Thank Yahweh the Israelis Got There in Time

Israeli propaganda has reached Flickr and it's so obviously fraudulent that it's laughable. Check out this photoset entitled "Weapons found aboard the Mavi Marmara" by IsraelMFA's account on Flickr. The problem is, many of the pictures that were posted by IsraelMFA (Mad Fanatical Assholes) on Flickr were taken years ago with the time stamps still embedded in the source code for anyone to find. Some of them, in fact, were taken as far back as New Year's Day 2003 or over two and a half months before the invasion of Iraq.
And yet, even in the worst of these photos, you never see a single gun, not even so much as a pea shooter. In fact, many of the tools found on the Mavi Marmara are commonly found on virtually any ship. Or did the Israelis reasonably think that repairs could be made to the ship using Nerf power tools?
The picture above is of a pile of bullet-proof vests, which only the IDF can possibly construe as a weapon. And, even considering Israel's legendary powers of restraint and forbearance, can anyone really blame the peace activists of the flotilla for wanting a bit of protection?
Well, actually, we can't blame them for belligerently wanting to protect themselves from automatic weapons fire because that picture of the vests was taken on Feb 7, 2006. Ironically, if those poor people actually had them, 19 of them wouldn't be dead and many of the 60 injuries could've been prevented.
Winston Smith is alive and well and has converted to Judaism. Or is that anti-Semitic of me to mention?
I'd recommend going to the photoset before it gets washed away for good in a tide of ridicule. (Note: Be sure to check hypervigilant, pro-Israel bozo ocschwar's comments on this photoset. His contortion of logic and the facts promises a stunning career in the GOP or a pro-Israel lobby.)
Or is that anti-Semitic of me to mention?
exactly! say something critical about Israel and suddenly you are a Nazi.
Yep, you got to love old uncle joe biden. It's OK to kill citizens trying to help others, hell Amerika does every day just about every were in the world, right joe.
What sick world we have become.
I never had the slightest respect for Biden and have even less for him now for perpetuating the myth that Israel had the right to look out for weapons being smuggled into Gaza. No word yet, if Pikachu book bags qualify. You've gotta wonder what the bastards have on us to ensure that grovel at their feet no matter who's in charge.
Hardly mentioned in the media and not even verified by the State Dept. is the fact that Israel murdered one of our own. Yes, a US citizen was killed in the pre-dawn raid. Don't expect either Obama or Biden to even mention that inconvenient fact.
Furkan Dogan was still a teenager.
When it comes to stupid things that right-wingers say/Photoshop/believe, it's hard to come up with anything that's so far-out that it's parody. I have fun posting stupid pretend right-wing tripe at Jesus' General's site. (I thank you for introducing me to him via your blogroll.) But whenever I try to imagine something humorously wack, I'll find that some reich-o-freak has come out with that in all seriousness.
Israel is a sacred cow. Of course it would have to be, having blatantly stolen the country of others. Of course the USA was formed the same way, but at a time when explanations to the entire world weren't required.
An attack on a vessel on the open sea is called piracy. No one is stating the obvious: Israel committed several acts of piracy in international waters, they commandeered all of the ships, kidnapped the crew and passengers, and stole all the cargo.
I don't give a damn who does it, Israel or Somalia, this is piracy!
The passengers and crew that were murdered were trying to defend their ship from an attack by pirates.
Israel says, and Biden apparently agrees, that Israel is allowed to attack any vessel anywhere on earth for no reason at any time, and to murder everyone on board - and no one dares stop them.
JP, you have a great point: just what does Israel have on the Fed that no matter who is in the White House, no one is allowed to defend the Rule of Law from Israel's extremist government?
"Israel is a sacred cow."
Well, we all know what cows were made for, don't we?
It's going to be real interesting to see what Israel does when the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Turkish Navy escorts the next flotilla.
Of course, the Iranians don't really give a shit about the Palestinians anymore than our own government does. But they're using this as an excuse to engage and provoke the Israelis.
Meanwhile, Obama will saturninely try to remain above the fray, cluck his tongue at the violence until finally he'll be forced to make a decision. And which do you think he'll side with: The terrorist Israelis or the Iranians at whom he's been rattling our saber since the campaign?
This is the way the world ends. We're the lucky generation that's got the front row seat to Armageddon. Who's bringing the beer and who's bringing the weenies?
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