed censorship but I'm sure you get the idea.
     Obviously, I haven't had the chance to read much beyond the Executive Summary but this paragraph strikes me as being perhaps the most important in the report. Mueller wrote (emphasis mine):
Under applicable Supreme Court precedent, the Constitution does not categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice through the use of his Article II powers. The separation-of-powers doctrine authorizes Congress to protect official proceedings, including those of courts and grand juries, from corrupt, obstructive acts regardless of their source. We also concluded that any inroad on presidential authority that would occur from prohibiting corrupt acts does not undermine the President’s ability to fulfill his constitutional mission. The term 'corruptly' sets a demanding standard. It requires a concrete showing that a person acted with an intent to obtain an improper advantage for himself or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others. A preclusion of 'corrupt' official action does not diminish the President’s ability to exercise Article II powers. For example, the proper supervision of criminal law does not demand freedom for the President to act with a corrupt intention of shielding himself from criminal punishment, avoiding financial liability, or preventing personal embarrassment. To the contrary, a statute that prohibits official action undertaken for such corrupt purposes furthers, rather than hinders, the impartial and evenhanded administration of the law. It also aligns with the President’s constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws. Finally, we concluded that in the rare case in which a criminal investigation of the President’s conduct is justified, inquiries to determine whether the President acted for a corrupt motive should not impermissibly chill his performance of his constitutionally assigned duties. The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.
      In other words, Mueller is saying it isn't up to the Justice Department to make a determination as to whether a president committed obstruction and that it never was. Remember, it was never in the Special Counsel's job description to hand down indictments. The 38 that were handed down were just ancillary. Mueller was saying the final arbiter of the question as to whether or not Trump committed obstruction ought to be Congress. Barr's position was that Mueller should've made that determination, which is, at best, very flawed legal reasoning. Mueller kicked the ball into Congress's court. This is very far from being an exoneration. Mueller was inviting Congress to look at the entire report, not a heavily redacted version, THE ENTIRE REPORT, to determine whether or not Trump committed obstruction and other crimes.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Racist-Reverse Racist Right Wing Three Ring Circus

  (By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari)
Step right up and see the right wing hate clowns spew venom in all three rings before your amazéd eyes!
     That was sort of the way it was on Vapidol Hill yesterday as the Democratic grownups tried to question various right wingers, two of them senior Cabinet officials. And, considering their, well, deplorable conduct, it'd be very difficult to imagine them not getting their marching orders beforehand from one Donald J. Trump, who never met a national landmark he didn't hate.
     "Stick to your guns an' don't let them uppity black women scare you into sayin' somethin' that'll embarrass me or get me in trouble," one can hear Donald Trump saying in Alec Baldwin's voice. So let's start with the third and final confrontation of the day: Failed B movie producer and kleptocrat extraordinaire Steve Mnuchin vs House Finance Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters.
     24 hours before his so-called hearing, Mnuchin had sent a letter to the committee telling them how much time he'd actually be able to give them as he had a very pressing engagement at 5:30. Chairwoman Waters began by telling the Treasury Secretary that in all times his predecessors had testified before the pertinent committees, none of them had ever specified how much time they would give in testimony.
     They had a testy give and take that lasted for several minutes, with the rich Jewish white man mansplinin' to the uppity little old black woman how it should've gone down. Finally, after being told he wasn't being held against his will and thereby thwarting his persecution complex, Mnuchin then told Waters that, "You're supposed to take the gravel (sic) and bang it, that's the appropriate ..."
     Dutch Auntie Maxine wasn't amused and told Mnuchin just before he fled for his important meeting, "Please do not instruct me as to how I am to conduct this committee."
      By the way, Mnuchin's "important meeting" was with "Bahrain’s Interior Minister, H.E. General Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, to discuss important cooperation in the fight against terrorism and illicit finance." Which, as I helpfully reminded Mnuchin on his Twitter account, "Two billionaires getting together to discuss how to combat 'illicit finance' is like a butcher and a big game hunter talking about animal rights. Btw, Maxine owned your arrogant ass. Maybe you should go back to producing B movies, Fort Knox."
      Mnuchin was supposed to testify before Waters' committee about releasing Donald Trump's tax returns. So, please, put your considerable money where your big mouth is and help us combat "illicit finance," Steve.

Simply the Worst, Barr None
Stepping into the second ring of this right wing Republican Klown Show, we see the recycled William Barr, another white man whose sole remit and purpose in life has been shriveled down to defending a felonious freak named Donald Trump. Like Mnuchin after him, Barr decided to white mansplain to another African American Congresswoman, Rep. Brenda Lawrence of Michigan. The optics, to put it mildly, were horrendous.
     Barr was there to testify about a wide variety of topics, including the Mueller report that he's furiously redacting even as we speak, Trump's obsession with repealing the ACA and which one he really serves: The American people or Donald Trump?
     Lawrence fought mightily to square what Barr was saying before the committee with what he'd piously promised the Senate during his dog and pony show confirmation hearing. During his confirmation he assured the gullible right wing senators that he would enforce and follow the letter of the law, obviously with two pudgy sausage fingers crossed under the table. Since being repurposed and reinserted into the Attorney General's office, Barr essentially told Lawrence that, no, his job was to give the President what he wants (provided it's Donald Trump).
     In other words, as long as the psychopath Pretender is still in the Oval Office in between rounds of golf, we are a nation not of laws but of one profoundly disturbed man who makes George W. Bush look like George Washington.
     At one point (see image above), Barr made an emoji face plainly designed to convey that he didn't give a shit what the mouthy black woman was telling or asking him. But at least he held out his pinkie as he swilled from his plastic water bottle to show that he is, after all, not the hatchet man as some have characterized him but as a man of sophistication.
     These two performances by Mnuchin and Barr put on full display the sheer level of arrogance and contempt these Republican operatives feel toward the new Democratic-led House that, unlike their Republican predecessors, are actually tasked with, and pursuing, the rule of law and its enforcement. Mnuchin was there to discuss releasing the six years of Trump's tax returns the Democrats have demanded. Barr was there, again, to ensure the Mueller report would never be seen and that the ACA will be repealed if one man wishes it so.
     But there was a sliver lining in the dark clouds gathering around women of color and one fought back. Unfortunately, that one was token...

Nazi History Major Candace Owens
Candace Owens is part of a breed that never seems to die out, regardless of an abundance of facts that should make their existence impossible- The black token Republican. People like Owens and the occasional Uncle Tom trotted out by Fox "News", are used for one reason and one reason only- That such human window dressing proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they don't hate black people and can actually stand being in the same room with them provided they think like them, i.e. if they're one of the "good ones."
     Owens is the comms director of Toilet Paper USA or some other right wing advocacy group. She was called to testify before the Judiciary Committee during a hearing on violence caused by white nationalism. And at some point, Rep. Ted Lieu of California, a Democrat who's as tech and media-savvy as AOC, played a 30 second clip of Owens' speaking at a conference in London, a city that had the shit bombed out of it during the Blitz early in the second world war, in which she seemed to extol Adolph Hitler.

     This was the look on her face when she heard her own words, in her own voice, played back on Lieu's cell phone held up to the microphone. Understandably, she wasn't pleased, nor should she have been. However, Owens wasn't displeased because of her ignorant blathering on about Hitler and how he wasn't a nationalist, the precise platform that got him elected Chancellor of Germany in 1932 because a nationalist wouldn't kill his own people as Hitler had (even though history informs us they do all the time, with Trump but the latest example). 
     She spat some words back at Lieu that came thisclose to calling him a racist for thinking black people "were too stupid" to listen to the rest of the speech, even though everyone is free to do so and that her own words were taken completely out of context. This is what Owens in fact had said in London last December:
"Whenever we say 'nationalism,' the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, he was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine."
     Owens seemed to have admitted that Hitler was a nationalist and that, if he'd confined his ambitions to Germany, everyone should've been hunky-dorey with it. And that, for better than his first six and a half years as Chancellor, is pretty much what he'd done. In fact, these were some of the major accomplishments of Hitler's first six years and eight months of his dictatorship:
     Forcing Jews to register as Jews. Sending out the Bund to vandalize and close down Jewish-owned businesses (the Kristallnacht). Gutting the German judiciary from the top on down and packing it with Nazi ideologues. Removing or executing journalists who weren't onboard with the Nazi agenda and replacing them with, again, Nazi ideologues. Doing the same with German radio. Reducing German President Hindenburg to a mere puppet.
     This was all before Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. Everything that Hitler did, including his plans for a Holocaust, were done during those non-Nationalist years in which everyone should've been like Neville Chamberlain (who adopted a ruinous and spineless policy of appeasement exactly one week after the Kristallnacht) and let him do whatever he wanted as long as he kept it confined to Germany.
     These were all things Owens should've and would've known if she'd but consulted even the always-dodgy Wikipedia.
     These are the people who, while praising Hitler, show their contempt for the rule of law in a democratic republic that Hitler also held in complete and utter contempt.
     Like their ringmaster, one Donald John Trump.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(In which we promise to never have a tantrum until we get our way)

     This was Attorney General William Barr's attitude when questioned earlier today by Rep. Brenda Lawrence of Michigan. This is exactly the sort of arrogance you would expect of mob lawyers.

     Speaking of Barr, apparently the fix was in a lot sooner than we thought it was.

     That Rep. Ted Lieu isn't wearing a cape and a big S on his chest right now is a sign of his true humility. He OWNED GOP token black person Candace Owens with her own words extolling Hitler. The look on her face was priceless.

     This is just like something out of the Onion. On election day in Israel, Bibi's at the beach and screaming at people that he's going to lose and the liberals will win.

     It figures that Devin Nunes, the stupidest congressman in the country, would also hire the stupidest lawyers in the country. #YachtCocaineProstitutes

     I agree with everything Michelle Goldberg says except stopping short of yelling at her in restaurants, Making someone a pariah should be an all in proposition. This woman would have fit in perfectly with Hitler's relocation program and Eichmann would have loved her. She should be ostracized from all polite human society.

     So what do you do when you invite Chinese spies and oligarchs into your golf club and the Secret Service lets them in? Fire the Director.

     I admire Republicans who eat their own because think of the intestinal fortitude it requires to deal with the aftertaste. This is the court document detailing my old "pal" Jerome Corsi's lawsuit against Roger Stone.

     Translated Trump: Democrat liberal politicians will never be happy unless they get to enforce the rule of law after the audacious revelations and evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors are uncovered. We cannot allow this to continue!

     Another flaming log to throw on the growing pile.

     "Give me a quickie." Jesus God, we're all doomed.

     If he can demand a birth certificate, we the people can demand the tax returns.

     No. Donald Trump will be remembered as the person who put kids in cages. Just remember, for all her cruelty, Kirstjen Nielson got fired Sunday for not being cruel enough.

     Wow, this hit piece by Harry Cheadle from last year really aged well, huh? SNL is enjoying higher ratings than they have in years, so blow me, Harry. PS, I coined the term "limousine liberals", among many many others that have been used without credit or attribution over the last 15 years. You're welcome.

     6(e) is the key here- What is permissible to be released. Barr seems to be adopting a razor-narrow definition of what is permissible for the public to see. And if Barr had his way, we'll get a redacted report that'll look like, no pun intended, a fucking bar code. Grand jury testimony should not necessarily be covered in 6(e). Even a federal grand jury wouldn't be privileged to be told national security secrets. In light of that fact, everything in the Mueller report should be released to the people.

     More of us should be making these connections between Fox personalities and white national terrorism. Countless times, Fox hosts make threats against specific people and those people are either targeted or killed (Like Bill O'Reilly and his constant jeremiads against Dr. George Tiller, who was eventually killed by a right wing zealot). It's notable that Fox didn't fire Pirro and just suspended her for a couple of weeks.

     Remember back in the good ol' days when San Francisco used to be the most liberal city in America? The right wing yuppies took over. Check out the video. The little foreign man with the jogging suit sounds like an Andy Kaufman or Sacha Baron Cohen character. The city has 7000 homeless people. This shelter would house just 200 of them.

     While Trumpie the Klown is screaming on Twitter that Mueller leaked details of a report we all paid for (ergo admitting the findings are true), this is the REAL leak. Yes, the Commandant of the US Marine Corps is now officially a whistleblower.

     Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Mickey. Your boss is a crook with a lot to hide. You know it, Trump knows it, we all know it. He's fighting this tooth and nail because he's got a lot to hide.

      Poacher killed by elephant, eaten by lions. Why, I'm... I'm crushed. This just eats me up.

     I don't mean to make light of the assault on Bret Hart the other night but watch the various videos taken from different vantage points and tell me this doesn't resemble a Trump rally. I guarantee you at least 75% of the mouthbreathers in this crowd, these little Chadwicks, voted for Trump.

     Creepy cult "evolves" its anti-gay bigotry to ensure tithing continues.

     Oh I'm sure Republican David Stringer doesn't demonize child sex trafficking since he contributed to it.

     I don't know why we're all not drinking more heavily because of Trump.

     Really, could you expect anything better from Betsy DeVos?

     "Yeah, uh. Da hard drive fell offa truck. Yestiddy. Yeah, dat's it." Yeah, Michael Cohen found evidence of illegal GOP contributions from China? Let's keep in mind that during this time, Michael Cohen was the RNC's deputy finance chair.

     OK, I'm guessing this right wing nut job Trumpanzee who threatened Rep. Ilhan Omar's life isn't an MS-13 gang member.

     I got two words for these right wing nut bag trolls- "Puertooo Ricoooo..."

      Albert Wilson got 12 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit.
      Again, Brock Turner got three months for a rape he did try to commit, in front of witnesses. #whiteprivilege

     In other words, the son in law of Individual #1.

     Another racist bites the dust.

     As with the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Mueller probe investigators are now in the ridiculous position of being whistleblowers. And now, Republicans who should've known better than to even let Barr get out of committee let alone to confirm him in an up and down vote are starting to mutiny.

     Donnie Dumbo picks a fight with another corpse.

     Praise the Lord and pass the IRS.

     Click on the link. Read the tweet in full. It's the saddest thing you'll read all day. This three year-old girl actually has more sense than the entire NRA.

     No, the health care industry will go down with a fight.

      I'm not ashamed to say I'm laughing myself sick over liberals who foamed at the mouth over Trump's sexual predation but are now suddenly OK with #CreepyJoeBiden's own. Oh, he was just showing affection, you say? How about we ask the countless females he's creeped out over the years with his groping? Or shouldn't they have a say in the matter?

     Shorter Paul Ryan: "AOC didn't want to follow my advice on how to spectacularly fail in Congress."

     This is how Don Young chose to observe #NationalHugANewspersonDay. @DonYoungAK is a snarling psychopath. Sheer spite is the only thing keeping that piece of whale shit alive.

      “Barr told lawmakers he concluded the evidence was not sufficient to prove that the president obstructed justice. But members of Mueller’s team have complained to close associates that the evidence they gathered on obstruction was alarming & significant.”
       One more time- Barr was a plant for this very reason.

      Caligula nominated his horse to the Senate.
      Trump just nominated jackass Herman Cain to the Fed. #themorethingschangethemoretheystaythesame

     51 years after Dr. King's assassination, the FBI's massive and furtive spying on African American activists is ongoing. Meanwhile, our government is still forbidden from tracking gun sales on a national database.

     This fascist bullshit is exactly like something you'd read about in the Nuremberg trial transcripts. But it's happening at our southern border. And finally...

     The Trump 2020 campaign now officially has a trailer.

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